Интерактивная игра по грамматике для 8-11 классов
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку

Интерактивная игра по грамматике английского языка для учащихся 8-11 классов


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Слайд 1

20 Squares Grammar Jeopardy

Слайд 2

100 100 200 200 400 400 300 400 Word-building Use of Tenses Modals Passive 300 300 300 200 400 200 100 500 500 500 500 1 00

Слайд 3

10 0 Point Question Word-building They have already discussed this important ... problem. a) science b ) scientific c) scienceful

Слайд 4

10 0 Point Question Game Board Word-building: Answer b) scien tific

Слайд 5

20 0 Point Question Word-building Hong Kong is famous for its quick economic ... . a ) develop b ) developing c ) development

Слайд 6

20 0 Point Question Game Board Word-building : Answer c) develop ment

Слайд 7

30 0 Point Question Word-building Which of the following words is spelt correctly? (look at the use of ‘ e ’) . a ) changeable b) hopeing c) argueable

Слайд 8

30 0 Point Question Game Board Word-building: Answer a) chang e able

Слайд 9

40 0 Point Question Word-building The worst thing about my job is the ___________ ; I do the same thing day after day. a) kingdom b) boredom c) freedom

Слайд 10

40 0 Point Question Game Board Word-building: Answer b) boredom

Слайд 11

50 0 Point Question Word-building I completely ___________ with you. I think it's totally ___________ to stay at home when your friend has a party. a) disagree / fair b) disagree / unfair c) unagree / unfair

Слайд 12

50 0 Point Question Game Board Word-building: Answer b) dis agree / un fair

Слайд 13

10 0 Point Question Use of Tenses My brother hates ... the dishes. a ) wash b ) to wash c) washing

Слайд 14

10 0 Point Question Game Board Use of Tenses: Answer c) washing

Слайд 15

20 0 Point Question _______ you ever _____a UFO? a) Have, see b) Have, saw c) Have, seen d) Has, seen

Слайд 16

20 0 Point Question Game Board Use of Tenses: Answer c) Have, seen

Слайд 17

30 0 Point Question Use of Tenses What magazine ___ you ___? -It is a French magazine about sports. Are you interested in sports? Yes, I ___. But I ______ French. a) are you reading, am, don’t know b) are you reading, am, know c) do you read, am, don’t know

Слайд 18

30 0 Point Question Game Board Use of Tenses: Answer a) are you reading, am, don’t know

Слайд 19

40 0 Point Question Use of Tenses You _____ so much. __________? a) have changed, anything happened b) have been changed, anything has happened c) have changed, has anything happened

Слайд 20

40 0 Point Question Game Board Use of Tenses: Answer c) have changed, has anything happened

Слайд 21

50 0 Point Question Use of Tenses I didn’t see him, when I arrived at the party, he ____________ home. a) was leaving and going b) left and went c) had left and gone

Слайд 22

50 0 Point Question Game Board Use of Tenses: Answer c) had left and gone

Слайд 23

10 0 Point Question Modals You ... come in time to school in the morning. a ) must b ) have to c ) should

Слайд 24

10 0 Point Question Game Board Modals: Answer c) should

Слайд 25

20 0 Point Question Modals We ... help to lay the table. Be quick. a ) must b ) have to c ) should

Слайд 26

20 0 Point Question Game Board Modals: Answer b) have to

Слайд 27

30 0 Point Question Modals Excuse me, I ... get to Trafalgar Square. ... I take a bus? - Yes, you ... take bus № 62. a ) must, should, should. b ) have to, should, should. c ) have to, should, must.

Слайд 28

30 0 Point Question Game Board Modals: Answer b) have to, should, should

Слайд 29

40 0 Point Question Modals There is something wrong with your TV set. You ... call a repairman. Oh, we ... do it! My brother ... fix it himself. a ) must, needn’t, can. b ) must, need, may. c ) have to, needn’t, should.

Слайд 30

40 0 Point Question Game Board Modals: Answer a) must, needn’t, can

Слайд 31

50 0 Point Question Modals We don’t accept credit cards. Well, I just ... pay cash, I guess. Oh, I don’t have enough cash. I ... give you a cheque. a ) must, can b ) need, can c ) should, have to

Слайд 32

50 0 Point Question Game Board Modals: Answer c) should, have to

Слайд 33

10 0 Point Question Passive Voice Charlie Chaplin ... in 1889. a ) is born b ) was born c) were born

Слайд 34

10 0 Point Question Game Board Passive Voice: Answer b) was born

Слайд 35

20 0 Point Question Passive Voice Our British partners are going to arrive tonight. From the station they ... straight to the hotel. a ) are taken b ) will take c ) will be taken

Слайд 36

20 0 Point Question Game Board Passive Voice: Answer c) will be taken

Слайд 37

30 0 Point Question Passive Voice There are a lot of new buildings in our city. This year a new concert hall … . a) is building b ) is being built c ) build

Слайд 38

30 0 Point Question Game Board Passive Voice: Answer b) is being built

Слайд 39

40 0 Point Question Passive Voice When … the telegram … ? It … two hours ago. a) is … sent, sent b) was … sent, was sent c) did … send, sent

Слайд 40

40 0 Point Question Game Board Passive Voice: Answer b) was … sent, was sent

Слайд 41

50 0 Point Question Passive Voice A mother is angry. A lot of things … by the children. a) are scattered b) have scattered c) have been scattered

Слайд 42

50 0 Point Question Game Board Passive Voice: Answer c) have been scattered

Слайд 43

Thank you for playing! Jeopardy

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