Четвертная контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса (1 четверть)
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Котнрольная работа по английскому языку содержит задания на аудирование, работу с текстом, грамматику и лексику.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test. Term I.

Surname _________________________ Grade __________ Date __________________

  1. Listen and complete the sentences.

1) How old is Ann? – She is….

a) thirteen

b) twelve

c) twenty

2) Where does Ann live? — She lives in....

a) Oxford            b) London             c) Brighton

3) Is Ann a student? — She is and she goes to ….

a) a primary school              b) college                c) a state school

4) How old is Ann’s school? — It is...

a) very old                 b) rather old                c) quite new

5) How many foreign languages does Ann learn?  - Two, … .

a) English and German

b) French and English

c) French and German

6) How does Ann go home? — By....

a) train            b) bus                   c) bike

7) What does Ann say about her uniform in the letter?- She … it to school.

a) must wear        b) mustn’t wear         c) likes to wear

8) What is Ann interested in? — She likes....

a) reading and swimming

b) travelling and skating

c) travelling and swimming

II. Read the texts (a—d) and match them with the numbers (1—5). There is one extra number.

1. School Sports Club

2. Theatre

3. Feeling hungry?

4. Interview with a Famous School-leaver

5. School Rules

6. School Year in America

a) This state school is very democratic. Pupils don't wear uniforms, which are usual in private schools. Here children choose and wear clothes they like but they can't wear some colours. They mustn't take stereos or mobiles to school. Some pupils who are 16 drive to school. Small children go by public transport or use their bikes.

b) — A few words about your career, please. — Well, I began my career as a photographer in Fleet Street. It was very good for a young man. There I learned a lot of important things. I learned to put a story together. A picture story is like any other story. It should have a beginning, a middle part and an end. You should take very natural pictures.

c) It is not very long. There are two terms and each has two periods. At the end of each period pupils get a report card with marks from their teachers. In the USA pupils have a lot of holidays. They have two weeks for spring holidays, two weeks for Christmas and three months in summer.

d) Our school has got a lot of clubs where we go after classes. The pupils who like drama come to us. We prepare shows or plays for the end of the school year. The pupils write plays themselves, they choose what they want to show and then work at it. They usually show their plays in spring.

e) Japanese school lunches usually consist of hot soup, rice, chicken or fish, a salad, and milk.  In primary and secondary school students can’t bring their own food from home. One of the unusual facts about lunches in Japan is that students don’t eat in the canteens. They put on white coats and take their lunches to their classrooms, serve at the desks, and eat there.

a)___b)____c)____d)____e)____ extra____

  1. Choose the correct word in the brackets.

  1. People often (say / tell) me about their problems.
  2. Pamela doesn’t (speak / talk) German very well.
  3. My classmates and me often (talk / tell) about our favourite TV shows.
  4. Everybody (says / tells) that physics is a difficult subject and I agree.
  5. Never (say / tell) lies!
  6. Could you (say / tell) us the time, please?
  7. There (is /are) a pair of new shoes near the bed.
  8. There are (some / any) pencils in my pencil case.
  9. Is there (little / few) milk in the glass?
  10. I haven’t got (much / many) friends.
  11. Ben is 21 and he goes to (- / the) college.
  12. My mum works in (- / the) shop near the park.

  1. Put the sentences in the correct order to make classroom English phrases and translate them.
  1. Take, seat, may, I, now, my? _____________________________________


  1. Go, blackboard, shall, the, I, to? __________________________________

  1. What, have, next, do, we, do, to? _________________________________?


  1. Today, afraid, am, I, well, don’t, I, feel. ____________________________



  1. English, say, it, how, in, do, you?


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