The Internet Technologies in Foreign Language
статья по английскому языку по теме

Семенченко Светлана Викторовна

Статья о современных технологиях на уроках иностранного языка.


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The Internet Technologies in Foreign Language

                                                                                                    Семенченко С.В.

                        Муниципальное Бюджетное Общеобразовательное Учреждение

                                                      Средняя Общеобразовательная Школа № 16

                                                                                                  Г. Новый Уренгой

        The last few decades have seen a growth in the role of the English language around the world as the lingua franca for economic, scientific, and political exchange. The term lingua franca means “any language used for communication between groups who have no other language in common” [3]. 85% of the world’s international organizations use English as their official language in transnational communication. About 85% of the world’s important film productions and markets use English as well, and 90% of the published academic articles in several academic fields, such as linguistics, are written in English. In many cases, the increased growth in the use of the English language can be attributed to education, economic or cultural globalization.

         The spread of English as an international language and the emergence of the Internet as a fast communication channel that has no boundaries, are mutually enforcing trends in an age of globalization. Since its conception, the Internet has, so it seems, revolutionize the ways of human communication as well as English language learning in a global context [2]. Teachers need to understand how new information technologies are revolutionizing English language learning. With the development of information technology, computer multimedia technology and networks are widely used in foreign language teaching has changed the traditional foreign language teaching. A modern foreign language teaching and improve foreign language teaching standards, in order to cultivate high-quality foreign talent, to meet the growing needs of society. The main purpose of foreign language teaching is to train students in listening, speaking, reading and writing ability to emphasize the development of learner motivation to learn, use of language capabilities, multi-angle, multi-dimensional way of thinking, thereby enhancing the level of foreign language learners [1]. Increasing emphasis on foreign language teaching students the ability to use language to communicate. Foreign language to achieve communicative purposes, it must rely on certain language environments. Therefore, to create a favorable environment for foreign language communication, providing opportunities for language practice as much as possible, is to train students in the primary task of language communicative competence.

       But technology is just a tool: the skilled teacher, like the skilled craftsman, matches the tool to the task in order to accomplish an important purpose. At the same time as we consider our own uses of technology, we need to focus on our students and their need to use technology effectively. Technology, especially the Internet, can provide access to authentic sources of language that are simply unavailable any other way. When we integrate technology meaningfully, we are supporting them in the development of two essential tools for lifelong learning: skill in the use of another language and the ability to make discerning and effective use of technological tools. Ten important reasons to teachers to include various aspects of technology in Foreign Language teaching:

1- Students are generally technology –literate and have become accustomed to using computers, videos, and other technology- based means of acquiring information.

2- Students learn at different rates and have different learning styles. The use of technology helps teachers reach all students in different ways.

3-Technology helps to relate the curriculum to life outside the classroom.

4-Technology helps to involve students in worthwhile, interactional activities, such as interpersonal exchanges, information gathering, and problem-solving projects.

5- Technology helps students to be active participants in the Information Age.

6-Using different aspects of technology helps motivate students to learn.

7- Technology adds many dimensions of foreign language learning, particularly with the use of multimedia programs.

8-Technology helps to make the study of foreign languages very practical and significant in children’s lives. If students can communicate readily through e-mail with children in a foreign country, it is unlikely that the teacher will hear them say “but I will never have a chance to really use…. (any language)”.

9- Students have the opportunity to work collaborative manner.

10-Technology gives students opportunities to use their productive and receptive abilities for real purposes, such as publishing a newsletter or writing interactive journals.

             World Language teacher should opt to use technology when it is appropriate for the lesson; is age-appropriate; builds students’ World Language learning; provides authentic aspects of culture; demonstrate authentic cultural documents; motivates students; is consistent with national World Language Standards; offers a better format of instruction; gives students opportunities to interact with each other and the program; gives the teacher a chance to observe students’ reactions and performance; appeals to different students’ learning styles and intelligences; is user-friendly for the teacher and the students.

       Depending on the ages, language experience of the students and technology resources of the school, many of the following possibilities can enhance learning in a thematic unit:

  1. Create a menu using a word processing program.
  2. Create a greeting card in the target language using clipart with a cultural element.
  3. Students use scanned or digital photos to design a poster with which to introduce themselves to the class.
  4. Create a story, an episode from a story, or a poem to illustrate with clip art. All projects are printed and compiled into a class book.
  5. Develop a book report by creating a book jacket that includes a front cover designed to reflect the content, flaps to summarize the story, and information about the author on the back cover.
  6. Create a class newspaper or newsletter.
  7. Create a brochure about a city or a country in which the target language is spoken. Information can come from research from the Internet, and be enhanced with images downloaded from the Web.
  8. Create an advertisement for a culturally significant product, using scanned or clip-art images to illustrate the text.
  9. Develop a “picture dictionary” of words (or phrases) in the target language, using clip art or scanned images to illustrate meanings rather than translations into English.
  10. After researching a famous person from the target language, using a variety of resources, create a poster or a “Who am I?” poster for other students to guess.
  11. Use interactive story books in CD-ROMs, other CDs give students vocabulary practice or listening.
  12. Students create a PowerPoint or Hyper Studio presentation about themselves or any other topic, using learned vocabulary and following a format provided by the teacher. The students illustrate the presentation with scanned photos and clipart.
  13. Using technology to enhance teacher productivity Edit
  14. Create their own roll/record/plan books according to teachers’ needs.
  15. Create visuals for games and flashcards with clipart.
  16. Include authentic pictures in visuals and materials. It is a great way to provide authentic culture in games, books and so forth.
  17. Produce e-newsletters to parents.
  18. Create e-games, many games can easily be converted into an electronic format by using links in PowerPoint. This allows students to take turns as they usually do but also manipulate the mouse and click (students NETS).
  19. Matching games, multiple choice games, jeopardy-type games, and question-and-answer games can all be done with PowerPoint slides and links.

      The Internet has expanded the resources available to language teachers and learners to an almost incredible degree. Teachers and students alike can access information about countries where the target language is spoken and learn from and about the people who speak the language. Internet technology gives immediacy and context to World language Learning. It is a very good way to captivate students’ interest. Technology can certainly enhance the student’s ability to develop an awareness of another people’s way of life and they can see links between communication and culture. Using the Internet for research in the classes opens the door to an entire world of information for students. With the rapid changes brought about by globalization and technological development, teachers need to understand that they are entering or have entered the biggest language revolution ever.


  1. Ahmad K., Corbett G., Rogers M. & Sussex R.  Computers, language learning and language teaching/ Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
  2. Atkinson T. WWW: the Internet in the Modern Foreign Languages classroom/ London: CILT, 2002.
  3. Beatty K. Teaching and researching computer assisted language learning. Applied Linguistics in Action Series/ Harlow: Pearson Education, 2003.
  4. Davies G.  "Lessons from the past, lessons for the future: 20 years of CALL"./ In Korsvold A-K., 1997.
  5. Davies G.  "New technologies and language learning: a suitable subject for research?" /In Chambers A. & Davies G. (eds.) New technologies and language learning: a European perspective, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 2001.
  6. Slater P. & Varney-Burch S. Multimedia in language learning/ London: CILT, 2001.
  7. Wolff D.  "Computers and new technologies: Will they change language learning and teaching?"/ In Kohn J., Rьschoff B. & Wolff D. (eds), New horizons in CALL: proceedings of EUROCALL 96. Szombathely, Hungary: Dбniel Berzsenyi College, 1997.



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