"My life"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)
Данная презентация составлена к уроку английского языка по теме «Моя автобиография» 5 класс, Unit 8, Lesson 8 для учебника «Английский язык» 5 класс по УМК Ю.А.Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, К. Гренджер.
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Презентация к уроку 46 по теме « My life » по УМК Ю.А Комаровой и И.В. Ларионовой
Listen to Anka’s autobiography. Where did she live? Where does she live now?
Read the autobiography. 1997 I was born on 26 th February in Poland. 1998 I took my first steps and said my first words. My first word was kot (cat in English). 1999 I got my first pet, a dog. 2000 My brother Kuba was born on 7 th May. 2001 I went to nursery school. I had an operation in hospital.
2002 I got my first bike for my birthday. I learnt how to ride my bike. 2003 I started primary school and met my friends Magda and Sonia. I learnt how to swim. 2004 I began guitar lessons and I went skiing for the first time. 2005 We went on holiday to the Baltic coast and saw the sea for the first time. 2006 I went on my first skiing holiday with my class. I won a music competition.
2007 My family moved to Peterborough in England. I made a new friend. Dana is from the Czech Republic and I had my first conversation in English with her. 2008 I started secondary school. I wore a school uniform for the first time and made my first English friends. My grandmother visited us in the summer and we went to a theme park called Alton Towers. At Christmas we went back to Poland for two weeks and I was very excited and happy because I saw my friends Magda and Sonia.
Match the phrases in the text with the pictures. 1. my first step 2. an operation 3. theme park 4. guitar lessons 5. won a music competition a b c d e
When did Anka do these things? win a music competition
play the guitar
go on first skiing holiday
take first steps
speak English
ride a bike
learn to swim
say first word mum
go to primary school
wear a school uniform
see the sea
When did Anka do these things? Match Anka’s experiences and dates win a music competition 1998 see the sea 2007 wear a school uniform 2003 go to primary school 2003 say first word 2002 learn to swim 2002 ride a bike 2008 speak English 2005 take first steps 2005 go on first skiing holiday 1998 play the guitar 2004
win a music competition 2006 see the sea 2005 wear a school uniform 2008 go to primary school 2003 say first word 1998 learn to swim 2003 ride a bike 2002 speak English 2007 take first steps 1998 go on first skiing holiday 2006 play the guitar 2004
Answer the questions 1.When was Anka born? 2.What was her first word? 3.When did she learn how to ride a bike? 4.Who did she meet in 2003? 5.Where did her family move to in 2007? 6.Who did she meet there? 7.What did she wear for the first time in 2008? 8.Who visited Anka’s family in England? 9.Where did Anka and her family go to Christmas? 6.
Check your answer 1.When was Anka born? (in 1997) 2.What was her first word? (kot/cat) 3.When did she learn how to ride a bike? (in 2002) 4.Who did she meet in 2003? (her friends Magda and Sonia) 5.Where did her family move to in 2007? (Peterborough in England) 6.Who did she meet there? (Dana) 7.What did she wear for the first time in 2008? (a school uniform) 8.Who visited Anka’s family in England? (her grandmother and aunt) 9.Where did Anka and her family go to Christmas? (in Poland) 6.
Listen to an interview. Where does Jess live now? Where did she live?
Find the missing information 1. Jess was born in… 2. Jess’s family moved to Kenya when she was … years old. 3. They lived there for … years. 4. Jess went to … and… school in Kenia. 5. She spoke … and Swahili in Kenia. 6. Her family moved back to Cardiff in … . 7. She liked life in … more than life in … .
Check your answer 1. Jess was born in Wales . 2. Jess’s family moved to Kenya when she was three years old. 3. They lived there for eight years. 4. Jess went to nursery school and primary school in Kenia. 5. She spoke English and Swahili in Kenia. 6. Her family moved back to Cardiff in 2008 . 7. She liked life in Kenya more than life in Wales .
Write your autobiography 2006 I was born in Kunashak, Russia. 2007 I took my first steps. 2008 2009
The lesson is over!
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