An opinion essay «Learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money»
материал по английскому языку



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An opinion essay
«Learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money»

It is very popular to learn foreign languages nowadays. And there is no doubt that it is very important. Though some people think that learning a foreign language is a waste of time and money. And, in fact, people really spend a lot of time on it.
«How many languages you know - that many times you are a person».
                                                  (A P. Chekhov)
                                                                                   I absolutely agree with the famous writer, because I think that as many languages a person knows as many windows he has to look through at the world. And I would like to explain my point of view on this situation. In my opinion, learning foreign languages is extremely important for a number of reasons. Firstly, the knowledge of a foreign language opens doors to any foreign country and gives us a possibility to know more about people who use this language. We may also travel abroad and make new friends. Secondly, it is impossible to make a successful career without knowing a foreign language, especially English. If one doesn't master this language, he can't be up-to-date on everything, that happens in the world. He can't establish business contracts and negotiate with his foreign partners. He can neither do on computer nor work with the internet, which is a bottomless ocean of information. And most of this information is in English. And thirdly, we may choose our future profession with learning foreign languages. Such professions are very prestigious and popular. Moreover, they are well-paid and interesting. With the help of such professions people of different countries develop friendship and understanding, economic and cultural relations.
However, some people are in favour of the idea that it is not necessary to learn languages. They explain it from the point of view that there is a huge variety of gadgets which usually include online translators. Therefore, if you need something to translate, the electronic translator will do it for you. To be honest, I disagree with this  opinion because none of the electronic translators will not be able to accurately translate the phrase and help in live communication. I do disagree with this opinion because I think that we should try to do our best to get more knowledge. It is hard in education but easy in the battle. And it is always pleasant to taste the fruits of your own labour.
In conclusion, I would like to say that it is important to learn foreign languages and communicate to make our lives better and more interesting. The knowledge of foreign languages becomes a requirement and a command of our hearts.

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