Контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс 3 четверть. Spotlight 6
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)
Контрольная работа 6 класс 3 четверть. Spotlight 6
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку
6 класса к УМК Spotlight Module 7 (Вариант 1)
- Translate the words from Russian into English:
Переполненный, озабоченный, безлюдный, уставший, другой, напряженный, пустой, испуганный, современный, озадаченный.
- Give three forms of the verbs:
To do, to be, to make, to see, to come, to write, to buy, to get, to give, to cut, to eat, to go.
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3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple Tense:
1. We (to be) surprised to see our granny in the school. 2. You (to want) to go to the party yesterday? I (to phone) you last week, but you not (to answer). 3. What … Helen (to do) on Sunday? She (to clean) her room as her friends promised to call her. 4. The town (to be) crowded at 12. 5. … the teacher (give) the students much homework last Friday? 6. Many people (to move) to the South last year.
4. Write the past simple of the verbs in the correct box:
Translate, play, visit, close, open, move, listen, invite, cook, live, clean, travel, watch.
5. Read the text and say are the sentences true, false or not stated in the text:
I had a great day! I woke up at 8 o’clock and the sky was blue. I met Larry and George at the port at nine and we left for Little Island. The Sea was calm and the trip only took an hour. When we arrived, we went to the shore and then we had a picnic on the beach.
In the afternoon we went for a walk around the island. We found an empty house on the top of a hill. There were some strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool! When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decide to leave the island but soon the sea became very rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We were afraid but it was also fun. It took us two hours get back but we arrived safely.
When I got home, mum was very angry but I told her that I had had a really great day!
- The boy stayed at home because the weather was bad.
- The friends went to the Little Island by plane.
- They found some interesting books in the empty house.
- The boys lost their way and couldn`t get home.
- The mother was angry because the boy didn`t do his homework.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку
6 класса к УМК Spotlight Module 7 (Вариант 2)
- Translate the words from Russian into English:
Безобразный, современный, тихий, разрушенный, богатый, скучающий, несчастный, непослушный, озадаченный, испуганный.
- Give three forms of the verbs:
To do, to be, to make, to see, to come, to write, to buy, to get, to give, to cut, to eat, to go.
3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple Tense:
1. … the students (to go) to the museum with their teacher? 2. The children (to play) hide-and-seek in the yard.3. What … the boy (to do) on Sunday? He (to listen) to his new CD 4. The streets (to be) crowded yesterday 5. Why… the waiter (give) our dishes so late? 6. Many tourists (to visit) London last year.
4. Write the past simple of the verbs in the correct box:
Translate, play, visit, close, open, move, listen, invite, cook, live, clean, travel, watch.
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5. Read the text and say are the sentences true, false or not stated in the text:
Alexander Pushkin was born in Moscow on 6th June1799. From a young age his aunt taught him all about Russian folktales and traditions. Alexander wasn’t a good student, but he loved to read and spent many hours in his library. He wrote his first poem at the age of 8 and published his first poem at 15.
His work was very different from the other writers at the time and that often got him into angry with the tsar and the government. After marrying a beautiful young girl called Natasha Goncharova in 1831, he continued to write. Millions of people consider his novel, Eugeny Onegin, his poem, the Bronze Horseman and his drama, The Stone Guest, to be masterpieces.
Alexander Pushkin was only 37 when he died. He played a great part in “The Golden Age of Russian Literature”. He’s Russia’s greatest poet and national pride.
- Pushkin got education at grammar school.
- He loved to play with his friends in the yard.
- Pushkin never published his poems alive.
- Pushkin married a girl and gave up writing.
- Pushkin`s works are well known all over the world and people consider his novels to be masterpieces.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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