Контрольная работа по английскому языку II Четверть учебник Enjoy English
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)
Линия УМК М. З. Биболетовой. Английский язык «Enjoy English» 9 класс
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс II четверть
1. Fill in for, since, during:
- She has been dreaming about it ___________ the time when she was a child.
- He studied English ___________ five years, but then he gave it up.
- Do you remember doing some projects ___________ the academic year?
- He hasn’t travelled ___________ his last trip.
- We travelled a lot ___________ my childhood. It was very exciting for me.
2.Form nouns from the verbs. Use the suffixes –sion,-tion,-ment,-ive or no suffixes:
- Crash - _________________________________________
- Explore - _________________________________________
- Protect - _________________________________________
- Detect - _________________________________________
- Equip - _________________________________________
3.Change the verbs into nouns or adjectives and complete the sentences:
The Titanic was considered ___________.
The ___________ of the cure was expected.
New scientific discovery caused the further ___________ of medicine.
The motorcycle was moving at а high speed and that caused а ___________ with а biker.
The fishermen realised that the storm was ___________.
4.Put the article where necessary:
5.Fill the gaps with pronouns. Use: themselves, it, his, you, myself:
- I will go with___________, Mary.
- I looked at ___________ in the mirror.
- Steven took his textbook and opened ___________.
- They are so selfish! They only care about ___________.
- Mr. Smith wants to sell out ___________ car.
6.Choose the appropriate modal verb.
- You should/could/can stay at home if you are ill.
- You may/can/should fall ill several times during the academic year.
- All souvenirs can/ may/must be paid. If you want to buy something you should have money.
- At the airport your suitcase must/can/should be lost.
- Your passport is the most important thing. You needn’t/shouldn’t/can’t travel without it.
7.Answer the question. Give 2 reasons.
Do you like travelling? Why/Why not?
8.Write what you needn’t do this week and what you should do this week.
1. _____________________________________
2. ______________________________________9. Translate these words:
1. check-in
2. to announce the flight
3. check-in desk
4. announcement
5. customs
6. ticket
7. hand luggage
8. to take off
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