Let's talk about. Подготовка ко второму заданию ОГЭ в разделе говорения.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)
В помощь учителю при подготовке ко второму заданию ОГЭ в разделе говорение.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Let’s talk about sport?
- Why is it necessary to go in for sport?/ Do sports help people to keep feet?
- Do sport and physical training make people strong and healthy?
- Are you fond of sports?
- Do you go in for sport?/ Do you take part in any sport competitions?
- What sport do you enjoy most?/ What kind of sports do you go in for?/Are you interested in tennis?
- What sports are popular in Russia?( in winter, in summer)
- Which sports are typical or national in Britain/USA?
- Which sports are typical for all countries? ( football)
- Which sports were invented in Britain?
- .Do you agree that football is one of the most popular kind of sport all over the world?
- Are you a football fan?
- How do we name football in the USA?(soccer)/Would you like to play football?
- How many players are in the football team?
- Do you know the rules of football?
- What is your favorite football team?
- Where can you watch your favorite hockey matches and competitions?/Do you like to watch sports on TV?
- What famous Russian athletes and sportsmen can you name?
- When were the last Olympic Games? Where were they held?
- When were the first Olympic Games? Where were they held?
- According to the history, the first Olympic Games were held in 776 B.C. in Olympia, Greece. The Games were held every four years in honor of the king of the gods, Zeus. It is reported that there was only one event in very earliest Olympiad: the 200-yard sprint. The first modern Olympic Games, based on Greek ideals, took place in 1896 after Baron Pierre de Coubertin wrote a letter to the athletic organizations of every country. Russia joined Olympic Games in 1952.
The Olympic Program
Archery , athletics, badminton, baseball ,basketball ,boxing, canoeing, cycling, equestrian [
fencing, football, gymnastics, handball, hockey, judo, modern pentathlon, rowing, sailing, Shooting, swimming, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, wrestling, weightlifting [ ], triathlon.
Let’s talk about education?
1. What school do you study in? (public, private). How many years does primary school last? At what age do the children go to primary school in Russia?
2. For how many years you have been studying at school? For how many years do the students have to study in Russia?
3. What time does your school day begin?
4. How long does your school day last? How many days a week do pupils go to school?
5 .How many semesters do you have? When does the first semester begin?
6. What are your teachers like? Do you like your school teachers?
7. How many times during the year do you have your holidays?
8. Do you have to wear school uniform to school? Do you think school uniforms are a good idea?
9. What subjects do you study at school? What are the most interesting subjects for you at school?/ What are your favorite subjects at school?
10. Is English an important subject for you? Are you interested in computer science? Is physics a difficult subject for you?
11. What subject do you hate to study at school? What subjects you are bad at?
12. How many times a week do you have PE (sport)? Which days do you have your English lessons?
13. Is it difficult to get a good education in Russia?
14. What are the most famous universities in Great Britain, Russia, Ufa, USA? (The oldest university in the USA , Harvard University, was founded in 1636; Oxford and Cambridge Universities were founded in the 13 century; Moscow University was founded in by Michael Lomonosov)
15. What is the period of study in Russian University?
16. Is your school near your house? What’s your school building like? Which floor is your classroom on?
17. Do you remember your first day at school?
18. When is knowledge day celebrated in our country?
19. Do you work hard at school? Who is the best pupil in your class?
21. Do you have any problems with discipline at school?
22. Do you think school years are happy years? 23. Will you remember your school friends forever?
Let’s talk about books.
- Do you enjoy reading books?/ Are you fond of reading?
- What books do you like to read? ( poetry, prose, novels, love stories, fiction – беллетристика, adventurous books, detective stories)/Are you fond of reading detective stories?
- What kind of books enjoy the greatest popularity among teenagers?
- Do you often borrow books from the library?/ How often do you take books from the library?
- Have you a big library at home?/ How many books are there in your home library?/What are they?/Do you have some English books in your library?
- Who reads most of all in your family?
- Where can we buy books? Do you often buy books?
- What are your mother’s and your father’s favorite books?
- Are you fond of reading books by Russian or by foreign authors?
- Who is your favourite Russian writer?
- Which books by this writer have you read?/ Is your favourite writer world famous?
- What famous English and American writers do you know? American writers: (Jack London ( never finished school) –“ The call of the wild” –Зов предков, the story of the adventures of a dog in the frozen North; Mark Twain ( real name Samuel Langhorn Clemens never finished elementary school) –“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the Adventures 0f Huckleberry Finn”; Ernest Hemingway he was a hunter, fish man, soldier, war correspondent and author. He wrote –“The Sun Also Rises”,’ Farewell to Arms”. For his book “The Old Man and the Sea he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954; Ray Bradbury is an American author of many imaginative science-fiction short stories and novels “ The Martin Chronicles”,” Moby Dick”; “ The Headless Horseman” by Thomas Mayne Reid; “ The life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe; British writers: “Jane Eyre” By Charlotte Bronte; plays by William Shakespeare; “ Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens; Stories by Agatha Christie; “ Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson;
- What English and American writers are popular among teenagers?
- What is your favourite English or American writer?
- Do you like poetry?/ Who is your favourite poet?
- Have you ever tried to write poems?
- What famous English poet do you know? ( Robert Burns “ My heart in the highlands”)
- Do you like to read newspapers and magazines? /What kind of magazines do you like to read?
- What famous British newspapers do you know?(Financial times, Daily telegraph, Evening Standard, Daily Mail, Daily Express)
Let’s talk about travelling
1. Is travelling popular today?
2. What means of travelling do you know? (by plane, by train ,by ship, by bike, by car, on foot)
3. What is a journey?(a journey is a long trip)
4. What is a voyage?( a voyage is a journey by ship)
5. What is the most interesting way of travelling for you?
6. Which is the fastest way of travelling?
7. Have you ever travelled by air?
8. Have you ever missed a train?
9. Did you go abroad? How do people usually travel when they go abroad?
10. What country do you want to visit someday?
11. When you travel to the countryside or to the garden, do you usually travel by car, by plane or by train?
12. What are the advantages of travelling by railway?
13 Is travelling by sea faster or slower than by train?
14. Do you agree that travelling by sea is always enjoyable?
15. Have you seen a storm on a sea?
16. What makes travelling by car enjoyable?
17. What are the disadvantages of travelling by car?
18. Where do you usually spend your holiday?
19. What is the best time for travelling and tourism?
20. Have you ever been to Moscow? Where did you travel within Russia?
21. What is the most safety way of travelling?
22. Many people never fly because they believe it is dangerous and what about you?
23. In fact, it is probably much more dangerous to travel by car or to walk across the street now days do you agree?
Proverbs: - When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
- East or West home is best.
- So many countries, so many customs.
My future profession
- Is there a great variety of jobs in our country?
- Can our young people choose any profession they like?
- Is it easy to choose a profession?
- What are your plans for future do you want to enter the Institute, the University or the college?/I wonder, what are you going to do after leaving school?
- Do you want to study abroad?
- What kind of job would you like to do? Who helped you to make your choice?
- Do you know much about your future profession?
- What skills do you need for the job you have chosen?(flexibility, drive, self- discipline, initiative etc.)
- What are advantages of your future profession? (high salary, part day work ,business trips abroad)
- Are you ready to work hard to make a career?
- How do you think what is more important for women to make a career or to be a good wife and mum?
- What are your parent’s attitudes towards your choice?
- Would you like to be rich and famous?
- Would you like to work abroad?
- A good specialist must keep on learning all his life, mustn’t he?
- Do you agree that the professions of a teacher and a doctor are very difficult and important?
- Do you want to be a journalist? Is the profession of a lawyer interesting for you?
- Which specialists does our country need now days? (Highly qualified engineers)
- What other jobs do you know?
- interpreter – переводчик - hairdresser – парикмахер Dj - ди-джей
- librarian – библиотекарь - accountant – бухгалтер - farmer - фермер
- electrician – электротехник - florist – флорист - modal - модель
- chemists – химик - army officer – военный - secretary - секретарь
- sailor – моряк - architect – архитектор - postman - почтальон
- shop assistant – продавец - marketing manager – менеджер по продажам
- nurse – медсестра - actor/actress - manager - управляющий
- musician – музыкант - baker – пекарь - pilot - пилот
- scientist – ученый - surgeon – хирург - telephone operator
- physicist - физик - miner – шахтер - policeman - полицейский
- economist –экономист - politicians – политик - porter - швейцар
- businessman – бизнесмен - hotel receptionists – администратор
- cameraman –кинооператор - house painter – моляр - vet - ветеринар
- fitter – слесарь - firefighter – пожарный turner – токарь mechanic - механик
- Why do we learn English?
Learning languages is becoming a popular hobby with children and adults. It’s not only interesting but useful too. In addition learning foreign languages improve memory and develop imagination.
1. What are the most wide – spread languages on earth? (English has become the universal language for communication,. Chinese is considered to be the most spoken language because China is the most populous country in the world. French and German are wide – spread too.)
2. Do people all over the world speak English? Is English an international language?(The English language is the official language of some international organizationslike the Olympic Committee, the United Nations and many others)
3 .Do you know how many people speak English in the world? About 1,000.000,000 (world population 4.7 billion)
4. How old is the English language?(The English language started about 1500 years ago in England)
5. In what countries English is the first / main language? (UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA)
6. In what countries English is an “Official” or “Second”language? (India, Pakistan, Seychelles, Puerto Rico and a lot of African countries such as Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Namibia, Uganda and etc. ) For example in Nigeria and India, there are many different languages and so these countries use English as an “Official” or “Second” language for government, business and education.
7.What is English for Russian people? (It’s a foreign language)
8. Where do we need English in our life?/Why do people in Russia learn English?
- Certain “international” professions, such as Airline pilots and airline controllers require a working knowledge of English. It absolutely true that English will help to find good job.
- English is also the working language of computers, you can now communicate with people from all over the world by computer.
- You need English if you want to study abroad.
- Furthermore you need English for travelling if you want to speak with foreigners.
- We need English if we want to read books of English writers in original or magazines and newspapers in English.
- We need English if we would like to watch films and TV programmers in English.
9. Why do you learn English?
10.Do you like to learn English? Why or why not?
11. Is it difficult to you to learn English? Why? (Learning foreign languages is not easy it’s long and slow process that takes a lot of time and effort.
12.How long have you been learning English? I have been learning English for … years.
13. What do you think is the best way of learning foreign language? Why? (Some people believe that the most effective way is to study English in Britain or in any other English – speaking country. On the other hand, one can learn English at home. There are lots of possibilities there too: a good teacher, a language school or an on- line course.)
14. How do you use your knowledge of English?
15. Do you know any other foreign languages?
16. Would you like to learn any other foreign language in addition to English? Why?/Why not?
17.Who else in your family speaks English?
18. What foreign languages are the most difficult to study? (The Chinese language, Japanese and Arabic are believed to be the most difficult foreign languages to learn.)
Do you know this about the English language?
- There were only a few thousand words in Old English.
- There are now over a million words in English.
- The Oxford dictionary has over 650,000 different words in it.
- The average user knows between 30,000 and 60,000 words.
- The bulk (основная масса) of English words originally come from Latin.
- English using 90% Latin based words.
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