Грамматика I wish
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Константинова Ольга Олеговна



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Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнения "Употребление I wish и If only"

1. Используйте конструкцию I wish для выражения того, что хотелось бы изменить в настоящем.

Н-р:  I don’t have a dog. – I wish I had a dog. (Как бы мне хотелось иметь собаку.)

  1. I can’t use a computer.
  2. He doesn’t have a good job.
  3. She isn’t rich.
  4. It is so cold today.
  5. They don’t know my phone number.

2. Используйте конструкцию I wish для выражения того, что хотелось бы изменить в прошлом.

Н-р:   I forgot to visit her on Monday. – I wish I hadn’t forgotten to visit her on Monday. (Жаль, что я забыл навестить ее в понедельник.)

  1. We missed the last train.
  2. You didn’t take my advice.
  3. It rained cats and dogs yesterday.
  4. Nina couldn’t arrive on time.
  5. Bruce didn’t pass the driving test.

3. Используйте конструкцию I wish для выражения пожелания изменить ситуацию в будущем.

Н-р:   Bob interrupts me all the time. – I wish Bob wouldn’t interrupt me. (Хотелось бы, чтобы Боб не перебивал меня.)

  1. You are so rude when you drink alcohol.
  2. Our secretary uses my computer without my permission.
  3. My husband doesn’t care much about our children.
  4. This printer makes too much noise.
  5. He doesn’t love me.

4. Выразите пожелание на будущее. Составьте по 2 предложения к каждой проблеме (If only и I wish), используя предлагаемые фразы.

  1. People drop rubbish in the streets. (use rubbish bins, take rubbish home)
  2. We are cutting down so many trees. (recycle more paper, protect forests)
  3. Children don’t like reading books today. (watch less TV, play computer games)
  4. People hunt animals for sport. (protect animals, become more humane)

5. Выразите сожаление о прошлом. Составьте по 2 предложения к каждой проблеме (If only и I wish), используя предлагаемые фразы.

  1. She has gained much weight. (walk more, eat less)
  2. The rivers have dried up. (save water, waste water)
  3. I crashed my car. (drive carefully, let my dad drive)
  4. He had a row with his sister. (keep calm, lose temper)

  1. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets

1. I wish I __ to go to work on Monday. (not / have to)

2. If only I __ that to him. He's not speaking to me at all. (not / say)

3. I wish my father __ here now. (be)

4. I wish you __ your office. It's a nightmare! (tidy up)

5. You know, I wish we __ 5 years ago. (meet)

6. If only Vasya __ here. He'd definitely know what to do. (be)

7. If only you and your wife __ with us that Sunday. (be)

8. If only he __ with them next week. (come)

9. We wish you __ yesterday. (arrive)

10. If only Katya __ at home now. (be)

Ex 7

 I wish Anna ______________________ (not say) that to Charles. Now he’s upset.

2-I wish the weather _________________ (to be) better here in summer but there’s nothing

we can do about it.

3-I wish I ___________ (have) a bigger car. Mine is too small.

4-I wish Tomas ___________ (not be) so selfish but he’s always been like this.

5-I wish I _______________ (know) Carol was ill last week. I would have phoned her.

6-I wish my son _______________ (study) more often. He only studies before the exams.

7-I wish I _________________ (not eat) so much at Phil’s party. Now I don’t feel well.

8-I wish someone _________________ (answer) that phone. It’s been ringing for ages.

9-I wish I _________________ (know) her e-mail address. I would send her an e-mail.

10-I wish he __________________ (not speak) so loudly. He thinks we are deaf!

11-I wish you _________________ (not drive) so fast. You are making me angry.

12-I wish Sandy _______________ (not arrive) late. We’ve missed the beginning of the film.

13-I wish I ____________________ (can buy) a new computer now. Mine is broken.

14- I wish I ____________ (not forget) my umbrella on the bus. I’ll have to buy a new one.

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