Итоговые контрольные работы
тест по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс)
по УМК "Rainbow English" Афанасьевой, Михеевой, Барановой
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Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку
ученика(цы) 9 класса МБОУ ООШ с.Верхний Телелюй
1. Вставьте частицу to где необходимо.
1. We expect you... come to his birthday.
2. She made him... promise to give the picture to her.
3. The teacher wanted me... read this book.
4. I wouldn't like my friends... see me now.
5. Don't let them... upset you so much.
2. Соотнесите словосочетания с переводом.
1. to make up one's mind а) делать доклад
2. to make progress b) делать успехи
3. to make friends с) зарабатывать деньги
4. to make a report d) подружиться
5. to make noise е) шуметь
6. to make a decision f) принять решение
7. to make money g) сделать ошибку
8. to make a mistake h) принять решение
9. to do somebody a favour i) делать кому-то одолжение
10. to do a course j) учиться
11. to do housework, chores к)готовить
12. to do homework l) делать работу по дому
13. to do sports m) делать домашнюю работу
14. to do some shopping n) заниматься спортом
15. to do some cooking о)делать покупки
3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. The official name of America is
a) the USA or the US b) the USSR c) the UK
2. The capital of America is
a) New York b) Boston c) Washington, DC
3. America was discovered by
a) Vasco da Gama b) Ferdinand Magellan c) Christopher Columbus
4. The Native Americans were
a) Indians b) Celts c) Mexicans
5. American money is
a) euros and cents b) dollars and \ cents c) pounds and pennies
6. In America the official language(s) is / are
a) English b) English and French c) English and German
7. Hollywood is
a) the capital of the USA. b) a world famous resort, c) the capital of world movie production.
8. Disney, Universal, Fox, Warner Bros, Paramount, Columbia and MGM are the names of
a) the most successful companies in the world, b) famous people, c) the largest film studios.
Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку ученика(цы) 2 класса
МБОУ ООШ с.Верхний Телелюй
1. Вставь в предложения глаголы am, is, are.
1. I ____ Mary.
2. She _____ from London.
3. They ____ from Rome.
4. You _____ happy.
5. It ____ a rose.
6. Ben ____ 9.
7. Ken and Tom ____ pilots.
2. Составь и напиши вопросы из этих частей.
1. Are / you / a pilot/ a cook/ or? _______________________________________
2. or/ they / Are / in Paris / in Rome?____________________________________
3. or / she / 8/ Is / 7 ?_________________________________________________
4. We/ Are / sad /happy / or ?__________________________________________
5. is / What / it?_____________________________________________________
3. Замени подчеркнутые слова местоимениями he, she, it, they, we.
1. Mary is a good student.____________________________________
2. Nick is from London.________________________________________
3. The fox is red._____________________________________________
4. Tim and I are happy.________________________________________
5. Olga and Mike are from Tambov._________________________________
4. Распредели следующие слова по группам: apple, five, brother, one, thick, purple, bird, two, clown, throne, fern, brown, servant, birch, cute, plum, turtle, mother, blouse, three, house, banana, cow, four, nurse, sister, tree, green, thin, doll, tulip, girl, mouse, cook, cold, six, grape, blue.
Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку ученика(цы) 3 класса
МБОУ ООШ с.Верхний Телелюй
- Выбери нужное местоимение:
- (You/your) ______can see a girl. (Her/she)______ name is Betty.
- (I/my)______ name is Greg. I’m a schoolboy.
- It is Tom. He is on the farm. (He/his)______ horses are on the farm too.
- Pat is a doll. It is (it/its)______ dollhouse.
- Sally is a nurse. (she/her)_______ is old.
- Закончи предложения, выбрав правильную форму глагола:
- My father (read/reads) ________ old books.
- They (ride/rides) ___________ their bikes in the evening.
- Rex (jump/jumps) _________ and (run/runs)_______ in the park.
- Her friends (speak/speaks) ___________ English very well.
- I (have/has)________ three cats but Sally (have/has) _______ two.
- Образуй множественное число этих существительных:
cat - __________ rose - ____________ box - _________________
bus - __________ mouse - __________ sheep - ______________
man - __________ child - ____________ cinema - _____________
- Закончи вопросы, используя нужную форму глаголов: is/ are или do/does
- __________ Emily an elf?
- __________ Jane and Mary good friends?
- __________ you play computer games?
- __________ Mike go to school?
- __________ Rex your dog?
- Распредели по колонкам в правильном порядке времена года, дни недели и месяцы:
Spring, Wednesday, January, August, summer, Monday, February, Sunday, winter, March, Saturday, autumn, Friday, November, May, Thursday, July, April, Tuesday, December, June, September, October.
Days of week: ________________________________________________________
Months: _____________________________________________________________
Seasons: _____________________________________________________________
Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку ученика(цы) 4 класса
МБОУ ООШ с.Верхний Телелюй
1. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. Запишите грамматически правильное предложение
1. My brother _______yesterday.
a)will cry b) cries c) cried
2. My little sister _____every day.
a) will cry b) cries c) cried
3.Granny_____to us last week.
a)came b)will come c) comes
4.Mary often____at the parties.
a)will sing b)sings c)didn’t sing
5.Our family____to London next year.
a)will go b)went c)goes
6. We ____our cat an hour ago.
a)feed b)will feed c) fed
7.Ann___a party last Saturday.
a) has b) had c) have
8.I usually ____up at 7 o’clock.
a) get b) will get c) got
9 )Kate____TV two hours ago.
a) watch b) will watch c) watched
10. This girl____in the park yesterday.
a) skates b) skated c)will skate
2. Образуйте форму множественного числа
- Tooth _______________________________________________________
- Lady ________________________________________________________
- Table________________________________________________________
- City _________________________________________________________
- Day _________________________________________________________
- Fox __________________________________________________________
- Child ________________________________________________________
- Woman ______________________________________________________
- Street ________________________________________________________
3. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения прилагательных
Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку ученика(цы) 5 класса
МБОУ ООШ с.Верхний Телелюй
1. Прошедшая форма глагола
1. marry- married
2. see -
3. go-
4. play -
5. cry-
6. hope-
7. begin-
8. stop-
10. decide
2. Выбери правильный вариант
1. Tom ……. basketball.
a) not likes b) doesn't likes c) doesn't like
2. I ……. apples every day.
a) eat b) eats c) am eating
3. The person who takes part in sport competitions is a …
a) pop singer b) sportsman c) actress
4. My father’s brother is my…
a) uncle b) aunt c) nephew
5. She usually …… to music in the evening.
a) listen b) listens c) is listening
6. What`s your ……. ?- I live at 7 Apple Street.
a) occupation b) interests c) address
7. The person who sings songs is a…
a) doctor b) singer c) spaceman
8. The person who plays in film is an …
a) writer b) engineer c) actor
3 Раздели глаголы на правильные и неправильные : did, went, lived, came, visited, wanted, flew, showed, bought, skated, had, danced, swam, watched.
4. Вставь many или much:
1. There is _________ snow in the streets.
2. How _________ books are there on the shelf?
5.Заполни разделительные вопросы
- Jane has got a big collection of badges, ________?
- We were not at the zoo three days ago, ________?
- You couldn’t come on time, _________?
Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку ученика(цы) 6 класса
МБОУ ООШ с.Верхний Телелюй
- Выбери правильный вариант
1. When we came to the sports ground they … football.
a) played b) will play c) were playing
2. My father … TV yesterday.
a) was watching b) watched c) has watched
3. While Jane … a book, Susan was dancing.
a) was reading b) read c) is reading
4. Tom … coffee while he was reading a newspaper.
a) drank b) was drinking c) were drinking
5. I … a letter to my friend last week.
a) write b) wrote c) was writing
- Выбери лишнее слово
1. trainers, trousers, sweater, pyjamas, leggings
2. win, play, forget, make, wear
3. heavy, degree, neat, fashionable, scruffy
4. travelling, gardening, cooking, boring, skateboarding
- Составь из слов предложения
1. The planet, on, we, live, is, the Earth.
2. are, large, the continents?
3. Australia, there, one, is, only, country, in.
4. Vietnam, are, in, and, Asia, India.
5. the largest, country, the world, is, in, Russia.
- Вставь who/ which (5 б.)
1) I don’t like people (who/which) hate animals. 2) The question (who/which) you are asking me is very difficult.3) The children (who/which) are playing in the garden are my brother’s friends. 4) The jobs (who/which) he did in his young years were all very interesting. 5) The mice (who/which) live under the floor get out at night.
- Напиши нужную форму глагола
1. Jack is not sure if he (be) _______in London next week.
2. If he (go) __________ to London next week, he (meet) _________his cousin Mary.
3. If you (not, change) __________your plans for the coming summer, I’ll go to the sea with you.
4. I don’t know when I (watch) _________ film but I really want to do it.
5. Please tell me when you (be) able to come and see us.
Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку ученика(цы) 7 класса
МБОУ ООШ с.Верхний Телелюй
1) Напишите 3 формы неправильных глаголов.
Build -
2) Соотнесите столбики по смыслу.
1.The Grand | a) Falls |
2.Lake | b) Ocean |
3.The Great | c) Badwater |
4.The Appalachian | d) Mountains |
5.The Pacific | e) Plains |
6.The Niagara | f) Canyon |
3) Дополните предложения производными от слов в скобках
1) Jane has never read anything about the system of ________in Australia. (educate) 2) The Australian Aborigines paint their bodies and make them very _______on special days. (colour) 3) The Mississippi is the most________river in the USA. (power) 4) A small_________ girl was standing near the cage and looking at the budgies. (love) 5) There are a lot of modern tall ______________s in Canberra. (build) 6) The________ coasts of southeast Australia are always full of holidaymakers. (sand) |
4) Выберите правильный вариант.
1) Sorry, I (have broken/broke) the bowl just now.
2) John just (has driven/drove) from Bristol.
3) The other day we (have given/gave) you some books. Where are they now?
4) They (have written/wrote) some texts lately.
Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку ученика(цы) 8 класса
МБОУ ООШ с.Верхний Телелюй
1) Выберите нужную форму глагола:
1. Columbus ___ America in the 15th century.
a) has discovered b) have discovered c) discovered
2. I ___ a letter. Can you post it?
a) has just written b) have just written c) just wrote
3. Sandra ___ her bike yesterday.
a) fell off b) have fallen off c) has fallen off
4. Andy ___ in Japan in 2016.
a) was b) has been c) have been
5. He ___ a good education in London three years ago.
a)have received b) has received c) received
2) Переделайте предложения в страдательный залог:
- My question (to answer) yesterday _______________________________________________________________
- Hockey (to play) in winter._______________________________________
- Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn.__________________________________
- Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. _________________________________________________________________
- His new book (to finish) next year._____________________________________
- Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. ___________________________________________________________________
- St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703._______________________________________
- Bread (to eat) every day.______________________________________________
- The letter (to receive) yesterday.________________________________________
10.Nick (to send) to Moscow next week.___________________________________
3) Переведите предложения в косвенную речь:
1. «I think the film was a great success» — said Ann.
2. «I`ll come to the meeting», — Tom said to me.
3. He said: «I can speak Spanish very well
4. «Do you often play football? » — he asked me ____________________________________________________________________
5. «Will you go with the others, Tonny? » asked Mr. Kelly.
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