Олимпиадные задания
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку
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Предварительный просмотр:
7-8 классы
TIME30 min
Task I. For questions 1-12, fill in the blanks using the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.
Results of a resent survey show that one third of Americans believe in telepathy – … (1), that is, between two people without using any of the five senses. 25% of Americans claim to have … (2) had a … (3) experience. Knowing who’s on the phone when it rings is probably the most common everyday experience of this kid. Yet … (4) guessing who is on the phone before you answer it should … (5) be a matter of great surprise. Given the … (6) number of people who call any one of us in a year, and given our … (7) of how long it is since someone last called us, we could make a … (8) guess as to who will ring us next. Laboratory results are also … (9) with anecdotal accounts. Even professional mind-readers fail to repeat what seem … (10) results under … (11) conditions. No experiment has shown results higher than would be predicted by the laws of … (12). | COMMUNICATE ACTUAL TELEPATHY CORRECT HARD LIMIT KNOW SENSE CONSISTENT ORDINARY SCIENCE PROBABLE |
Task II. For questions 13 – 23, choose the correct word for each space.
Levi Strauss
In 1853, Levi Strauss … (13) to San Francisco from New York. His brothers … (14) a business there selling pillows, blankets and clothes and Levi went to help them. He worked … (15) and, over the … (16) twenty years, he expanded the business.
… (17) day in 1872, Levi … (18) a letter from Jacob Davis who made men’s clothes. In the letter Jacob … (19) Levi about a difficult customer. He kept … (20) tearing the pockets of his trousers. Jacob had a found an answer – he had added some metal to the corners of the pockets. Levi recognized a business opportunity … (21) the two men started working together. They decided to … (22) some trousers out of denim, a material which was suitable for working clothes. The first pair of denim blue jeans … (23) produced in 1873. Today people all around the world wear Levi jeans every day.
13. a. travelled b. departed c. toured d. visited
14. a. commanded b. ran c. influenced d. controlled
15. a. long b. strong c. heavy d. hard
16. a. next b. later c. last d. final
17. a. That b. One c. A d. The
18. a. realized b. fetched c. got d. gave
19. a. said b. told c. discussed d. described
20. a. on b. at c. up d. in
21. a. while b. but c. so d. since
22. a. making b. made c. makes d. make
23. a. was b. is c. did d. had
Task III
For questions 24-28 match the headlines (6-10) to the world problems (A-E).
24. Huge iceberg breaks free in South Pole | 25. African elephants protected from hunters | 26. Air quality below recommended levels in most cities |
27. Locusts destroy crops in China | 28. Government housing programmes for those in need |
Предварительный просмотр:
Критерии оценивания: За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл.
Listening 10th grade
Task 1
Listen to some facts from biography of Nelson Mandela. As you listen, choose the best option A, B or C for questions 1-10. You will hear the extract twice.
You have one minute to study the questions.
- Nelson’s father was…
- an assistant to an important African chief.
- an important African chief.
- the president of South Africa .
- Mandela decided to become a lawyer…
- to listen to people telling about their problems.
- to help people to struggle for freedom.
- to help his father.
- In 1942 Mandela…
- started his political life.
- studied for a bachelor of law degree.
- found аn organization called the ANС.
- “ANC” means …
- African National Congress.
- African National Community.
- African National Consulate.
- The laws of the South African government made life difficult for…
- Mandela’s family.
- black people.
- all people living in Africa.
- ANC encouraged people …
- to struggle against the government in a violent way.
- to make a dialogue with the government.
- to oppose the government in a peaceful way.
- Mandela was the one who.…
- discussed the possible ways of opening schools for black people.
- improved the well-being of white and black people .
- fought for the right of black people to live in the same areas where white people did.
- Nelson Mandela had been in prison…
- since 1962 to 1990.
- since 1990 to 1994.
- since 1962 to 1994.
- While in prison Mandela …
- achieved the goals he had set.
- planned his presidency.
- inspired people for struggle.
- In 1994 he became the first…
- President of South Africa.
- democratically elected President.
- President of ANC.
Task 2
Listen to the conversation between the show manager of ‘Legendary Lives’ and Edward Murray. Decide which of the following statements (items 11-20) are True (A), False (B) or on which the information was Not Stated (C). You will hear the extract twice.
You have one minute to study the questions.
- The subject of tonight's edition of ‘Legendary Lives’ is Edward Murray.
- True B. False C. Not stated
- Edward Murray is the author of a great number of books.
- True B. False C. Not stated
- James’s family moved to California from Indiana.
- True B. False C. Not stated
- While growing up in Indiana James went in for sport.
- True B. False C. Not stated
- He used to ride his motorcycle very fast.
- True B. False C. Not stated
- He went to college in California to study acting.
- True B. False C. Not stated
- While at college he appeared in some TV advertisements.
- True B. False C. Not stated
- EAST OF EDEN is the film about teenagers who felt like they didn't fit into society.
- True B. False C. Not stated
- In 1955 in California his car crashed into a tree.
- True B. False C. Not stated
- James Dean was admired by young people who saw him as a symbol of freedom.
- True B. False C. Not stated
Item | |||
1 | A | B | C |
2 | A | B | C |
3 | A | B | C |
4 | A | B | C |
5 | A | B | C |
6 | A | B | C |
7 | A | B | C |
8 | A | B | C |
9 | A | B | C |
10 | A | B | C |
11 | A | B | C |
12 | A | B | C |
13 | A | B | C |
14 | A | B | C |
15 | A | B | C |
16 | A | B | C |
17 | A | B | C |
18 | A | B | C |
19 | A | B | C |
20 | A | B | C |
Item | |||
1 | A | B | C |
2 | A | B | C |
3 | A | B | C |
4 | A | B | C |
5 | A | B | C |
6 | A | B | C |
7 | A | B | C |
8 | A | B | C |
9 | A | B | C |
10 | A | B | C |
11 | A | B | C |
12 | A | B | C |
13 | A | B | C |
14 | A | B | C |
15 | A | B | C |
16 | A | B | C |
17 | A | B | C |
18 | A | B | C |
19 | A | B | C |
20 | A | B | C |
Внимание! Каждый текст прослушивается два раза. После первого прослушивания текста запись не останавливается. Между первым и вторым прослушиванием текста в записи сделана пауза примерно 30 секунд. Между вторым воспроизведением первого текста и записью второго текста сделана пауза примерно 1 минута.
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela, the first African president of South Africa, was born in 1918. His father was an assistant to an important African chief, and as a young boy, Nelson often helped his father. While he listened to people telling the chief about their problems, Mandela decided he wanted to become a lawyer so that he could help his people with their struggle for freedom.
After high school, Mandela studied for a bachelor of law degree. In 1942 he started his political life by joining аn organization called the ANС. "ANC” stands for African National Congress. The ANC fought against the laws of the South African government, because those laws made life difficult for black people. Even though most of the country’s population was black, the people who ran the government and had all of the power were white. Over the next few years, he and other members of the organization worked hard, and the ANC became a powerful national movement. The group encouraged people to resist the government in a peaceful and non-violent way.
Mandela became deputy president of the ANC in 1952. Нe was now an important leader of black South Africans. As a lawyer, he helped poor people stay on the land where they lived, instead of being forced to move to areas where the government wanted them to live. He also fought against laws that said that black and white people could not live in the same areas or go to the same schools.
During the early 1960s, the government began watching Mandela carefully, and he was soon arrested. He was sentenced to life in prison in 1962. He was not released from prison until 1990. Even while he was in prison, he inspired people in his own country and others all over the world.
After he was released, Mandela continued to try to achieve the goals he had set almost forty years earlier. In 1994 he became the first democratically elected State President of South Africa. He remained president until he retired in 1999. Today, the world remembers him as South Africa's best known and best loved hero.
An interview with Edward Murray
A – a show manager
B – Edward Murray
A: Good evening and welcome to tonight's edition of Legendary Lives. Our subject this evening is James Dean, actor and hero to the young people of his time. Edward Murray is the author of a new biography of Dean. Good evening, Edward.
B: Hello, Tina.
A: Edward, could you please tell us what you know about Dean's early life.
B: He was born in Indiana in 1931, but his parents moved to California when he was five. He wasn't there long, though, because when his mother passed away just four years later, Jimmy's father sent him back to Indiana to live with his aunt and uncle. While growing up there, he played baseball and basketball, rode horses, and played ice hockey. He used to ride his motorcycle all over the farmers' fields, speeding and chasing cows.
A: So, how did he get into acting?
B: Well, first, he acted in school plays at his high school, where he won a drama award. He also won arts and sports awards in high school, and a speech contest, too. Hе went tо college in California, and that's where he seriously started to get into acting. He did modeling for advertisements and appeared in some TV shows. In 1951, he moved to New York to do more stage acting. In fact, he won an award as "Most Promising Newcomer" for 1954.
A: Well, when did his movie career really start?
В: 1955. His first starring role was in East of Eden. He was fabulous! James Dean became a huge success. But the movie that really made him famous was his second one, Rebel without a cause. That was about teenagers who felt like they didn't fit into society.
A: So, how many more movies did he make?
B: Just one more. Then he died in a car crash in California, in 1955. He loved driving fast. In fact, he was driving his Porsche on his way to take part in a car race when he died.
A: What a tragedy. He only made three movies, so what made him the legend he still is today?
B: Well, I guess his looks, his acting ability, his short life, and maybe the type of character he played in his movies. Many young people saw him as a symbol of American youth.
Предварительный просмотр:
7-8-е классы
Task I. For questions 1 – 10, look at the sentences below about a search for two ships. Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct (C) or incorrect (I).
- The Margarita and the Atocha sank a day after they had left Cuba.
- The two ships were forgotten about for 350 years.
- Fisher had to borrow money to start his company ‘Treasure Salvors’.
- Fisher read historical documents to find out where to begin his search.
- Lyon told Fisher that the two ships had sunk in the Marquesas Keys area.
- The team was certain that the treasure found in 1973 was from the Atocha.
- Fisher continued looking for the Atocha in the Quicksands area.
- Journalists wrote about the valuable objects found on the Margarita.
- Soon after he had sold objects from the Margarita, Fisher thought about stopping his search for the Atocha.
- In July 1985, some valuable objects were discovered by Fisher near the Atocha.
Treasure at the bottom of the sea
In the 17th century, there were many Spanish sailing ships called galleons that carried gold and jewels from the Americas to Europe. On September 4 1622, two galleons called the Nuestra Senora de Atocha and the Santa Margarita left Cuba for Spain. Just a day later, both ships sank during a terrible storm.
Although the lost ships were known to contain huge amounts of treasure, nobody disturbed them for the next 350 years. Despite numerous efforts, no one was able to find them and they became known as the ‘Ghost Galleons’.
In 1969, a treasure hunter named Mel Fisher set up a company, ‘Treasure Salvors’, to search for the ‘Ghost Galleons’. Fisher used to be a farmer, but since 1962 he has worked at sea searching for lost ships. He was so successful at this that he could afford to set up his own company. His boat, Holly’s Folly, began the search in 1969 in an area called the Middle Keys, near Florida. Fisher had studied diaries and reports from the 17th century and according to them the Atocha had sunk here.
But Fisher found nothing and he decided to get the help of Eugene Lyon, an expert in 17th century Spanish history. Lyon soon realized what had gone wrong. Some of the islands in the area had been renamed and Holly’s Folly was looking in the wrong place. Lyon redirected the search to the tiny Marquesas Keys.
It was two more years, however, before the team found a few silver coins and gold bars from the Atocha. Then, in 1973, they found 4,000 silver coins and three silver bars stamped with numbers that proved they came from the Atocha. The treasure was extremely valuable but the ship itself was nowhere to be found.
It was expensive to continue the search but Fisher didn’t want to give up. He concentrated instead on finding the Margarita and started looking in an area called the Quicksands. To start with, just a few pieces of treasure were discovered by the team and then, at last, they found some half-buried pieces of wood. It was the Margarita. The divers continued taking objects from the Margarita for another two years. Stories about the find appeared in newspapers around the world and the treasure was eventually sold for £25 million. Fisher was rich and famous but he was still determined to find the Atocha and in 1985 he continued his search.
This time he concentrated on an area called the Hawk Channel. Finally on July 20, Fisher found hundreds of silver bars and chests of silver coins lying on the seabed close to the Atocha. It had taken 16 years, but at last he had found both ships.
Task II. Choose from the list A-I the sentence which best summerises each part (11-17) of the article. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning.
A A variety of tricks are used.
B Cheats may be more intelligent.
C This behehaviour is familiar.
D Abnormal behaviour is informative.
E Deception proves effective.
F Males cheat more.
G You couldn’t fool her.
H There may be problems with research.
I Parental help is requested.
Nature’s Cheats
0 | I |
Anna is digging in the ground for a potato, when along comes Paul. Paul looks to see what Anna’s doing and then, seeing that there is no one in sight, starts to scream as loud as he can. Paul’s angry mother rushes over and chases Anna away. Once his Mum has gone, Paul walks over and helps himself to Anna’s potato.
11 |
Does this ring a bell? I’m sure it does. We’ve all experienced annoying tricks when we were young – the brother who stole your toys and then got you into trouble by telling your parents you had hit him. But Anna and Paul are not humans. They’re African baboons, and playing tricks is as much part of monkey behaviour as it is of human behaviour.
12 |
Throughout nature, tricks like this are common – they are part of daily survival. There are insects that hide from their enemies by looking like leaves or twigs, and harmless snakes that imitate poisonous ones. Such behaviour, developed over hundreds of thousand of years, is instinctive and completely natural. Some animals, however, go further and use a more deliberate kind of deception – they use normal behaviour to trick other animals. In most cases the animal probably doesn’t know it is deceiving, only that certain actions give it an advantage. But in apes and some monkeys the behaviour seems much more like that of humans.
13 |
What about Paul the baboon? His scream and his mother’s attack on Anna could have been a matter of chance, but Paul was later seen playing the same trick on others. This use of a third individual to achieve a goal is only one of the many tricks commonly used by apes. Another tactic is the ‘Look behind you!’ trick. When one young male baboon was attacked by several others, he stood on his back legs and looked into the distance, as if there was an enemy there. The attackers turned to look behind them and lost interest in their victim. In fact, there was no enemy.
14 |
Studying behaviour like this is complicated because it’s difficult to do laboratory experiments to test whether behaviour is intentional. It would be easy to suggest that these cases mean the baboons were deliberately tricking other animals, but they might have learnt the behaviour without understanding how it worked. So the psychologists talked to colleagues who studied apes and asked them if they had noticed this kind of deception. They discovered many liars and cheats, but the cleverest were apes who clearly showed that they intended to deceive and knew when they themselves had been deceived.
15 |
An amusing example of this comes from a psychologist working in Tanzania. A young chimp was annoying him, so he tricked her into going away by pretending he had seen something interesting in the distance. When the chimp looked and found nothing, she ‘walked back, hit me over the head with her hand and ignored me for the rest of the day’.
16 |
Another way to decide whether an animal’s behaviour is deliberate is to look for actions that are not normal for that animal. A zoo worker describes how a gorilla dealt with an enemy. ‘He slowly crept up behind the other gorilla, walking on tiptoe. When he got close to his enemy he pushed him violently in the back, then ran indoors.’ Wild gorillas do not normally walk on tiptoe. Of course it’s possible that the gorilla could have learnt from humans that such behaviour works, without understanding why. But looking at the many cases of deliberate deception in apes, it is impossible to explain them all as simple imitation.
17 |
Taking all the evidence into account, it seems that deception does play an important part in ape societies where there are complex social rules and relationships and where problems are better solved by social pressure than by physical conflict. The ability of animals to deceive and cheat may be a better measure of their intelligence than their use of tools. Studying the intelligence of our closest relatives could be the way to understand the development of human intelligence.
Task III.
Read the text. Then for questions 18-22 match the heading (A-G) with the paragraphs(1-5). Two headings are not needed.
A Facilities _________
B Reservations _________
C Location _________
D Lapland _________
E History _________
F The Ice Hotel _________
G Construction _________
18 People often choose to have holidays in strange and unusual places. But there can be few places stranger than the Ice Hotel in Sweden, which is visited by over 37000 people each winter. Built of snow and ice, the hotel is very different from so-called normal buildings. The cold subzero environment and the wintry surroundings are part of attraction of this hotel.
19 The Ice Hotel is situated in the small village of Jukkasjärvi, next to the river Tornealven. It is 200 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle in Lapland, the most northerly part of Sweden. Before the Ice Hotel appeared, there were almost no tourists in this region, where the local people speak Saami, not Swedish, and there is no industry or pollution.
20 The Ice Hotel is rebuilt each winter. Construction starts in late October when special snow cannons shoot tons of snow onto metal sections. After two days the metal sections are removed, and the snow now looks hard. It is then cut into solid arches. Huge ice blocks are cut from the frozen river to makes walls, ceilings, floors. About 30000 tons of snow and 40000 tons of ice are used to build the hotel.
21 The story of the Ice Hotel began in 1989-90 when there was an exhibition of ice art in the local village and an ice igloo was built there by French artist Jannot Derib. Some of the visitors wanted to sleep on reindeer skins in the igloo and found it amazing. Yngve Bergqvist, the owner the village inn, thought it would be great to have an ice hotel. Thus, the concept of the Ice Hotel was born.
22 Visitors to the Ice Hotel are sometimes nervous about staying in a place where the outside temperature is often minus forty degrees Centigrade. But the conditions inside the Ice Hotel itself are reasonably comfortable. The temperature in the rooms is around minus four degrees, and the guests are provided with specially made sleeping bags and there beds are covered with reindeer skins. To entertain the visitors in the evenings the hotel includes an ‘ice cinema’ and ‘ice bar. During the day the hotel company organizes sports activities such as white water rafting, dog sledding, and even fishing, and there are tours to local villages and ‘safaris’ to observe reindeer in their natural habitat.
Task IV (Based on the same text) Now, for questions 23-30 decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
23 The Ice Hotel isn’t the sort of building people expect to find in a northern country.
24 People in Jukkasjärvi don’t speak Swedish.
25 It takes two days to build a hotel.
26 The hotel is mainly built of ice.
27 A French artist built the first Ice Hotel.
28 Guests sometimes worry about the cold temperature.
29 Guests can watch films.
30 Visitors can hunt reindeer in the daytime.
Предварительный просмотр:
9 -11-е классы
Use of English
Time: 60 min.
Participant's ID number
Task 1. For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 A announced B declared C informed D claimed
A leading British building and design company has just (0) A their plans for the home of the future. The new design, (1) _________ as the ‘Internet House’, has five bedrooms, plenty of bathrooms and a double garage. But these are not the main selling (2) _______ , for it is the £25,000 (3) ________ of automation that makes this house really different.
It will be (4) ______ for people who have plenty of money, but not a great (5) _______ of time; young professionals in other words. They are likely to be (6) ________ to the idea of a microwave that provides easy-to-cook (7) _______ via the Internet and a cooker that switches itself on or off at a command received via e-mail.
All the electrical appliances in the house, (8) ________ the heating and lighting controls, are linked together by (9) ________ of a gadget called a ‘router’. Using what’s called a ‘Webpad’, a kind of portable lap-top computer, the owners of the house tap in commands from (10) _______ they may be. The Webpad (11) _______ a signal to the router, which (12) _________ the message and then activates the necessary controls. On the way home at night, for example, the owners can switch on the lights or (13) ________ the central heating working, and so (14) ________ sure that they have a nice warm welcome when they (15) ________ into their home.
1 A entitled B known C called D named
2 A points B plots C plans D paths
3 A value B price C cost D worth
4 A accurate B model C precise D ideal
5 A length B lot C deal D extent
6 A excited B attracted C appealed D interested
7 A recipes B receipts C prescriptions D instructions
8 A as long as B as well as C as soon as D as far as
9 A account B regards C order D means
10 A whatever B however C wherever D whichever
11 A draws B speaks C sends D hears
12 A decodes B discounts C decides D dissolves
13 A lead B get C have D put
14 A come B make C keep D hold
15 A step B stay C enter D stan
Task 3. For questions 26 – 30 put the abbreviations from the box in the appropriate context and write down the full form of the abbreviation. One abbreviation is not used.
Note! In your answer sheet write only the full form.
GP BT Customer Services NHS AandE MA HM Revenue and Customs |
26 The _____ set up in 1948, is a system that provides free medical care and is paid for through taxes.
Full form: ___________________________________________
27 Mr. Watkins is self-employed and has some questions about paying tax. He calls __________________ at the end of each year.
Full form: ___________________________________________
28 In an emergency (for example, an injury), you should go __________ department in the nearest hospital.
Full form: ___________________________________________
29 Mrs. Taylor wants to have a telephone line installed in her house. She calls ___________________ , and the operator puts her through to the correct department.
Full form: __________________________________________
30 A family doctor is also known as a __________ .
Full form: __________________________________________
Task 4. Read through the signs 31-35 and decide what places A-I they could be seen at. Match the signs and the places. Be careful, some places are not suitable at all!
34 B& B | 35 KILL YOUR SPEED |
A In a bank
B By the side of the road
C In a supermarket
D On an envelope or a parcel
E On or outside a commercial or residential building
F On a shop window
G Outside a hotel or guest house
H On the packet or bottle of a pharmaceutical product
I Outside a piece of private land
Предварительный просмотр:
Use of English 10th grade |
Time: 45 minutes
Task 1
For questions 1-15 complete the following article by writing each missing word in the correct box on your answer sheet. Use only one word for each space.
Of all the revolutionary changes in our lives (1)… the past fifty years, the introduction of supermarket shopping is surely (2)… most significant. Although it is less (3) … fifty years since the first self-service store opened (4) … doors in south London,for most of us nowadays the supermarket plays (5) … important role in our daily lives.(6)…fact, some people’s support of a particular supermarket can be(7) … strong as their support of their favourite football club.
Layout and image are of vital importance for any supermarket. Fruit, vegetables, flowers and house plants are usually displayed in the entrance (8) … the store. This suggests an image of freshness, healthy eating and even “greenness”. We are led (9)… tempting displays to the basics – tea, bread, sugar, eggs – which are frequently placed well apart and (10)… the back of the store. This trick encourages us to buy overpriced products in attractive packets and boxes.
Task 2
For questions 11-15 choose the best alternative A or B.
11. Sally always cries when she is being criticised, she is so sensitive (A) / sensible (B).
12. Can you tell (A)/say(B) where the nearest bookshop is.
13. I’m not sure whether (A)/weather (B) he will come or not.
14. He suggested (A) / offered (B) them to go out.
15. I want to go to the sea-side but can’t find the time to make the travel (A)/journey(B).
Task 3
For questions 15-20 read the text below. Use the word in capitals given at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
International Pen Friend Club
International Pen Friends (IPF) started off as a small (16)… OPERATE
In 1967. The organisation now has 300,000 members in 210
countries (17)…; its youngest member is eight and its oldest WORLD
is 93. IPF (18)… come from all walks of life to join this APPLY
guaranteed pen friend (19)... .Members are given a list of SERVE
fourteen names amd addresses for (20)… with people around CORRESPOND
the world.
Item | |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | |
15 | |
16 | |
17 | |
18 | |
19 | |
20 |
Item | |
1 | of |
2 | the |
3 | than |
4 | its |
5 | an |
6 | In |
7 | as |
8 | of |
9 | by |
10 | at |
11 | A |
12 | B |
13 | A |
14 | B |
15 | B |
16 | operation |
17 | world-wide |
18 | applications |
19 | service |
20 | corresponding |
Предварительный просмотр:
Participant`s ID number
Writing 10th grade
Time 45 minutes
Share your views on the following statement
Shopping can never be a serious hobby, it is just waste of time.
Write an essay (at least 200 words)
Examiner`s notes
Assessment criteria
Task fulfillment Max 5 points | Coherence of the text Max 4 points | Vocabulary Max 4 points | Grammar Max 4 points | Punctuation and spelling Max 3 points | Total Max 20 points |
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Задания типичные для районного и городского туров Всероссийской олимпиады. Даны ключи. Распечатайте и используйте этот материал для школьного тура, чтобы лучше подготовить своих учеников к олимпиадам ...

ОЛИМПИАДНЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ для внутришкольной олимпиады ПО МАТЕМАТИКЕ ДЛЯ УЧАЩИХСЯ 7 классов ОЛИМПИАДНЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ для внутришкольной олимпиады ПО МАТЕМАТИКЕ ДЛЯ УЧАЩИХСЯ 7 классов Олимпиада по математике 7 класс
ОЛИМПИАДНЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ для школьного этапа олимпиады ПО МАТЕМАТИКЕ ДЛЯ УЧАЩИХСЯ 7 классов....

Олимпиадные задания, задания для Недели русского языка
Интересные,увлекательные задания для любителей русского слова...

Олимпиадные задания, тесты и практические задания
Тестовые, практические задания к олимпиадам по технологии с ответами...

Олимпиадные задания по химии для учащихся 8 класса (школьный этап). Задания и ответы.
Олимпиадные задания по химии для учащихся 8 класса (школьный этап). Задания и ответы....

Олимпиадные задания по химии для учащихся 9 класса (школьный этап). Задания и ответы.
Олимпиадные задания по химии для учащихся 9 класса (школьный этап). Задания и ответы....