Тест на уровень знаний
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
- It ………………… Sunday evening.
- was
- were
- be
- Everybody looked tired and wanted to go ……………………. home.
- -
- at
- to
- Mr. Candy locked the door and …………………. outside.
- went
- goed
- goes
- The weather ……………………. fine.
- were
- was
- be
- .………sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky.
- A
- -
- The
- He decided to go ……………… home on foot.
- at
- -
- over
- The house he lived in was not far ……………………and soon he was there.
- away
- off
- about
- …………..… door was blocked by the police.
- Mr. Candy
- Mr. Candys’
- Mr. Candy’s
- No matter how………………. , he couldn’t get in.
- he tried hard
- hard he tried
- tried he hard
- It wasn’t really funny because Mr. Candy …………..… a date that night.
- had
- has
- have
- He felt ……………….. bit nervous.
- a
- the
- -
- Then he suddenly …………………. to see his father.
- wants
- wanted
- want
- His father calmed him ……………..… .
- away
- down
- off
- Mr. Candy realized that everything what …….… wasn’t really important.
- happened
- had happened
- happens
- “Things …………………….… happen”, he thought.
- do
- does
- did
- When he ………………………. next morning, he felt as good as never.
- waked up
- woke up
- wakes up
- He made up his mind to start a new………………. .
- leaf
- loaf
- life
- Mr. Candy was sure that his life ……………. change greatly soon.
- will
- would
- shall
- An interesting story happened ……………………… my friends last year.
- to
- with
- on
- ……………… painting disappeared from my friends’ house.
- The
- A
- -
- Let me explain how the situation ……………. .
- came about
- come about
- came on
- Somebody stole the picture, that ………………. in town the day before.
- arrived
- did arrive
- had arrived
- It was …… heavy to hang on the wall and was left on the floor of the hall.
- too
- to
- two
- ..….. wanted to go to the restaurant, so all stayed to have dinner at home.
- Nothing
- Nobody
- Everybody
- The dinner smelled …………… good.
- -
- of
- to
- All Jim … that day was a sandwich.
- eats
- had eaten
- eated
- “What do you think ………………….. your new painting?” – asked Bob.
- of
- at
- by
- “Oh, it is extremely expensive and beautiful”, ………………. Jim.
- said
- told
- spoke
- After dinner he wanted ……… the painting but found nothing in the hall.
- to have look at
- to have a look at
- to have a look on
- We didn’t believe him at first, but ……………… he said was quite true.
- what
- which
- that
- The sudden noise………… .
- made everybody jump
- made everybody to jump
- made everybody jumped
- It was Rachel …….… arrived.
- which
- that
- who
- Why did she always ……….… to see Jim at the worst possible moment?
- come
- came
- comes
- ………….. at the fact that the painting had disappeared, Rachel couldn’t say a word.
- Feeling astonish
- Feel astonished
- Feeling astonished
- The thief was thought to have escaped by climbing ……….. the wall.
- by
- off
- over
- In the morning Rachel persuaded me to play …………….… tennis.
- with
- -
- in
- The match was abandoned after………… .
- half an hour
- half of an hour
- the half an hour
- Nobody felt …………….… after what had happened.
- at the ease
- at ease
- with ease
- The next day I …………….. to a woman outside the house.
- heard a man talked
- heard a man to talk
- heard a man talking
- I …………………….. the woman’s voice at once – no doubt, it was Rachel.
- realized
- understood
- recognized
- I was about to ………………………….. my chair during the talk.
- fall off
- fall out of
- fall from
- Rachel ………………….… the painting and was ready to sell it at a fabulous price.
- had stolen
- stole
- is stolen
- When I told everybody about it, she ……… a terrible look as if she wanted to kill me at the moment.
- gave to me
- gave me
- gave at me
- “Sorry, I meant to tell you that I ………. take the painting for a while, but I forgot.”
- wil
- should
- would
- Such stupid ………….… we heard that we were shocked.
- the lie was
- was the lie
- be the lie
- This was the first time Jim ………………….. her real nature.
- saw
- seen
- was seeing
- She ……………………… out of the house and disappeared in the wood.
- had rushed
- rushing
- rushed
- By the time we got to Rachel’s hotel, she …………..… .
- booked away
- had booked out
- booked out
- We couldn’t ……………. how well she managed to get off with the punishment.
- get over
- get away
- get out
- Suffice it to say that she never ……………… and returned the painting.
- came in
- came over
- came up
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