Презентация к уроку "Рождество в воздухе". ( Christmas is in the air. Christmas is everywhere.)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7, 8, 9 класс)

Желонкина Наталья Евгеньевна

В презентации представлены история и традиции празднования Рождества в Великобритании. Вы увидете слайды с главным героем Рождества - Санта Клаусом и его "братьями" из других стран; узнаете о традиционном рождественском обеде, о рождественской елке на Трафальгарской площади - подарке из Норвегии и о многих других интересных фактах,связанных с этим праздником.А также вашему вниманию будет предоставлен рождественский квиз. 


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Christmas is in the air. Christmas is everywhere.

Слайд 2

Christmas is a religious holiday. On this day many people go to church.

Слайд 3

The history of Christmas dates back over 4,000 years. The word «Christmas» is obtained from the term «Christ’s mass». The 25th of December is the official date of the Christmas holiday. This date marks the celebration of the birth of Jesus, although most scholars are uncertain that this is his actual birth date. (It’s also the date on which the Romans observed the winter solstice)

Слайд 4

St. Nicholas Santa Claus

Слайд 5

Brothers of Santa Claus : Russia - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden : USE – Santa Claus : Ireland - father Christmas : Germany – Vaynahtsman :

Слайд 6

Brothers of Santa Claus : Denmark – Yulemanden : Italy - Babbo Natale and fairy Befana : France - Pere Noel :

Слайд 7

In Great Britain the Christmas tree became popular while Queen Victoria ruled the country. The biggest Christmas tree is in Trafalgar Square. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present- a big Christmas tree.

Слайд 8

Christmas Decoration Mistletoe Holly Candles

Слайд 9

Children believe that Santa Claus will come down the chimney and fill the stockings with presents. On the eve of Christmas children hang their stockings, so that Santa could put presents into them: oranges, sweets, nuts and small toys. If the child didn’t behave properly Santa could put some coal as punishment. A carrot for the reindeer is usually left on the mantelpiece. Santa’s treat is oatmeal cookies and milk.

Слайд 10

Traditional Christmas meal (dinner) : Stuffed turkey Boiled ham Mashed potatoes Plum (Christmas) pudding Mince pies Tea or coffee

Слайд 11

North Pole November 2013 Dear Santa, How are you getting on? We hope that Mrs. Claus and your elves are O.K. Thank you for the gifts which we get every year from you! We are the pupils of 10A from. We are friendly and Kind to each other. We love our school and teachers. We aren`t bad pupils. But we promise to be better at our subjects. We`ll be nice to our teachers and classmates. We`ll help our form master Natalya Nikolayevna . We would like our school to be better-equipped. Will you give new computers for our school, Santa? Bye, Santa, All the best, The pupils of 10A.

Слайд 13

Dear girls and boys, My name is Santa Claus. I get a lot of letters from children every year. These letters help me know what girls and boys would like for Christmas. I always try to bring the right gifts on Christmas. I always try to bring the right gifts on Christmas Eve. Christmas is a very busy time for me. I have to do a lot of different things: to get sleigh ready, to make sure the elves have finished all the toys and to do a lot of other useful things. So I’m very tired. My great wish is to have a good rest. Well, I have to finish now. It’s time to feed Rudolf and other reindeer. It’s also my duty. All the best, Your Santa.

Слайд 14

Quiz Put the missed words in the text : Another, presents, coloured , important, consists, called, eat, a lot of, holiday. Christmas Day Christmas Day is a public (1) … . Families usually spend the day opening their (2) … which are often under the Christmas tree decorated with (3) … toys. The most (4) … meal is Christmas dinner. The typical meal (5) … of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. (6) … traditional food in Britain is Christmas cake. Americans make special biscuits called Christmas cookies which they (7) … over the Christmas season. In Britain, the day after Christmas is (8) … Boxing Day is also a public holiday. (9) … sports take place on Boxing Day. In the US there are many special sales, where things can be bought (10) … , on the day after Christmas.

Слайд 15

Answers : 1 - holiday ; 2 - presents ; 3- coloured ; 4 - important ; 5 - consists ; 6 - another ; 7 - eat ; 8 - called ; 9 – a lot of ; 10 – cheaply.

Слайд 16

Write as many words as you can on the topics « New Year`s Day » and « Christmas Day » Example : presents, December, turkey.

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