Презентация "Образование в Британии и США"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)

Марина Анатольевна Семенцова

Дополнительный материал к теме  учебника "Forward" М.В.Вербицкой для 6 класса


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5 6 7 9 10 11 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 age Form (class) GCSE A-Level Post-School Education NURSERY SCHOOL SECONDARY SCHOOL 6-th form 11 years compulsory education EDUCATION SYSTEM Infant school Junior school

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Pre-school education in England begins at the age of 3 or 4. Around half of the children at his age attend nursery schools or play grounds mostly organised by parents. NURSERY SCHOOL

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School children attend a primary school for 6 years (5 to 11 years). They are taught «3R’s»: reading, writing arithmetic. Pupils have a lot of fun at school, drawing, reading, dancing or singing. PRIMARY SCHOOL When they are 7 pupils move to a junior school , which lasts 4 years till they are 11. They study a lot of subjects: English, Math, Science, History, Geography along with Technology, Music. Art and Physical education.

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Secondary schools are usually much larger than primary schools and most children – over 80 per cent – go to a comprehensive school at the age of 11. These schools are not selective – you do not have to pass an exam to go there . SECONDARY SCHOOL The history. Before that time, all children took an exam at the age of 11 called the “11+”. Approximately the top 20 per cent were chosen to go to the academic grammar schools. Those who failed the “11+” (80 per cent) went to secondary modern schools.

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ETON Eton , a world-famous school for boys, was founded in 1440 by Henry VI, at Windsor, on the river Thames. Its students (currently 1,250 in number) are largely from aristocratic and upper-class families. Boys usually stay at Eton for five years, arriving at the age of 13. Eton provides exceptionally fine teaching facilities, for example in science, languages, computing and design. The tutorial system allows pupils to choose their own academic tutors to supervise their work.

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Comprehensive schools want to develop the talents of each individual child. So they offer a wide choice of subjects, from art and craft, woodwork and domestic science to the sciences, modern languages, computer studies, ets. All these subjects are enjoyed by both girls and boys. COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL

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THE SIXTH FORM More ambitious pupils continue with very specialized studies in the sixth from. They remain at school for two more years. They remain at school for two more years. Most secondary schools have sixth form departments providing one-or two-year courses. Some pupils, however, go to a special sixth form college, where the atmosphere is less like a school and more like a college, where they are treated as adults.

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Sport it is very important part of a child's education in Britain, not just – as you may think to develop physical abilities, but also to provide a certain kind of moral education. Team games encourage such social qualities as enthusiasm, cooperation, loyalty unselfishness. SPORT IN SCHOOL

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The Grammar School is a school for children over the age 11, who are specially chosen to study for examinations which may lead to higher education. GRAMMAR SCHOOL The Grammar School teaches modern languages, sciences and classics. This school prepares pupils for university or college.

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Secondary Modern School a school for children over the age 11, who are not expected to go on to higher study later. This school gives a very limited education. Pupils get instructions in woodwork, metalwork, sewing, shorthand, Typing and cooking. After finishing such a school a pupil becomes an unskilled worker. SECONDARY MODERN SCHOOLS

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The British government encourages careers education in the country. That's why secondary schools try to break down the barriers between education and business. They set up close links with firms to allow their students to take part in business activities. At the age of 16 two thirds of these pupils leave school and get jobs or apprenticeships. About one-third stay on at school until the age of 18 to pass A level (Advanced level) exams, preparing themselves for higher education (a chance to enter to the university).

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PUBLIC SCHOOLS The most famous schools are called “public schools” and they have a long history and traditions. It is often necessary to put your child's name on a waiting list at birth to be sure he or she gets a place.

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EXAMINATIONS Pupils sit the General Certificate of Secondary Education exams at the end of the 5-years’ course. They usually take as many subjects as possible. Weak pupils may only sit for three or four subjects whilst better students will take ten subjects. Consequently pupils in Britain leave school at the age of 16 with examination certificates in the individual they have passed.

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SUBJECTS CORE SUBJECTS English Mathematics Science FOUNDATION SUBJECTS History Geography a Modern Language Technology Art Music Physical Education

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Many American children attend Nursery school, or Pre-school. The nursery school is usually attended by children three or four years of age. There is a network of nursery schools and day care centers where children are looked after while their parents are at work. In these schools, children learn to get along with each other. Most nursery schools are private. NURSERY SCHOOLS

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Many public school systems start with kindergarten classes for 5-year-old children. The word kindergarten is German and means “garden for children.” Kindergarten children spend a year learning how to get along with others and preparing for first grade. In some areas, they begin learning to read and write and recognize numbers. KINDERGARTEN

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Most children enter the first grade of elementary school at the age of 5 or 6. In elementary school they are taught the basics of education – reading, writing, arithmetic. The curriculum is also enriched by such subjects as history, geography, science, health, art, music, physical education. Children attend elementary school from five to nine years, depending upon how the school system is arranged. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

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JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Grades 7,8,9 usually make up the junior high school. Some school systems have given up junior high school in flavor of middle, or intermediate, schools. Middle schools usually include grades 5 or 6 through 8. Some are only for grades 7 and 8. And when grades 7-9 included with the 10th, 11th, 12th grades, all six are said to from a senior high school.

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HIGH SCHOOL Students who have completed the first 8 or 9 grades enter high school. There are generally three kinds of high schools. Academic high schools prepare students for college. Technical and vocational high schools enable students to learn a trade or occupation. Comprehensive high schools offer college preparatory work as well as vocational courses. About 85% OF ALL American girls and boys ages 14 through17 are enrolled in public high schools.

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The growing demand for higher education is being met in part by two-year junior colleges. These schools are sometimes called community colleges. They are often supported by taxpayers and offer courses free or at low tuition to local high school graduates . JUNIOR COLLEGES

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The cherished desire of any U.S. school leaver is to enter Harvard University (situated near Boston), the most prestigious educational establishments in the USA. The need of higher education in the USA has grown with advances in knowledge. Many jobs require college and university. Therefore, many high school students feel it is important that they continue education. HIGHER EDUCATION

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Altogether there are some 2800 colleges and universities in the USA. Most are coeducational. That is ,they are opened to both men and women students. They range in size from small colleges with only a few hundred students to large institutions with 100,000 students or more. COLLEGAS AND UNIVERSITIES

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"Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten." B. F. Skinner "Only the educated are free." Epictetus "Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught." Oscar Wilde “ Education … has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.” G.M. Trevelyan

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Well, you see it’s the end of our story and we just wanted to say that it’s your own choice where to study and how to do it (and you can get good education not only in the USA and Great Britain). Only you can choose your way in the future life whether it would be good or not. THE END

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