Презентация к уроку "Книги в моей жизни"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Fiction non-fiction Detective stories love stories Science fiction historical novels Biographies humorous stories
Fiction non-fiction Detective stories love stories Science fiction historical novels Biographies humorous stories Fairy-tales tragedy Prose autobiographies
A Writer Russian English (American) A novelist A poet A short-story writer A playwright A tale-teller
Through the character’s actions; Through the character’s thoughts and speeches; Through a physical description of the character; Through the opinions of other characters.
Johann Gutenberg (1397-1468) The Bible
A: Can you help me with the test in history? B: Of course, without any problem. A: ______________________________ ____ ____? B: _________ on tablets of wood or pieces of bark. A: Did people use any other instruments to write on? B: __________________________________ _ ____. A: Can you tell me____________________ __ __? B: It was China. ___________________________ A: Really? How interesting. I’ve never heard about it before. ___ _ __ ? B: Books were quite common in ancient Rome____________________ . A: I have one more question. When and where was printing invented? B: _____________________________________________ _______ A: By whom was the first printing press set up in England? B: ______________________________ _____________________ A: And what about Russia? How did things in printing develop here? B: _____________________________ _______________________ A: Thank you very much for your help. B: You are welcome.
People don't read (1)_______as much as they used to. NEWS A lot of people buy the paper to read about their (2)___ FAVOUR sport. In fact, sports (3)_______have become one of PERSON the most popular subjects for (4)______. Most people REPORT are bored with (5)_________and prefer to read about POLITICS famous people like actors and (6)_______. People are MUSIC particularly interested in reading about the (7)_____ PERSON lives of stars and other (8)____________. Nowadays, CELEBRATE (9)______will do almost anything to get a good story JOURNAL about a star, (10)_________if there is any gossip in it. SPECIAL
Проект урока: «Книги в моей жизни» учителя английского языка МОУ СОШ №3 Нестеренко Ларисы Валерьевны
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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