Образовательный минимум по английскому языку 5 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Образовательный минимум
Триместр | I |
Предмет | Английский язык |
Класс | 5 |
- Заполните таблицу указателями времени.
Now, yesterday, tomorrow, lately, yet, seldom, every day, two weeks ago, at this moment, next year, always
Present Indefinite/ Simple | Present Continuous/ Progressive | Past Indefinite/ Simple | Future Indefinite/ Simple | Present Perfect |
1. | 1. | 1 | 1 | 1. |
2. | 2. | 2. | 2. | 2. |
3. | 3. | 3. |
- Вписать в таблицу формулы времени.
Ved/2, have/has Ved/3, shall/will V, V/Vs, am/is/are Ving
Present Indefinite/ Simple | Present Continuous/ Progressive | Past Indefinite/ Simple | Future Indefinite/ Simple | Present Perfect |
- Выберите правильную форму слова.
- Bob played _____ tennis yesterday.
- in b) - c) the
- Sue played ______ guitar the other day.
- on b) the c) in
- He goes ____ skating.
- in the b) into c) in for
- He _______ his grandparents every summer.
- visits b) visit c) is visiting
- There ______ 25 students in the classroom last year.
- was b) were
- _______ they arrive at 6 o’clock yesterday?
- Did b) Do c) Shall d) Will
- They _______ to England next year.
- will travel b) travelled c) have travelled
- She ______ just _________ a new book.
- have bought b) has bought d) bought
- Выбери слово, чтобы вставить в предложение.
return, passport control, by fast train, going to the exhibitions, the mountains
- Last summer my parents and I climbed______________.
- I am fond of _____________.
- Bill has bought two ____________ tickets to Moscow.
- They enjoy travelling _________.
- When you arrive at the airport you must go through _________.
- Закончите предложения.
- I’m in the ____________________ grade.
- My address is __________________________________
- My favourite subject at school is ___________________.
- My hobby is ____________________________________.
- I like ___________________________________________.
- I dislike _________________________________________.
Предварительный просмотр:
Образовательный минимум
Триместр | II |
Предмет | Английский язык |
Класс | 5 |
- Вписать в таблицу формулу времени.
Was/were Ved/V3, was/were Ving, V/Vs, am/is/are Ving, am/is /are Ved/V3
Present Continuous/ Progressive | Past Continuous Continuous/Progressive | Present Indefinite/ Simple Passive | Past Indefinite Simple Passive |
- Прочитайте тексты и соотнесите их с заголовками.
III. Выберите правильную форму слова
1. Charles Dickens was a writer. He ... many stories and novels.
a. has written b. wrote c. writes
2. He's got a bad tooth. He ... visit a dentist.
a. should b. shouldn't c. can't
3. My friend called me yesterday when I .... a newspaper.
a. read b. reading c. was reading
4. It is ... to read a book with large letters than with small letters.
a. easy b. more easy c. easier
5. Jack ... his car now, but he hasn't found a buyer yet.
a. will sell b. sells c. is selling
6. They became very rich ...... in 1978.
a. businessman b. businessmans c. businessmen
IV. Образуйте подходящую по смыслу форму слова.
1. It was such an ........... story. | interest |
2. It was very ...this morning. | cloud |
3. Those flowers are very .... . | beauty |
4. ... food and a lot of exercises will help you to keep fit. | health |
5. What .... newspapers are there in Russia? | nation |
V. Закончите предложения, в задании есть лишнее слово.
1. Many animals and birds on the Earth _________________.
2. Many animals, birds and plants on the Earth are _______________ now.
3. Very little water on Earth is good for _______________ .
4. Some people’s activities do a lot of _____________ to the forests.
5. The problem now is to _____________ the planet we live.
6. Modern plants and factories send a lot of __________ into the atmosphere.
smoke, in danger, hill, harm, save, are disappearing, drinking |
Предварительный просмотр:
Образовательный минимум
Триместр | III |
Предмет | Английский язык |
Класс | 5 |
- Прочитайте текст и определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).
Moscow is a very big city. There are so many places to visit and things to see.
Read about some of them.
Museum of Cosmonautics
If you are interested in space travel, this is the place to go. The museum was
reconstructed a few years ago and there are many things to see from space food
and space suits to lunar satellites. There is also a walk-through spaceship and a
real-size model of the MIR space station. The museum is open from Wednesday
to Sunday.
Panda Park at Fili
- When it is sunny and warm outside you can spend a day in the ropes course park
at Fili. This is a real adventure and it will give you a chance to exercise at the
height of 15 meters with maximum safety. The routes here are designed for
people of all ages. A kid must be more than 90 centimeters tall to go on the ropes.
- The Moscow Zoological Park has a long history. It was founded in the 19th
century. The park was very important for the cultural life of Moscow because it
was the first “living museum outdoors”. Now visitors can go on many different
excursions and learn about different types of animals. There are snakes and
turtles, birds and monkeys, crocodiles and iguanas, cats and bears, giraffes and
elephants and many more.
- Gorky Park
The Park of Culture and Leisure is the capital’s central park and a very popular
place for leisure, sport, dance and outdoor games. There is the astronomy
pavilion which was opened in 1929. It's got a new powerful telescope to watch
the night sky and a modern automatic roof.
A. There is a small model of the MIR space station in Museum of Cosmonautics.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
B. It is very safe to climb in the ropes park at Fili.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
C. Panda Park is only for kids between 8 and 14.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
- In the Moscow Zoological Park visitors can feed animals.
- True 2) False 3) Not stated
- A new automatic roof in the astronomy pavilion is very expensive.
- True 2) False 3) Not stated
Запишите в таблицу номера выбранных ответов под соответствующими буквами.
A | B | C | D | E |
- Прочитайте вопросы, обозначенные буквами A–F. Для каждого вопроса подберите подходящий ответ из списка 1–7. Каждый ответ может использоваться только один раз. Один ответ лишний.
A) Have you got a pet? | 1) Yes. I enjoy skating in winter |
B) Does it often rain in summer in Moscow? | 2) No, but I want to have a hamster. |
C) Do you like going to the zoo? | 3) Yes, I do. |
D) Are you in the fifth grade? | 4) Yes, it usually rains. |
E) When did you last go to the Zoo? | 5) I was in the Zoo last Friday |
F) When does the first lesson start? | 6) Yes, I am. |
7) At half past eight |
Запишите в таблицу номера выбранных ответов под соответствующими буквами.
A | B | C | D | E | F |
III. Прочитайте текст с пропусками. Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный ответ из четырёх предложенных.
Summer Holidays
Last Last summer we 13 _______ to visit our granny. She is a pensioner. She 14 _______ work. She has got a nice little house in the country. It's very comfortable. There is a large garden in front of the house with many flowers. My sister liked taking care of them. So she watered 15 _______ every day. We went to our granny by car. My dad was repairing the car all summer
16 _______ it was something wrong with it. My cousin and I helped him every day.
When our father was free we 17 _______ go for a swim in the river.
Sometimes we even went fishing. We caught a lot of 18 _______ and my mother cooked delicious fish soup. In the evenings we liked sitting round the fire, singing songs and telling some news. We had the 19 _______ summer holidays!
) goed 2) went 3) go 4) goes
1) didn't 2) isn't 3) doesn't 4) don't
1) them 2) they 3) it 4) her
1) also 2) because 3) and 4) but
1) mustn't 2) must 3) can 4) could
1) fishes 2) fish 3) fishs 4) fish's
1) better 2) best 3) worse 4) good
IV Закончите предложения.
- They go in for sports, eat healthy food and lead an active_______________
- They understand that health is above___________________
- I go to PE lessons, eat healthy food, spend a lot of time outdoors and go to sleep early__________________
- Sport is very __________ in our country.
- My favourite kind of sport is _____________ .
- I like ______________________sports but not individual sport.
- I go to the swimming pool and my football club _________a week.
- I like to watch sport matches and _______________________on TV.
wealth, lifestyle, team , to be healthy and fit, football, twice, competitions, popular |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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