Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия «Welcome to Canterville!»

Мусатова Светлана Сергеевна
Сценарий городского фестиваля английского языка Welcome to Canterville!


Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия

«Welcome to Canterville!»

(6-7 классы)

Форма проведения: театральное представление


Обобщить страноведческие знания учащихся, полученные на уроках английского языка в форм театральной постановке по соответствующей теме.


  1. Образовательные: закрепление знаний и навыков употребления лексического материала по теме «Travelling».
  2. Воспитательные: формирование интереса и уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
  3. Развивающие: развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся

Используемые материалы: видео презентация (слайды сцен представления), музыкальное сопровождение, костюмы и реквизит.

At home (quiet music):

Mrs. Johnson - Well, darling, these are my last words. I insist on going to Maldives, I‘ve got 3 new dresses and I have to show them to the world!

Mr. Johnson - Maldives? Again? We live in California, I’m sick and tired of this never ending summer paradise!

Young lady - mum! Dad! I’ve got a school project about English castles. But I don’t know anything about them! How am I supposed to do it???

Mrs. Johnson - What’s the problem, dear, you have the Internet!

Mr. Johnson -The internet! My daughter will do the best project without the Internet!

Young lady -And how shall I do it? Aren’t you going to take us to an English castle?

Mr. Johnson -Eureka! We are going to England! I remember something about the Canterville castle

At the airport (the sounds of announcements):

  • Mrs. Johnson - Oh, this rainy Britain! Fortunately, I’ve packed two umbrellas!
  • Mr. Johnson - And why have you packed two umbrellas, in case it rains twice? So heavy! Didn’t I tell you to pack only the most essential things?
  • Mrs. Johnson - And you! Wasn’t it you who forgot our tickets, passport and insurance?
  • Young lady -  Mum, dad! Look! Our butler is waiting for us!
  • Butler -  Mr. Johnson! Mrs. Johnson! Young lady! Welcome to Britain!


In the castle (traditional british folk):

Butler (slowly and with pride) - Our castle has a long history. IT WAS BUILT IN THE 16 CENTURY.  A famous Canterville family lived here. But Sir Simon de Canterville killed his wife Lady Eleanor in 1575. Since that time horrible things happen every night.

  • Mrs. Johnson (shuddering) - Such an unpleasant, terrible place! Do you serve breakfast here?
  • Butler - Of course, we serve a traditional English porridge, tea and toast with marmalade.
  • Mr. Johnson - Oh, these English castles are not as interesting as I thought.
  • Young lady -  Me too. I thought it could be much more amusing for tourists.

A ghost appears (quick music, the sound of lightning):

  • Young lady -  So wonderful!  A ghost!

  • Mr. Johnson - THIS is a real tourist attraction!

  • Butler - It’s not an attraction! It’s our famous ghost of Simone de Canterville. It lives here since the 16 century!

  • A ghost (depressed) - These American tourists! They are not afraid of me any longer! No respect for a poor little ghost!

  • Young lady - Don’t be upset! You are lovely and I like you.

  • A ghost - You know, girl, living in such a dark and gloomy place like this is not that good! It’s cold and lonely here! I’m tired to frighten people!

  • Young lady - You know what, you need some rest. Why don’t you have a vacation? let’s go with me to America, you’ll be my best school project!  we’ll even buy you a return ticket!

  • Mr. Johnson - Good idea!


      The sounds of “California dreaming”, the end.

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