Грамматика Использование артикля
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Запомните следующие правила.
Перед каждым нарицательным существительным должен стоять артикль.
Если вы не употребляете перед существительным артикль, вы должны уметь объяснить, почему.
Артикль не употребляется, если перед существительным стоит притяжательное или указательное местоимение, другое существительное в притяжательном падеже, количественное числительное или отрицание «nо» (не «not»).
Упр. 1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. This is ____ book. It is my ____ book. 2. Is this your ____ pencil? — No, it isn't my ____ pencil, it is ray sister's ____ pencil. 3. I have ____ sister. My ____ sister is ____ engineer. My sister's ____ husband is ____ doctor. 4. I have no ____ handbag. 5. Is this ____ watch? — No, it isn't ____ watch, it's ____ pen. 6. This ____ pen is good, and that ____ pen is bad. 7. I can see ____ pencil on your ____ table, but I can see no ____ paper. 8. Give me ____ chair, please. 9. They have ____ dog and two ____ cats. 10. I have ____ spoon in my ____ plate, but I have no ____ soup in it.
Упоминая предмет впервые, мы употребляем перед ним неопределенный артикль а(аn) . Упоминая этот же предмет вторично, мы ставим перед ним определенный артикль the .
E.g. This is a book. The book is interesting.
Упр. 2. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. This is ____ tree. ____ tree is green. 2. I can see three ____ boys. ____ boys are playing. 3. I have ____ bicycle. ____ bicycle is black. My ____ friend has no ____ bicycle. 4. Our ____ room is large. 5. We wrote ____ dictation yesterday. ____ dictation was long. 6. She has two ____ daughters and one ____ son. Her ____ son is ____ pupil. 7. My ____ brother's ____ friend has no ____ dog. 8. This ____ pencil is broken. Give me that ____ pencil, please. 9. She has ____ ball. ____ ball is ____ big. 10. I got ____ letter from my ____ friend yesterday. ____ letter was interesting.
Неопределенный артикль a (an) может употребляться только с исчисляемыми существительными, стоящими в единственном числе. Перед неисчисляемыми существительными или существительными во множественном числе неопределенный артикль опускается. Определенный артикль the употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными, как с единственным, так и с множественным числом.
E.g. This is a book. The book is interesting.
исчисляемое в единственном числе
This is × meat. The meat is fresh.
These are × books. The books are good .
множественное число
× - отсутствие артикля
Упр. 3. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. This is ____ pen. ____ pen is red. 2. These are pencils. ____ pencils are black. 3. This is ____ soup. ____ soup is tasty. 4. In the morning I eat ____ sandwich and drink ____ tea. 5. She gave me ____ coffee and ____ cake. ____ coffee was hot. ____ cake was tasty. 6. Do you like ____ ice-cream? 7. I see ____ book in your ____ hand. Is ____ book interesting? 8. She bought ____ meat, ____ butter and ____ potatoes yesterday. She also bought ____ cake. ____ cake was very ____ tasty. We ate ____ cake with ____ tea. 9. This is my ____ table. On ____ table I have ____ book, two ____ pencils, ____ pen and ____ paper. 10. This is ____ bag. ____ bag is brown. It is my sister's ____ bag. And this is my ____ bag. It is ____ yellow.
Запомните следующие словосочетания, в которых артикль не употребляется:
at school,
at home,
at work,
Упр. 4. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. I have two ____ sisters. My ____ sisters are ____ students. 2. We are at ____ home. 3. My ____ brother is not at ____ home, he is at ____ school. 4. My ____ mother is at ____ work. She is ____ doctor. 5. I am not ____ doctor. 6. I have no ____ sister. 7. He is not ____ pilot. 8. I have thirty-two ____ teeth. 9. He has ____ child. 10. She has two ____ children. Her children are at ____ school. 11. Is your father at ____ home? — No, he is at ____ work. 12. Where is your ____ brother? — He is at ____ home.
Если перед существительным употребляется прилагательное, оно стоит между артиклем и существительным.
E.g. This is a book. This is a good book.
Упр 5. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. We have ____ large ____ family. 2. My granny often tells us ____ long ____ interesting ____ stories. 3. My ____ father is ____ engineer. He works at ____ factory. ____ factory is large. 4. My ____ mother is ____ doctor. She works at ____ large ____ hospital. She is at ____ work now. 5. My ____ aunt is ____ teacher. She works at ____ school. ____ school is good. My ____ aunt is not at ____ school now. She is at ____ home. She is drinking ____ tea and eating ____ jam. ____ jam is sweet. I am at ____ home, too. I am drinking ____ tea and eating ____ sandwich. ____ sandwich is tasty. 6. My sister is at ____ school. She is ____ pupil. 7. My cousin has ____ big ____ black ____ cat. My cousin's ____ cat has two ____ kittens. ____ cat likes ____ milk. ____ kittens like ____ milk, too.
Упр. 6. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. I am ____ engineer. 2. My ____ son is ____ pupil. 3. He is ____ good ____ pupil. 4. This is ____ house. 5. This is my ____ pencil. 6. You have some ____ pencils, but I have no ____ pencil. Give me ____ pencil, please. 7. I like your ____ beautiful ____ flower. Give me ____ flower, please. 8. My ____ mother is at ____ home. She is reading ____ interesting ____ book. 9. My ____ father is not at ____ home. He is at ____ work. He is ____ doctor. He is ____ good ____ doctor. He works at ____ hospital. ____ hospital is large.
Часто, даже упоминая предмет впервые, мы тем не менее употребляем перед ним определенный артикль:
а) если упоминаемый предмет является единственным в мире
E.g. The sun is shining brightly.
б) если этот предмет является определенным по ситуации
E.g. Put the book on the table.
Упр. 7. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. What's ____ weather like today? ____ weather is fine. 2. ____ sun is yellow. 3. ____ sky is grey today. 4. ____ earth is ____ planet. 5. We had ____ English lesson yesterday. ____ teacher asked me many ____ questions. ____ questions were difficult.
4. Where is your ____ brother? — He is at ____ home. He is in his ____ room. He is sitting at ____ table. He is doing his ____ homework. ____ homework is difficult. 5. Our ____ cat is sitting on ____ sofa. 6. It is very dark in ____ room. Turn on ____ light, please. 7. Nick went into ____ bathroom, turned on ____ water and washed his ____ hands.
Упр. 8. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. This is ____ good ____ book. Take ____ book from ____ table. Put this ____ book into ____ bookcase. 2. ____ weather is fine today. ____ sky is blue. ____ sun is shining brightly in ____ blue ____ sky. 3. This is ____ boy. ____ boy is at ____ school. He is ____ pupil. This ____ boy is my ____ brother's ____ friend. He has ____ cat, but he has no ____ dog. He likes his ____ cat. He gives ____ cat ____ milk every day. 4. Yesterday I received ____ letter from my ____ friend. ____ letter was interesting. 5. We live in ____ big house. I like ____ house very much. 6. Are you ____ worker? — No, Iam ____ student.
Кроме того существует огромное количество так называемых «застывших словосочетаний,» в которых артикль употребляется или отсутствует традиционно. Эти словосочетания приходится заучивать наизусть.
Запомните следующие конструкции.
There is a ____
Where is the ____ ?
Запомните также следующие предложения:
The (book) is on the (table).
Ho: The (book) is on a little (table)
Существительное, стоящее в скобках, может быть любым. Прилагательное также может быть любым. Вместо предлога «on » может быть любой другой предлог иди заменяющее его словосочетание, напр., «in front of ».
Упр. 9. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. Where is ____ cat? — ____ cat is on ____ sofa. 2. Where is ____ book? — ____ book is on ____ shelf. 3. Where are ____ flowers? — ____ flowers are in ____ beautiful vase. 4. Where is ____ vase? — ____ vase is on ____ little table near ____ window. 5. Open ____ window, please. ____ weather is fine today. I can see ____ sun in ____ sky. I can see ____ nice little bird. ____ bird is sitting in ____ big tree. ____ tree is green. 6. There is ____ little white cloud in ____ sky. 7. We have ____ large room. There is ____ big sofa in ____ room and ____ little lamp on ____ wall over ____ sofa. I like to sit on ____ sofa and read ____ good book.
Запомните следующее застывшее словосочетание:
in front
Упр. 10. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. Where is ____ soup? — ____ soup is in ____ big saucepan on ____ gas-cooker. 2. Where are ____ cutlets? — ____ cutlets are in ____ refrigerator on ____ little plate. 3. There is no ____ bread on ____ table. Where is ____ bread? 4. There is ____ little brown coffee-table in our ____ room in ____ front of ____ sofa. 5. Where is ____ table in your ____ room? 6. There is ____ thick carpet on ____ floor in my mother's ____ room. 7. Is your brother at ____ home? — No, he is at ____ work. He works at ____ big factory. He is ____ engineer. 8. My sister has many ____ books. ____ books are in ____ big bookcase. 9. ____ weather is fine today. Let's go and play in ____ yard. There are many ____ children in ____ yard. They are playing with ____ ball.
Запомните следующие конструкции, требующие неопределенного артикля:
I have a ____ .
This is a ____ .
I am а ____ .
Не has а ____ .
That is а ____ .
Не is а ____ .
I see а ____ .
It is а ____ .
She is а ____ .
There is а ____ .
Упр. 11. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1, We have ____ big dog. ____ dog is very clever. 2. My friend has ____ very good computer. 3. This ____ boy is big. He is ____ student. 4. There is ____ very big piano in ____ hall. 5. This is ____ tree and that is not ____ tree. It's ____ bush. 6. I am ____ boy. I am ____ pupil. I learn at ____ school. 7. My sister is at ____ work. She is ____ secretary. She works at ____ large office. 8. This is ____ very difficult question. I don't know ____ answer to it. 9. Do you see ____ little girl with ____ big ball in her ____ hands? She is ____ pupil of our ____ school. 10. There was ____ beautiful flower in this ____ vase yesterday. Where is ____ flower now?
Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания:
in the middle
in the corner
to the right
to the left
Упр. 12. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. There is ____ thick red ____ carpet in my ____ room. ____ carpet is on ____ floor in ____ front of ____ sofa. 2. Where is ____ table in your brother's ____ room? — His ____ table is near ____ window. 3. I can see ____ fine ____ vase on ____ shelf. Is it your ____ vase? 4. We have no ____ piano in our ____ living-room. 5. My ____ uncle is ____ married. He has ____ beautiful wife. They have ____ son, but they have no ____ daughter. 6. I can see ____ nice ____ coffee-table in ____ middle of ____ room to ____ right of ____ door. It is ____ black and ____ red. I like ____ coffee-table. 7. Our ____ TV-set is on ____ little ____ table in ____ corner of ____ room. 8. There is ____ beautiful picture in my father's ____ study, ____ picture is on ____ wall to ____ left of ____ window.
Упр. 13. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
My aunt's flat is in ____ new house. There is ____ living-room, ____ bedroom, ____ study, ____ bathroom and ____ kitchen in ____ flat. ____ bedroom is ____ large room with ____ two windows. ____ room is light as ____ windows are large. There are ____ white curtains on ____ windows. There are ____ two beds with ____ large pillows on them. There are ____ small tables near ____ beds. There are ____ lamps on them. To ____ left of ____ door there is ____ dressing-table with ____ looking-glass on it. There is ____ low chair at ____ dressing-table. There are ____ several pictures on ____ pale green walls. There is ____ thick carpet on ____ floor. ____ carpet is dark green. ____ room is very cosy.
Если после конструкции there is (there are) стоит неисчисляемое существительное или существительное во множественном числе, вместо опущенного неопределенного артикля часто (не обязательно) употребляется слово « some.»
Упр. 14. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. There is ____ sofa in ____ corner of ____ room. 2. There are ____ cushions on ____ sofa, 3. There are ____ books on ____ shelf. Give me ____ book, please. 4. Look into ____ refrigerator. What can you see on ____ shelves? — There is ____ butter in ____ butter-dish. There is ____ sausage, but there is no ____ cheese. There are ____ eggs and ____ apples. There is ____ orange, ____ lemon, and ____ jam in ____ little vase. 5. There is ____ juice in this ____ cup. May I drink ____ juice? 6. There are ____ girls in ____ yard, but I can see no ____ boys. Where are ____ boys? — Oh, all ____ boys are playing football at ____ stadium.
Упр. 15. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
I have ____ colour TV-set. ____ TV-set is on ____ little table in ____ corner of ____ room. 2. There is ____ book, ____ pen, and ____ paper on my ____ writing-desk. 3. My ____ brother is ____ teacher. He works at ____ school. He has ____ very good books. His ____ books are in ____ big bookcase. 4. There is ____ tea in my ____ glass. There is no ____ tea in my ____ friend's ____ glass. His ____ glass is empty. 5. Where is ____ coffee-table in your ____ room? — ____ coffee-table is in ____ front of ____ sofa. There is ____ cup on ____ coffee-table and ____ newspapers. There is ____ coffee in ____ cup.
Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания:
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
at night
А также:
to go to bed
to go to work
to go to school
Упр. 16. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо .
1. My ____ friend has to get up early in ____ morning because he goes to ____ school. That's why he usually goes to ____ bed early in ____ evening. ____ weather was very bad in ____ morning yesterday. ____ sky was grey and it was raining. But in ____ middle of ____ day ____ weather began to change. ____ rain stopped and ____ sun appeared from behind ____ clouds. In ____ afternoon it was very warm. I did not want to stay at ____ home and went into ____ yard. There were ____ boys and ____ girls in ____ yard. We played in ____ yard till late in ____ evening. When I came ____ home, I drank ____ tea, ate ____ sandwich and went to ____ bed at once. I slept very well at ____ night.
Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания:
to go home
to come home
to leave home for work (for school)
at half past five
at a quarter past five
Упр. 17. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. My brother is ____ pupil. He goes to ____ school. He goes to ____ school in ____ morning. He has five or six ____ lessons every day. In ____ afternoon he goes ____ home. At ____ home he does his ____ homework. In ____ evening he reads ____ books. He usually goes to ____ bed at ____ half past ten. At ____ night he sleeps. 2. My father goes to ____ work in ____ morning and comes ____ home in ____ evening. 3. I get up at ____ half past seven in ____ morning and go to ____ bed at ____ quarter to eleven in ____ evening. 4. When does your mother leave ____ home for ____ work? — She leaves ____ home for ____ work at ____ quarter past eight. 5. When do you leave ____ home for ____ school? — I leave ____ home for ____ school at ____ half past ____ eight.
Перед названиями месяцев и дней недели артикль не употребляется.
School begins in September.
We rest on Sunday.
Перед порядковыми числительными обычно употребляется определенный артикль.
Our classroom is on the second floor.
Today is the tenth of May.
Упр. 18. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. There are three rooms and ____ kitchen in our new flat. 2. My new dress is made of ____ silk. 3. If you want to write something on ____ blackboard, you must have ____ piece of ____ chalk. 4. Are there any pupils in ____ classroom? 3. I have ____ new English book. ____ book is very interesting. 6. There is ____ garden in ____ front of our school. ____ garden is not large, but it is very nice. 7. ____ May is ____ fifth month of the year. 8. ____ Saturday is ____ sixth day of the week. 9. ____ Sunday is ____ day off.
Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания:
after work
from work
after school
from school
Упр. 19. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. My friends live in ____ small town. It is ____ new town. ____ streets in ____ town are broad and straight. There are ____ beautiful buildings in them. ____ town is very green, and so ____ air is fresh. There are ____ beautiful parks and gardens in ____ town. ____ people like to go there after ____ work. In ____ evening you can hear ____ sounds of ____ music from ____ parks. There are ____ schools, ____ libraries, ____ hospital, ____ theatre, ____ cinemas, ____ polyclinics and ____ kindergartens in ____ town. 2. This is ____ classroom. ____ classroom is large and light. 3. There is ____ picture on ____ wall. 4. What is ____ date today? It is ____ seventh of ____ December. 5. ____ third lesson today is ____ lesson of English. 6. Pete, go to ____ blackboard. 7. After school I usually go ____ home. 8. My father always comes from ____ work late: at eight o'clock or at ____ half past eight. But on ____ Friday he comes ____ home early: at half past four or at ____ quarter to five. On ____ Saturday and on ____ Sunday he does not go to ____ work.
Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания:
to have (cook, make, prepare) breakfast
to have lunch(tea, dinner, supper)
Упр. 20. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
I go to ____ school in ____ morning, so I get up early. I usually get up at ____ quarter past seven. I go to ____ bathroom, turn on ____ water and wash my face and hands. My father and mother also get up early in ____ morning. My mother works at ____ office. She is ____ typist. My father is ____ doctor. He works at ____ polyclinic. We have ____ breakfast in ____ kitchen. We eat ____ porridge and ____ eggs. We drink ____ tea. My father and mother leave ____ home for ____ work at ____ half past eight. My father goes to ____ polyclinic, and my mother goes to ____ office. I don't leave ____ home with my parents: ____ school where I learn is near our house. I leave ____ home for ____ school at ____ quarter to nine. My granny stays at ____ home and cooks ____ dinner. I have ____ lunch at ____ school after ____ third lesson. My father and mother have ____ lunch at ____ work. When we come ____ home, we have ____ dinner.
Упр. 21. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. Every day my husband goes to ____ work, my son goes to ____ school and I go to ____ institute.
2. There is ____ new school at ____ corner of our street.
3. My daughter came ____ home from ____ school on ____ Monday and said to me: «There will be ____ parents' meeting on ____ tenth of February at six o'clock in ____ evening.» 4. ____ teacher told us ____ very interesting story at ____ lesson. 5. When ____ bell rang, ____ pupils went into ____ classroom. 6. We are usually at ____ school from nine o'clock in ____ morning till two o'clock in ____ afternoon. 7. We don't go to ____ school on ____ Sunday.
Упр. 22. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо,
1. What do you do after ____ breakfast? — After ____ breakfast I go to ____ school. 2. My granny likes to to read ____ book after ____ lunch. 3 ____ people usually have ____ breakfast in ____ morning. They have) ____ dinner in ____ afternoon. In ____ evening ____ people have ____ supper. 4. There is a proverb: "After ____ dinner sleep awhile, after ____ supper walk ____ mile. 5. Who cooks ____ dinner in your family? 6. Yesterday father told us ____ very interesting story at ____ breakfast. 7. What did you have for ____ lunch at ____ school on ____ Wednesday? — We had ____ salad and ____ tea. 8. My mother never has ____ supper with ____ family because she does not like to eat in ____ evening. 9. When do you clean your teeth in ____ morning: before ____ breakfast or after ____ breakfast?
Упр. 23. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо,
1. For ____ breakfast I have ____ coffee with ____ milk and ____ sugar. I have ____ jam, too. There are ____ different things on ____ dinner-table. There is ____ bread, ____ butter and ____ ham. There are ____ cups and ____ glasses there. There is ____ jug on ____ table. ____ milk in ____ jug is hot. There is ____ tea-pot on ____ table. There is ____ tea in ____ tea-pot. ____ tea is hot, too. There are ____ plates, ____ forks and ____ knives on ____ table. 2. ____ lamp is on ____ table. 3. There is ____ lamp on ____ table. 4. Is there ____ lamp on ____ table? 5. Is ____ lamp on ____ table? 6. Is there ____ clock on ____ wall? 7. There are two ____ shelves on ____ wall. 8. Where are ____ shelves? — ____ shelves are on ____ wall. 9. They have ____ large flat. There are ____ four rooms in ____ flat. 10. Is ____ newspaper on ____ table? 11. Is there ____ newspaper on ____ table? 12. There is ____ butter on ____ plate. 13. Where is ____ butter?
____ butter is on ____ little plate. 14. There is ____ white and ____ brown bread on ____ table.
Запомните следующее застывшее словосочетание
to watch TV
Упр. 24. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. My ____ aunt and my ____ uncle are ____ doctors. They work at ____ hospital. They get up at seven o'clock in ____ morning. They go to ____ bed at eleven o'clock. 2. I work in ____ morning and in ____ afternoon. I don't work in ____ evening. I sleep at ____ night. 3. When do you leave ____ home for ____ school? - I leave ____ home at ____ quarter past eight in ____ morning. 4. What does your mother do after ____ breakfast? — She goes to ____ work. 5. Is there ____ sofa in your ____ living-room? — Yes, there is ____ cosy little ____ sofa in ____ living-room. — Where is ____ sofa? — It is in ____ corner of ____ room to ____ left of ____ door. I like to sit on this ____ sofa in ____ front of ____ TV-set in ____ evening. 6. There is ____ nice coffee-table near ____ window. There are ____ newspapers on ____ coffee-table. 7. There is ____ tea in ____ glass. 8. When do you watch ____ TV? — I watch TV in ____ evening. We have ____ large colour TV-set in our ____ room. There is ____ beautiful vase on ____ TV-set. There are ____ flowers in ____ vase. 9. I have ____ large writing-desk in ____ study. There is ____ paper on ____ writing-desk. My ____ books and ____ exercise-books are on ____ writing-desk, too.
Упр. 25. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. Pete has ____ small family. He has ____ father and ____ mother. He has no ____ brother, but he has ____ sister. His sister is ____ pupil. She is ____ good girl. She has ____ many Russian books, but she has no ____ English books. 2. There is ____ writing-desk in ____ room. ____ writing-desk is good. There is ____ lamp on ____ writing desk. 3. My uncle has ____ large family. They are six in ____ family. 4. My father is ____ engineer. He works at ____ big factory. 5. We have ____ good library. Our books are in ____ big bookcase. 6. Is your sister ____ married? 7. What do you do after ____ breakfast? — I go to ____ school. 8. When do you come ____ home? — I come ____ home at ____ half past two. 9. Do you like to watch TV in ____ evening?
Если перед существительным стоит вопросительное или относительное местоимение, артикль опускается
E.g. What colour is your cat?
I want to know what book you are reading.
Упр. 26. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. What ____ colour is your new ____ hat? — It's ____ red. 2. Is there ____ refrigerator in your ____ kitchen? 3. Where is ____ refrigerator in your ____ kitchen? — It is in ____ corner of ____ kitchen. 4. There are ____ flowers in our ____ living-room. ____ flowers are in ____ beautiful vase. 5. I have ____ tea in my ____ cup. 6. He has no ____ coffee in his ____ cup. 7. What ____ book did you take from ____ library on ____ Tuesday? 8. I have ____ books, ____ exercise-books and ____ pens in my ____ bag. 9. I am ____ engineer. I work at ____ office. I go to ____ office in ____ morning. As ____ office is far from ____ house I live in, I take ____ bus to get there. 10. What ____ bus do you take to get to ____ work? 11. Whose ____ pen is this?
Упр. 27. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
My friend's ____ flat is very comfortable. There are ____ three rooms in ____ flat: ,.. living-room, ____ study and ____ bedroom. ____ living-room is not very large. ____ walls in ____ living-room are blue. There are ____ pictures on ____ walls. There is ____ table in ____ middle of ____ room with some chairs around it. To ____ left of ____ door there is ____ sofa. Near ____ sofa there are ____ two large armchairs. They are very comfortable. There is ____ piano in my friend's living-room. ____ piano is to ____ right of ____ door. ____ bedroom and ____ study are small. ____ furniture in ____ flat is brown.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Английский язык. Грамматика. Употребление артиклей.
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Методическая разработка «Использование артиклей в английском языке»
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Особенности использования артиклей в английском языке.
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Использование артикля в испанском языке
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Использование артикля в английском языке
Давнный материал можно использовать в качестве раздаточного или справочного материала на уроках....

Отработка использования артиклей в английском языке
Файл содержит шесть упражнений по теме "Артикли в английском языке", которые нацелены на повторение всех типов артиклей....