разработка урока "The Beatles " 9 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
Открытый урок английского языка в 9-м классе по теме
"The Beatles — легендарная четверка"
Цели и задачи:
Обучающий аспект – совершенствование и развитие навыков говорения в диалогической и монологической форме, развитие навыков аудирования в ходе прослушивания аутентичных текстов; обобщение изученного материала.
Развивающий аспект – развитие речевых способностей, мыслительных операций: умения анализировать события, развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков; развитие проектно-творческих умений; умения составлять проект.
Воспитательный аспект – воспитание уважительного и толерантного отношения к британской культуре, развитие способности к взаимодействию и сотрудничеству в процессе решения проектно-исследовательских и проектно-творческих задач.
Речевой материал – материал цикла
Оборудование: проектные работы учащихся, дидактический материал, мультимедийное оборудование, плакаты, фотографии, презентации Power Point, компакт-диски
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. (Слайд №1).
Речевая зарядка:
What sort of music do you like?
What does the music make you think of?
How can music influence people?
What music do you like listening to when you have free time?
Have you ever heard about “The Beatles”?
Вступительное слово учителя.
Teacher: So, today we’ve got an unusual lesson: we are going to talk about “The Beatles” is the “legendary four”. (Слайд №2) The Beatles changed pop music forever! More and more people began to listen to pop music then before. The Beatles was created in 1962. During the 1960s the Beatles were at the high of their glory: newspaper headlines, films and world-tours. Their new style of singing and their unusual haircuts immediately become the latest fashion.
(Звучит запись песни “Love Me Do ”). This song was first heard in 1962 and become a hit.
2. Совершенствование речевых навыков
Teacher: Let`s speak about the name of the group ”The Beatles” [Т1] , what do you think the word mean? Well, the name of the group is a combination of two words.
(Cлайд №3)
On the blackboard you can see a number of different words:
beast, beet, beat, beautiful, bear, beef, beetles, bed, be.
(зверь, свёкла, такт (удар), красивый, медведь, говядина, жуки, кровать, быть)
Which words makes the name of the group? (Рs высказывают предположения)
So, these words are – beat and beetle (жуки-ударники). (Слайд №4, №5)
3. Совершенствование навыков аудирования
Teacher: Well, children, now we know what does the word Beatles mean. Now tell me please why they are often called “The Liverpool Four”?
Ps: Because they came from English town Liverpool.
T: Well done! Who wants to show the town on the map?
Ps показывают город на карте. (Слайд №6)
T: So, let’s visit Liverpool. Ira will tell us about it.
P1: Liverpool is situated in Lancashire, at the mouth of the River Mersey, where it empties into the Irish Sea. For a lot of people Liverpool is first of all associated with the Beatles, probably the most famous and successful pop-group the world has ever known.
4. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи
Teacher: Well, we are in the street of this city. And now listen to a dialog between two fans.
- Hello.
- Hello. How are you?
- Fine, thanks, and you?
- I am fine. (Звонит телефон). Hello. Sorry, I am busy. I’ll call you later.
- What’s the tune?
- It’s my favourite song “Karbon”. The group is “Jiga”.
- Is it rap?
- Yes, of course. Rap is the best.
-And I prefer classic rock. Listen.
(Звучит полифоническая мелодия из произведений “The Beatles”).
- It’s cool. What’s the group?
- The Beatles were a hugely successful band during the 1960-s. The “legendary four” соnsisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star.
- It’s very interesting.
- The Beatles is favourite group of my dad. They were more then just pop stars – they become the voice of new generation.
Teacher: So, what was the conversation about?
Do your parent know about this group? Do they listen to The Beatles?
(Ps answer)
5. Краткие биографии музыкантов
Teacher: Tell me who are the members of the group?
Ps: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star (Слайд №7)
Teacher: Аnd now we`ll listen a few words about their biographies. (Рассказы учащихся сопровождаются музыкой)
(Слайд №8) P2 tells about John Lennon. (Звучит песня “Love Me Do”)
P2: John Lennon was born on the 9-th of October in 1940 in Liverpool. Young Lennon began to express himself through sketches and artwork. His teachers suggested the Liverpool art school. “Child genius” decided to study at usuall school. At 15 he met Paul McCartney, they created the songs.
In 1962 the Beatles released made their 1-st single “Love Me Do” and the road of musical history began.
John Lennon was a poet, a composer, a soloist, a guitarist, a musician, a writer and one of the greatest man in popular music.
Teacher: P3 tells about Paul McCartney (Слайд №9) (звучит песня “Yesterday”)
P3: Paul McCartney was born in 1942. In 1960 the Beatles was named.
Paul McCartney and John Lennon had melodic bass lines “Yesterday” was one of the most popular song. Paul McCartney was a poet, a drummer, a soloist, a guitarist, a musician, a producer, and a writer. From all the Beatles Paul McCartney made the most successful solo career.
Teacher: P4 tells about George Harrison. (Слайд №10) (Звучит песня “Let it be”)
P4: The youngest of four children, George Harrison was born at the 25-th of February in 1943. In September 1954, George began attending the Liverpool Institute where Paul McCartney was a student. They become friends.
He was a musician, a composer, a guitarist, a soloist, a gardener, a film producer and a record producer.
Teacher: P5 tells about Ringo Star. (Слайд №11) (Звучит песня “Yellow Submarine”)
P5: Ringo Star was born on the 7-th of July in 1940.
Drummer Ringo Star joined the Beatles when they were the top band in Liverpool and England. By August 1962 Ringo Star was in and the Beatles were born. Ringo Star wrote “Yellow Submarine” together with.
He was a drummer, a composer, a musician, a singer. His real name was Richard Starky.
Teacher: Their early music was influenced by the American rock singers Chuck BERRY and Elvis PRESLEY, but they combined their musical form with freshness, vitality, and wit. The release of "I Want to Hold Your Hand" in 1964 marked the beginning of the phenomenon known as "Beatlemania" in the United States. It was the word to describe the reaction of fans all over the world. The Beatles' first U.S. tour aroused a universal mob adulation. Their concerts were scenes of mass worship, and their records sold in the millions.
6. Развитие навыков аудирования
Teacher: Now listen comprehension! Listen to the text, then try to do the test: True or False?
Text: The citizens of Liverpool are proud of their famous countrymen. The Beatles Story Museum in Liverpool’s Albert Dock was founded by Ringo Star in April 1984. In the museum halls, you can see The Beatles’ films, books and magazines. You can also buy different souvenirs, stamps, plates and cups with The Beatles’ portraits, or records and cassettes with their songs as well.
(Ps получают карточки с заданием, где они должны отметить верна информация или нет)
Teacher: Now let’s give the correct answers.
(Слайд №12, клик на предложения, проверка, клик на выделение правильного ответа).
The Beatles Story Museum is situated in Liverpool. (true)
The Beatles Story Museum was founded by Paul McCartney(false)
This museum was founded in 1984(true).
You can buy souvenirs, cups with The Beatles’ portraits and cassettes here (true).
You can listen to their songs at the museum (true).
7. Защита проектов команд (Слайд № 13 – фото Биттлз)
Teacher: Well, I and children decided to make a contribution to The Beatles Story Museum. We made presents: they are covers of disks and posters.
Ps выступают с защитой своих проектов.
8. Обобщение знаний по теме
Teacher: And the end of our lesson one more test. Take your pens and choose the correct answer. (Ps выполняют тест и сдают его учителю)
Teacher: And now let`s check up your knowledge.
1. Сan you put these first names and surnames together to make the names of the four Beatles? (Слайды №14-15)
John | Star |
Ringo | Harrison |
George | McCartney |
Paul | Lennon |
2. Which city in England did the Beatles come from? (Слайд №16)
a) London
b) Manchester
c) Liverpool
3. What was the first name of the group? (Слайд №17)
а) Johnny and Moondogs,
b) The Quarry Men,
c) The Beatles,
d) The Silver Beatles.
4. What was the Beatles’ first really big hit? (Слайд №18)
а) “Please Please Me”,
b) “Imagine”,
с) “ Love Me Do”.
5. In which year did they have their first hit? (Слайд №19)
a) 1970
6. When did the group split up? (Слайд №20)
a) 1970
9. Достижения Биттлз (Слайд №21)
- Сочинение «The Beatles» «A Day In The Life» признано лучшей британской песней всех времён.
- В 2004 году журнал Rolling Stone опубликовал 500 лучших песен всех времён и народов. В списке больше всего песен The Beatles — 23.
- Крупнейшая американская музыкальная телекомпания VH-1 опубликовала рейтинг 100 лучших альбомов в истории рок-н-ролла. На первом месте оказался альбом «Revolver» (1966) легендарной группы «The Beatles»
- Yesterday (1965) в XX веке она исполнялась свыше семи миллионов раз.
- «Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band» — восьмой альбом британской рок-группы «The Beatles», он был назван лучшим альбомом всех времён и народов по версии журнала «Rolling Stone» 2003 года.
- В 1964 году сразу три песни «The Beatles» попали в первую десятку американского хит-парада.
- Телевизионное шоу Эда Салливана с «The Beatles» (1964) собрало 73 000 000 зрителей.
Teacher: It`s very pitty, but the group disbanded in 1970, after the release of their final album,” Let It Be”. On Dec. 8, 1980, John Lennon was fatally shot in New York City. In 1991, Paul McCartney's classical composition Liverpool Oratorio was performed to some acclaim in Britain and the United States. (Слайд № 22)
Уже более 40 лет песни этой группы слушает и поёт весь мир. Множество других групп за прошедшие годы кануло в Лету, и песни их умерли, а вот песни “Битлз” живут и не теряют популярности.
10. Итог урока
Teacher: At the end of our lesson I want to say “Thank you” to everybody who was here, who knows the group The Beatles, loves it and likes our lesson.
And now let`s sing their song “Yesterday” all together. (Слайд №23)
Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye. (Слайд №24)
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Открытый урок английского языка в 9-м классе по теме
"The Beatles — легендарная четверка"
Ход урока построен на основе презентации Power Point, которая состоит из 16 слайдов. Показ слайдов сопровождается музыкой.
Итоговый урок по теме «Музыка Британии»
Цели и задачи:
Обучающий аспект – совершенствование и развитие навыков говорения в диалогической и монологической форме, развитие навыков аудирования в ходе прослушивания аутентичных текстов; обобщение изученного материала.
Развивающий аспект – развитие речевых способностей, мыслительных операций: умения анализировать события, развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков; развитие проектно-творческих умений; умения составлять проект.
Воспитательный аспект – воспитание уважительного и толерантного отношения к британской культуре, развитие способности к взаимодействию и сотрудничеству в процессе решения проектно-исследовательских и проектно-творческих задач.
Речевой материал – материал цикла
Оборудование: проектные работы учащихся, дидактический материал, мультимедийное оборудование, плакаты, фотографии, презентации Power Point, компакт-диски
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. (Слайд №1).
Речевая зарядка:
What sort of music do you like?
What does the music make you think of?
How can music influence people?
What music do you like listening to when you have free time?
Have you ever heard about “The Beatles”?
Вступительное слово учителя.
Teacher: So, today we’ve got an unusual lesson: we are going to talk about “The Beatles” is the “legendary four”. (Слайд №2) The Beatles changed pop music forever! More and more people began to listen to pop music then before. The Beatles was created in 1962. During the 1960s the Beatles were at the high of their glory: newspaper headlines, films and world-tours. Their new style of singing and their unusual haircuts immediately become the latest fashion.
(Звучит запись песни “Love Me Do ”). This song was first heard in 1962 and become a hit.
2. Совершенствование речевых навыков
Teacher: Let`s speak about the name of the group ”The Beatles” , what do you think the word mean? Well, the name of the group is a combination of two words.
(Cлайд №3)
On the blackboard you can see a number of different words:
beast, beet, beat, beautiful, bear, beef, beetles, bed, be.
(зверь, свёкла, такт (удар), красивый, медведь, говядина, жуки, кровать, быть)
Which words makes the name of the group? (Рs высказывают предположения)
So, these words are – beat and beetle (жуки-ударники). (Слайд №4, №5)
3. Совершенствование навыков аудирования
Teacher: Well, children, now we know what does the word Beatles mean. Now tell me please why they are often called “The Liverpool Four”?
Ps: Because they came from English town Liverpool.
T: Well done! Who wants to show the town on the map?
Ps показывают город на карте. (Слайд №6)
T: So, let’s visit Liverpool. Ira will tell us about it.
P1: Liverpool is situated in Lancashire, at the mouth of the River Mersey, where it empties into the Irish Sea. For a lot of people Liverpool is first of all associated with the Beatles, probably the most famous and successful pop-group the world has ever known.
4. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи
Teacher: Well, we are in the street of this city. And now listen to a dialog between two fans.
- Hello.
- Hello. How are you?
- Fine, thanks, and you?
- I am fine. (Звонит телефон). Hello. Sorry, I am busy. I’ll call you later.
- What’s the tune?
- It’s my favourite song “Karbon”. The group is “Jiga”.
- Is it rap?
- Yes, of course. Rap is the best.
-And I prefer classic rock. Listen.
(Звучит полифоническая мелодия из произведений “The Beatles”).
- It’s cool. What’s the group?
- The Beatles were a hugely successful band during the 1960-s. The “legendary four” соnsisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star.
- It’s very interesting.
- The Beatles is favourite group of my dad. They were more then just pop stars – they become the voice of new generation.
Teacher: So, what was the conversation about?
Do your parent know about this group? Do they listen to The Beatles?
(Ps answer)
5. Краткие биографии музыкантов
Teacher: Tell me who are the members of the group?
Ps: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star (Слайд №7)
Teacher: Аnd now we`ll listen a few words about their biographies. (Рассказы учащихся сопровождаются музыкой)
(Слайд №8) P2 tells about John Lennon. (Звучит песня “Love Me Do”)
P2: John Lennon was born on the 9-th of October in 1940 in Liverpool. Young Lennon began to express himself through sketches and artwork. His teachers suggested the Liverpool art school. “Child genius” decided to study at usuall school. At 15 he met Paul McCartney, they created the songs.
In 1962 the Beatles released made their 1-st single “Love Me Do” and the road of musical history began.
John Lennon was a poet, a composer, a soloist, a guitarist, a musician, a writer and one of the greatest man in popular music.
Teacher: P3 tells about Paul McCartney (Слайд №9) (звучит песня “Yesterday”)
P3: Paul McCartney was born in 1942. In 1960 the Beatles was named.
Paul McCartney and John Lennon had melodic bass lines “Yesterday” was one of the most popular song. Paul McCartney was a poet, a drummer, a soloist, a guitarist, a musician, a producer, and a writer. From all the Beatles Paul McCartney made the most successful solo career.
Teacher: P4 tells about George Harrison. (Слайд №10) (Звучит песня “Let it be”)
P4: The youngest of four children, George Harrison was born at the 25-th of February in 1943. In September 1954, George began attending the Liverpool Institute where Paul McCartney was a student. They become friends.
He was a musician, a composer, a guitarist, a soloist, a gardener, a film producer and a record producer.
Teacher: P5 tells about Ringo Star. (Слайд №11) (Звучит песня “Yellow Submarine”)
P5: Ringo Star was born on the 7-th of July in 1940.
Drummer Ringo Star joined the Beatles when they were the top band in Liverpool and England. By August 1962 Ringo Star was in and the Beatles were born. Ringo Star wrote “Yellow Submarine” together with.
He was a drummer, a composer, a musician, a singer. His real name was Richard Starky.
Teacher: Their early music was influenced by the American rock singers Chuck BERRY and Elvis PRESLEY, but they combined their musical form with freshness, vitality, and wit. The release of "I Want to Hold Your Hand" in 1964 marked the beginning of the phenomenon known as "Beatlemania" in the United States. It was the word to describe the reaction of fans all over the world. The Beatles' first U.S. tour aroused a universal mob adulation. Their concerts were scenes of mass worship, and their records sold in the millions.
6. Развитие навыков аудирования
Teacher: Now listen comprehension! Listen to the text, then try to do the test: True or False?
Text: The citizens of Liverpool are proud of their famous countrymen. The Beatles Story Museum in Liverpool’s Albert Dock was founded by Ringo Star in April 1984. In the museum halls, you can see The Beatles’ films, books and magazines. You can also buy different souvenirs, stamps, plates and cups with The Beatles’ portraits, or records and cassettes with their songs as well.
(Ps получают карточки с заданием, где они должны отметить верна информация или нет)
Teacher: Now let’s give the correct answers.
(Слайд №12, клик на предложения, проверка, клик на выделение правильного ответа).
The Beatles Story Museum is situated in Liverpool. (true)
The Beatles Story Museum was founded by Paul McCartney(false)
This museum was founded in 1984(true).
You can buy souvenirs, cups with The Beatles’ portraits and cassettes here (true).
You can listen to their songs at the museum (true).
7. Защита проектов команд (Слайд № 13 – фото Биттлз)
Teacher: Well, I and children decided to make a contribution to The Beatles Story Museum. We made presents: they are covers of disks and posters.
Ps выступают с защитой своих проектов.
8. Обобщение знаний по теме
Teacher: And the end of our lesson one more test. Take your pens and choose the correct answer. (Ps выполняют тест и сдают его учителю)
Teacher: And now let`s check up your knowledge.
1. Сan you put these first names and surnames together to make the names of the four Beatles? (Слайды №14-15)
John | Star |
Ringo | Harrison |
George | McCartney |
Paul | Lennon |
2. Which city in England did the Beatles come from? (Слайд №16)
a) London
b) Manchester
c) Liverpool
3. What was the first name of the group? (Слайд №17)
а) Johnny and Moondogs,
b) The Quarry Men,
c) The Beatles,
d) The Silver Beatles.
4. What was the Beatles’ first really big hit? (Слайд №18)
а) “Please Please Me”,
b) “Imagine”,
с) “ Love Me Do”.
5. In which year did they have their first hit? (Слайд №19)
a) 1970
6. When did the group split up? (Слайд №20)
a) 1970
9. Достижения Биттлз (Слайд №21)
- Сочинение «The Beatles» «A Day In The Life» признано лучшей британской песней всех времён.
- В 2004 году журнал Rolling Stone опубликовал 500 лучших песен всех времён и народов. В списке больше всего песен The Beatles — 23.
- Крупнейшая американская музыкальная телекомпания VH-1 опубликовала рейтинг 100 лучших альбомов в истории рок-н-ролла. На первом месте оказался альбом «Revolver» (1966) легендарной группы «The Beatles»
- Yesterday (1965) в XX веке она исполнялась свыше семи миллионов раз.
- «Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band» — восьмой альбом британской рок-группы «The Beatles», он был назван лучшим альбомом всех времён и народов по версии журнала «Rolling Stone» 2003 года.
- В 1964 году сразу три песни «The Beatles» попали в первую десятку американского хит-парада.
- Телевизионное шоу Эда Салливана с «The Beatles» (1964) собрало 73 000 000 зрителей.
Teacher: It`s very pitty, but the group disbanded in 1970, after the release of their final album,” Let It Be”. On Dec. 8, 1980, John Lennon was fatally shot in New York City. In 1991, Paul McCartney's classical composition Liverpool Oratorio was performed to some acclaim in Britain and the United States. (Слайд № 22)
Уже более 40 лет песни этой группы слушает и поёт весь мир. Множество других групп за прошедшие годы кануло в Лету, и песни их умерли, а вот песни “Битлз” живут и не теряют популярности.
10. Итог урока
Teacher: At the end of our lesson I want to say “Thank you” to everybody who was here, who knows the group The Beatles, loves it and likes our lesson.
And now let`s sing their song “Yesterday” all together. (Слайд №23)
Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye. (Слайд №24)
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Рассматриваемая тема расширяет базовый курс по информатике для средней школы и отнесена к теме Программировние. Теоретический материал темы раскрывается в ходе выполнения учащимися цикла практических ...
Методическая разработка урока - мастер - класса по английскому языку в 9 классе "Международные организации по защите прав человека"
Урок английского языка разработан к УМК Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В. для 9 класса. В ходе урока учителем решались следующие цели:Учебный аспект:...

Методическая разработка (физика, 8 класс) по теме: Урок – соревнование «Изменение агрегатных состояний вещества» 8 класс (2 часа)
Тип урока: урок – соревнование, обобщение полученных знаний. Пояснительная записка:1. Класс делится на 7-8 творческих групп по 3 человека в каждой.2....
Разработка урока "BEATLES"
rdquo;The Beatles” — легендарная четверка”, урок английского языка в 9 классе...