пример контрольной работы 8 класс Starlight module 2
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 2
A Complete the sentences with the correct word from the list: working, scratched, loyalty, offer, tempting, banned, bargain, activated, advice, sliding.
- Peter collects the points on his … card when he shops at the supermarket.
- The lens of the camera got … when Fiona dropped it.
- The bakery has a … display of cakes.
- There was a special … on apples at the supermarket.
- Debra enjoys …-hunting in charity shops.
- The device has voice-… controls.
- Can you give me some dietary … to help me lose weight?
- Be careful the … doors don’t hit you.
- All mobile phones are … in school buildings.
- The … conditions are terrible in the factory.
B Circle the correct item.
- Gina worked very hard to in order to get ahead/across in her career.
- Drop out/by later and see my new clothes.
- Peter did up/over the buttons of his shirt.
- Robert dropped out/ by the university after his first year.
- Lucy and Mary get ahead/along very well.
C Change the verbs in brackets and use them in correct forms: Present Simple/Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, be going to, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous.
- In the future most people … (use) the Internet shopping.
- We … (meet) Jane at the mall at 7 o’clock.
- This time tomorrow, I … (enjoy) my new DVD player.
- Paul … (go) to travel abroad next month.
- His plane … (land) at 7 a.m.
- By the end of the week, Harry … (spend) all his pocket money.
- By the time Jane arrives, we … (shop) for six hours!
- I’m sorry! I promise I … (not/do) it again!
- Tomorrow the first train for London … (leave) at 7 a.m.
- I’ve invited Jim to the party. He … (come) tonight.
Choose the correct item.
- The clothes sold at the market are often … than those in the shops.
A Cheap B more cheap C cheaper
- Darren forgot … pasta when he was at the supermarket.
A Buying B to buy C buy
- This carton isn’t … as that one.
A As big B more big C bigger
- Sue is too tired … on clothes right now.
A Trying B to try C try
- I’ve saved enough money … a new printer.
A Buy B buying C to buy
- Stranton’s is by … the most expensive shop.
A Far B farther C the farthest
- Ellie hates … in a queue at the supermarket.
A Waiting B to wait C wait
- The ….. the computer, the more expensive it is.
A Faster B more fast C fastest
- Jill avoids ….. on Saturdays because of the crowds.
A Shopping B to shop C shop
- I’d prefer ….. and look around for the best price.
A Waiting B wait C to wait
D Everyday English
1. Do you need any help?
a What size are you?
b I’m looking for a jacket.
2. Can I try this shirt on?
a We’ve almost sold out.
b The fitting rooms are over there.
3. How do they fit?
a Really well.
b Any good?
4. Can I have your ID, please?
a Can I pay by credit card?
b Here you are.
5. I’ll take them.
a That’s í24.99, please.
b Your receipt is in the bag.
E Reading
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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