Контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс 1 четверть ( углубленное обучение) УМК Афанасьева, Михеева
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Бакланова Светлана Игоревна

Данная контрольная работа составлена по материалам учебника для 7 класса ( углубленное обучение) авторов Афанасьевой О.Н., Михеевой И.В.и может быть использована для проведения контрольного среза знаний учащихся по итогам 1 четверти.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа 1 четверть 7 класс углубленное изучение ( УМК Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.)

Вариант 1.

  1. Сomplete tag-questions.
  1. You know everything about English grammar, ...?
  2.  English is taught in all schools of Russia, ...?
  3. Students don't like to write tests in English or other foreign languages, ...?
  4. Nowadays all educated people should know English, ...?

  1. Complete these sentences.
    1) I'll call you later if ........ .
    2) The plants will grow better if ...... .
    3) We'll go skiing when .....
    4) I won't speak to you if ..... .
    5) Our group will visit Sydney when ...... .

  1. Choose the correct tense: simple present or present continuous (простое настоящее или настоящее продолженное время).

    1) Do you know that water (freezes\ is freezing) at- 4 degrees.  2) Robert (plays\is playing) football best of all in the team.  3) What beautiful swans! Look! One
    (swims\is swimming) towards us.  4) Can you explain the rule again? I (don't understand\am not understand) it, I am afraid. 5) Where (do you go\are you going)? May I go with you?

     4. Match the questions and answers.

1)What languages does he speak?

2)Is he speaking German to us?

3)Do you buy any periodicals?

4)Why are you buying this funny hat?

5)Do you go to the opera at all?

6)Are you going with us?

7)What time do you usually get your mail?

8)Are we going home already?

9)Who is solving the mystery of the lost notebook?

10)Does Holmes solve all the mysteries easily?

а) I like it. I think I can wear it at the Halloween party.

b)Between seven and eight in the morning.

c)Yes, dear. It is getting dark.

d)Yes, he does. He's a great detective.

e)I'd like to.

f)Just one, his native.

g)Sherlock Holmes is. He is a great detective.

h)Yes, I do, but not many.

i)I don't think so. I think he is speaking Spanish

.j)I do, but not very often

5. Give the plural of these nouns.
1) radio,  court,  potato, eye, rose, story, key, mouse
2) child, day, book, manner, study, wolf

3) man, horse, idea, kilo, tooth, brother, cousin, glass, lion
4) piano, dream, foot, deer, child, material, mouse, servant, potato
5) woman, branch, mosquito, ox, frog, hill, root, photo, foot, country, noun

6.Use to where necessary to complete the sentences.

1) Нave you ever seen fish ... jump?

2)We all want you ... be very happy.

3)I will let you ... go to the cinema if you are good.

4)I did not notice him ... leave the room.

5)In the dark the boy felt his father ... take him by the hand.

7.Complete the sentences with the right words.
1. There were a lot of (fruit/fruits) on the plate: apples, grapes and oranges. 2. Such (fruit/fruits) as bananas and oranges do not grow in our climate. 3. Do you prefer fresh or dried (fruit/fruits)? 4. Are tomatoes (fruit/fruits) or vegetables? 5. What tropical (fruit/fruits) do you know?

8.Complete the sentences, use a(an), the or zero article.
1) We knew he was...foreigner because he spoke with a strange accent. 2) He has not worked hard so there is not much hope that he will pass...exam. 3) "Never lend...books, for no one ever returns them;...only books I have in my library are...books that other people have lent me." 4) Who is...boy standing by...piano? 5) What...thick dictionaries!

9.Complete the sentences using the missing words: over, to, on, out, off, along, up, away

1) Jack always gets ... early: he is a farmer and has a lot of work to do.

2) I'm afraid that our secret can get ... .

3) If you're going to the Tower you should get ... at the next stop.

4) Don't let him get ... with my bike!

5) That news was a real shock and we still can't get ... it.

10.Put in prepositions where necessary. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.

1. Please help Michael, he is not coping ... the translation.  2. Tanya always makes notes ... new useful words that she finds in books.  3. If you don't know what book to choose in the library, you can always ask ... information. 4. I never have a problem ... memorizing poems, but I know that a lot ... students find it hard. 5. The text was so difficult that I couldn't get the idea ... it, though I read it three times. 6. I must say I was quite disappointed ... the film we saw yesterday.

Вариант 2.

1. Сomplete tag-questions.

1) You can tell an American from an Englishman when you talk to them, ...?

2) You will start learning Chinese this year, ...?
3) Your parents have never learnt English or other foreign languages, ...?
4) Students at your school speak English during the intervals as well as at the English lessons, ...?

2.Complete these sentences.

1) He'll never be happy if ...... ..
2) I'll write a poem when ....... .
3) Jane will learn French if ...... .
4) they'll work on the computer as soon as .... .
5) I'll feed the dog and walk him as soon as....... .

3. Choose the correct tense: simple present or present continuous (простое настоящее или настоящее продолженное время).

1) Sue  (looks\is looking) very smart today: she (wears\is wearing)her new black evening dress.  2) I (do not eat ea\am not eating) honey: it always (makes\is making) me sick. 3) -What (do you look\are you looking)  at? -This book. It hasn't been here before.
4) My father usually (had\is having) coffee in the morning but today he (has\is having) tea.
5) Fewer and fewer people (smoke\are smoking) tobacco nowadays.

4. Match the questions and answers.

1)What languages does he speak?

2)Is he speaking German to us?

3)Do you buy any periodicals?

4)Why are you buying this funny hat?

5)Do you go to the opera at all?

6)Are you going with us?

7)What time do you usually get your mail?

8)Are we going home already?

9)Who is solving the mystery of the lost notebook?

10)Does Holmes solve all the mysteries easily?

а) I like it. I think I can wear it at the Halloween party.

b)Between seven and eight in the morning.

c)Yes, dear. It is getting dark.

d)Yes, he does. He's a great detective.

e)I'd like to.

f)Just one, his native.

g)Sherlock Holmes is. He is a great detective.

h)Yes, I do, but not many.

i)I don't think so. I think he is speaking Spanish

.j)I do, but not very often

5. Give the plural of these nouns.
1) lesson, thief, house,  rose, story, key, mouse, court.
2) child, hero, day, case, manner, wolf
3) man, horse, idea, kilo, tooth, brother, cousin, glass, lion
4) piano, dream, foot, deer, child, material, mouse, servant, potato
5) woman,branch, mosquito, ox, frog, hill, root, photo, foot, country, noun

6. Use to where necessary to complete the sentences.

1)How can you make a child ... learn to be polite?

2)Yesterday I heard someone ... say that the weather was going to change.

3)Sara did not expect her mother ... give her a pet as a birthday present.

4)The children were made ... learn a long poem by heart.

5)Margo would like her teacher not ... be so strict.

7.Complete the sentences with the right words.
1. We often have (fruit/fruits) for dessert. 3. Such (fruit/fruits) as bananas and oranges do not grow in our climate. 2. Let's make (fruit/fruits) salad for the party. 3. Would you like (fruit/fruits) or coffee to finish your meal with?  4. What (fruit/fruits) do you put in your salad? 5. We always buy fresh (fruit/fruits) at the market.

8.Complete the sentences, use a(an), the or zero article.
1)There was...old Lady of France who taught...little ducklings to dance. 2) ... hotel is...place where...students of...travellers can get...meals and...rooms. 3) I had like...glass of water. 7) Who is...boy standing by...piano 4) Today is...last day when we can give them. 5) The Browns have got...boy and...girl....girl is three years older than...boy.

9.Complete the sentences using the missing words: over, to, on, out, off, along, up, away

1) Ladies and gentlemen, I  think it's time to get down ... business

2) Does she get ... well with her classmates?

3) Hello! How are you getting ... ?

4) The old lady got ... of the car with difficulty.

5) Get ... the bus near London Bridge and go as far as Trafalgar Square.

10.Put in prepositions where necessary. Вставьте предлоги где необходимо.

1. Can I ask you a question? What do you feel ... learning two or three for eign languages at school? 2. How many new words can you learn ... a time? 3. When we talk to Englishmen or Americans, we practise ... our English.  4. Are you happy ... the way you are taught English?  5. You can use an old idiom and sound funny if you don't keep yourself ... up-to-date.  6. My parents will be disappointed ... me if I am late.

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