Монологи ОГЭ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)
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«Устная часть ОГЭ- монолог»
В 1 Keeping fit
1. Why is a healthy lifestyle more popular nowadays?
2. What do you do to keep fit?
3. What sports activities are popular with teenagers in your region?
I would like to talk about keeping fit.
The polluted and unhealthy world of today makes people realise the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The reason is that people suffer from a lot of diseases, but everybody wants to live a long healthy happy life, to look slim and young. So, healthy lifestyle is more popular nowadays.
As for me, I am health-conscious. I should do something to keep fit.
Firstly, I stay healthy by getting plenty of exercise. I do sport and physical exercises regularly, because sport makes people strong and healthy, gives pleasure, develops a strong will, a quick reaction, character, stamina and keeps people fit. I usually do morning exercises and go jogging. My favourite sport is swimming and I go to the swimming pool twice a week. At school we have physical training lessons three times a week. We play sports games such as football, volleyball and basketball, do various exercises and take part in sports competitions. In winter I ski and skate while in summer I like cycling. Moreover, I go to the fitness club and train at the gym.
Secondly, proper nutrition is very important. I try to eat healthy nourishing balanced diet. My food is food rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, protein and carbohydrates. I try to include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. However, I don’t eat food rich in sugar, salt, saturated fat and cholesterol, for example, fast food.
Thirdly, I consume food in moderate amounts and drink a lot of water.
Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs are completely off the map!
To add to this, I avoid sunbathing, going to bed late and watching TV too much.
In our region teenagers like sports. They are keen on football, hockey, volleyball, basketball, tennis, skating and skiing. The most popular summer sports and activities are swimming, hiking and cycling. Yoga, aerobics and body-building are popular too.
Some teenagers who want challenge, adventure and excitement are fond of extreme sports such as snowboarding, bungee jumping, BMX riding, parkour and others. Extreme sports help overcome themselves, get adrenalin, conquer new experiences and emotions, confront fears and find out your limits but extreme sports are dangerous for health.
Various sports facilities are available in our region such as stadiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, football pitches, tennis courts, skating rinks, badminton courts, gyms, sports centers and fitness clubs.
To sum up, keeping fit and going in for sport are very important and everyone should do something to stay healthy and feel happy.
В 2 My school
1. What do you like most about your school?
2. What weekday do you find the most difficult and why?
3. What would you like to change in your school life?
I would like to talk about my school.
School years are the most important period for everybody, as you get basic education which is truly essential for your future life and career. The aim of education is “learning how to learn” and “getting useful knowledge about the world”.
I study in the 9th form in a co-educational state school. The school has got 3 stages of compulsory education: primary school and secondary school which consists of Intermediate and Senior high school. The school occupies a four-storied building surrounded by a school yard on the bank of the river. It has got a lot of facilities such as classrooms, workshops, a canteen, a cloakroom, an assembly hall, laboratories, computer rooms, a library and a gymnasium. The school is well-equipped with necessary apparatus such as computers, CV and DVD players, tape recorders, printers, TV sets, interactive boards and sport equipment. The Internet access is available for all schoolchildren for free. Our school is known for its academic excellence and high quality of education and offers programs giving a profound knowledge in subjects such as Russian, Physics, Literature, History, Social science, Mathematics, Chemistry, English and others. I like the atmosphere at school because it is friendly. School starts at 8.30 a.m. and finishes at 2p.m. After lessons pupils take part in various extra-curricular activities like subject circles and Student’s Scientific Society, drama club, sports competitions, school trips, excursions and concerts.
Another interesting fact about my school is that foreign students come to our school due to an international exchange programme.
School teachers are skillful, qualified, enthusiastic and experienced. School rules are not very strict. Students have to wear a school uniform and respect each other and school property.
I am really glad that I am one of the students of this school and I am sure that I will always remember my school years and the friendship I’ve made. I am very busy on weekdays because I study 6 lessons a day, 6 days a week. I have to study hard to make progress. I find Wednesday the most difficult weekday because on the timetable on this day there are some subjects on which I have to work the hardest. They are Maths, English, Russian, History, Literature and Chemistry. After classes I attend subject circles. I come home at 5 p.m., have dinner, help about the house and do my homework. It takes me about 4 hours to do my homework properly. I have little spare time. At 10 o’clock I go to bed. I am very tired on this day. There are some problems at school to be solved:
Firstly, the schedule is hard to carry and the curriculum in the main subjects is very complicated. That’s why studying subjects properly takes students a lot of time and effort and leaves little spare time.
Secondly, students learn much factual knowledge but few social skills.
Thirdly, there are discipline and violence problems, bullying and peer pressure.That’s what I wanted to say.
В 3 A place where you live
1. What is your city, town, or village famous for?
2. What is your favourite place in your city, town or village? Why do you like it?
3. Are you going to stay in your city, town or village after leaving school or move to another place and why?
I would like to tell you about my native city-Nizhny Novgorod. It’s the place where I have been living since my birth. NN is famous for many reasons.
Firstly, there is a well-known proverb “Petersburg is the head of Russia, Moscow is the heart, NN is the pocket" because of the Fair which is known all over the world. The merchants from different countries take part in annual fair.
Secondly, it is a beautiful place situated at the confluence of two Great Russian Rivers: the Volga and the Oka. The beauty of landscapes is magnificent.
Thirdly, it is an important industrial, commercial, cultural, historical and educational center. It is a great place to travel to as there is a lot to see and do there. There are magnificent buildings, historical monuments, wonderful parks, squares and gardens, a number of churches and cathedrals. There are 5 theatres which are popular with tourists and citizens. They are the Drama theatre, the Comedy theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the theatre of Young spectators, the Opera and Ballet theatre.There are a lot of clubs, cinemas, libraries, sports centers to spend your time and a wonderful Museum of fine Arts where a lot of masterpieces of art can be enjoyed and appreciated.
There are a lot of places of interest (tourist attractions) in NN: Minin Square, the monument to Minin, a patriot of Russian soil, the Chkalovskaya Staircase, the Kremlin - an ancient Russian fortress and a masterpiece of Russian architecture, Big Pokrovskaya Street.
The most favourite place is the High -Volga Embankment from which people can get a beautiful view over the Volga, the river port and lots of sights as well.
After leaving school I’m going to stay in the city because NN offers a wide range of higher educational establishments to choose from. I can study at the State University, the Polytechnic Academy, the Medical Academy and others. There are a lot of opportunities. So, there is no use leaving for other cities like Moscow. I think my career plans will be connected with my native town. I am beholden to it.
That’s what I wanted to say.
My native place
1. What are the things you like most about the place you live in? Why?
2. What are the things you don’t like most about the place you live in? Why?
3. What would you like to change about your native place?
I’d like to give a talk about my native place, N.Novgorod , a convenient and interesting place, to express my liking to it and offer some advice on how to change it to be better.
1. What are the things you like most about the place you live in? Why?
I вариант
So, N.Novgorod is the city near the place where you can find the source of one of the most beautiful rivers- the Volga. I enjoy walking through parks and gardens thanks to the atmosphere of these places and , by the way, N.Novgorod is such a wonderful place that goes very well with by hobby-drawing! I think the main advantage of my city is a combination of different facilities and peaceful nature. I like it most of all because I hate too busy cities.
II вариант
I love my beautiful city because all modern comforts are close at hand. Also, you can reach any place of our city in thirty or forty minutes and it is very important.
2. What are the things you don’t like most about the place you live in? Why?
I вариант
However, N.Novgorod has some disadvantages too and the most awful problem is an incredible number of cars. Unfortunately, because of such situation there are plenty of car accidents too.
II вариант
Unfortunately, my native place is quite dirty and untidy so it needs cleaning. Also, our town is not as green as I want and there are so few trees in the city. To make matters worse, there is a landfill site nearby the town and when it burns the smoke reeks to the city and people start coughing and suffer from asthma.
3. What would you like to change about your native place?
I вариант
So, I think the authorities should solve this problem by building more underground parking places. In addition, I think out city needs more art and music schools because there are many talented children who want to develop their skills, but unfortunately, they haven’t got such opportunities.
II вариант
In my opinion, it would be great if our government created more parks and gardens in our city because there are too few places where we can walk. Also, the government should close this landfill site and build a recycling plant that would recycle waste of the city.
All in all, N.Novgorod is a unique place, the pearl of the Vechevolzhye and you should definitely visit this place.
That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.
В 4 Foreign languages
I would like to tell you about foreign languages.
1. Why do lots of people learn foreign languages nowadays?
Lots of people learn foreign languages because
1. Progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information. The total knowledge of mankind is known to double every seven years. Foreign languages are needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange and communication between the people of our planet.
2. Foreign languages help to create cultural, economic, social, political relations between countries, tourism, education abroad etc. More and more people travel abroad and the knowledge of a foreign language helps them communicate. If you know a foreign language you can travel without being afraid not to understand people around you and not to be understood as well.
3. Another reason is business. Big companies usually prefer hiring employees who know at least one language at advanced level. So learning a foreign language or a few languages will help you find a good job.
4. The knowledge of foreign languages helps to make a person well-rounded.
5. Language is the main part of our culture. That’s why learning foreign languages you get to know different cultures and gain better appreciation of your own language and culture.
6. All kinds of specialists need foreign languages in their work to know all the news in their field.
7. Moreover, if you know a foreign language, you can watch films and read books in the original.
8. Last but not the least I’m sure a foreign language adds much to better understanding among peoples and promotes friendship in the world.
English is a global language and is useful and beneficial and gives a lot of opportunities. It is important for work, entertainment and travelling.
2. Why have you chosen to do the English exam this year?
I have been studying the English language for 9 years. I have chosen English as my exam this year because I think this exam is important as it is a way of showing what I’ve learnt throughout the year and what I need to study again. In other words, I’d like to test my knowledge and check my skills because I need English for my future career. Also, the exam is a great opportunity for me to go through the process itself and get experience, get ready for State Exams at the end of the 11th form. I hope to be a success because I worked hard.
3. What did you do to prepare for your English exam?
I started preparing for my exam beforehand. Firstly, my teacher told me everything about the structure of the exam and its demands, gave me useful tips. Then, I did my best to do a lot of different exercises in listening, reading, use of English and writing an informal letter. I went to and practiced tests given there.
I worked hard to prepare for my English exam. While preparing for my English exam I developed such very peculiar skills as listening, speaking, writing, reading and aspects like grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling and intonation.
I spent a month in Great Britain living with an English family and communicated with native speakers in English.
I went to an evening class three nights a week.
I bought a “teach yourself” pack with a book and CDs.
I found a private teacher to teach me twice a week.
I attended school English lessons and did homework thoroughly.
Outside the classroom I listened to English songs, communicated with foreign friends through e-mails and by Skype. Moreover, I played computer games in English. Also, I watched films and read books in the original.
I am sure, success in foreign language learning is connected not only with person’s natural talent, and you must work hard.
I think I am a good language learner, because I am independent, active and hard working.
I’m sure I’m well-prepared for the exam and I hope I’ll be a success.
To sum up, learning foreign languages is important and every educated person must have a good command of them.
В 5 Pets
1. Why do people keep pets?
2. What pets are most popular in big cities?
3. Is having pets a big responsibility? Why?
I would like to tell you about pets.
A lot of people have pets at home. They keep them for different reasons. Some of them need friends, guards, doctors or just for fun (playing, walking with them), or for breeding. Next people enjoy taking care of somebody and spending their free time. It cures them from being alone.
Choosing a pet depends on man’s tastes, character and aims. The most popular pets are cats, dogs, tortoises, quinea-pigs, hamsters, birdies, fish, rabbits and others. Nowadays many exotic wild animals are chosen as pets in big cities. They maybe mammals, reptiles, carnivoures and herbivoures. Such as monkeys, tigers, crocodiles, lions, snakes and others. I think the people want to be extraordinary and ambitious. Keeping wild animals is very dangerous. Unfortunately, there are many examples when the pets kill their owners.
To my mind having pets is a great responsibility for their owners. They should take proper care of their pets (feed them in time, train and walk out), be especially careful and not abandon animals on their own. You can see many stray dogs and cats in the cities that is the fact they had had bad owners.
I have no pet now. But if I had, I would keep a cat/ dog, as I am very fond of them. I would be a good owner.
To sum up, keeping pets is pleasure and great responsibility.
В 6 The Internet
1. Why do today’s teenagers use the Internet so much?
2. How does the Internet make long-distance communication easier?
3. What dangers can teenagers face when they use the Internet?
I would like to tell you about the Internet.
The Internet is a unique invention of virtual reality, which has influenced all areas of our lives. The Internet has opened the world to modern teenagers. They spend a lot of time on the Internet. There are many reasons for it.
Firstly, the internet lets instant access to information: facts, figures, knowledge, news, documents, images /video and sounds and publish their ideas to a large audience.
Secondly, The Internet is Mass Media. It informs about international and local events and forms public opinion, based on different sources.
Thirdly, surfing the Net is a great pastime, because it is a source of leisure and entertainment. You can download music, films, play computer games and what not.
Besides, the Internet provides great opportunities to educate. Teachers can contact the entire class by sending one e-mail. They have webpages where students can get another copy of the class outline or assignments. Some classes even have blogs where students must post weekly and are graded on their contributions. People learn about new experiences, cultures, subjects and languages. There are educational websites, online encyclopedias, programs and dictionaries. Learning can be round-the-clock and can happen anywhere in the world. If schoolchildren need to find information for an essay or project, the Internet provides a variety of sources.
What is more, people can travel around the world, learn other cultures, languages and broaden outlook without leaving the rooms and wasting money.
Also other services are available through the Internet such as booking tickets or buying things.
Moreover, the Internet allows a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements and makes it easier to find a job.
In addition, the Internet makes long-distance communication easier. It is now possible to connect to people from all over the world at the click of a mouse quickly and cheaply through e-mail, Skype and social networking.
However, the Internet can have negative impacts on teenagers.
Firstly, the Internet is addictive. As a result, teenagers neglect their everyday duties, reading books, family and school homework.
Secondly, some teenagers find the virtual reality more attractive and become antisocial and shy.
Besides, teenagers don’t exercise much and face a higher risk of poor health and obesity.
What is more, the Internet has a risk of receiving spy programmes or viruses, which can damage your computer.
Moreover, the received information through the Internet can be unreliable, falsified or exaggerated.
Also, leaders of different terrorist or oppositional organizations can use the Internet to find new followers.
In addition, there are inappropriate websites for children which can spoil them.
Another worry is the activities of cybercriminals. For example, hackers can steal your money or even your property.
Finally, students don’t use their writing skills. For example, they just copy the information which is not always well-written.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that despite the criticisms by some and the fears of others, the Internet seems to have changed the world of teenagers for the better. It helps study, get informed, entertain and communicate. I think teenagers must try to make the best use of the Internet.
В 7 Holidays.
1. What holidays are most popular in your country?
2. What is your favourite holiday and how do you celebrate it?
3. Do you prefer to give presents or to get presents, and why?
I would like to tell you about holidays in Russia.
Russians enjoy their holidays and celebrate them with a lot of food, presents and in big companies of relatives and friends. There are three types of holidays in Russia: holidays,
2. state or public holidays
3. religious holidays.
Family holidays include birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and other family celebrations. Different families have different traditions of celebrations.
State or public holidays in Russia include Constitution Day, New Year's Day, Motherland Defender’s Day, the International Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day and Independence Day. State organisations, banks and companies do not work on these days. People spend holiday time with their families and friends; they go to theatres or exhibitions, or go to city centre where there are usually folk festivals and concerts in the open air and celebrate with other people.
Russian religious holidays include Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and some others. There is also a pagan holiday - Shrovetide, Maslenitsa or Pancake Day. Special traditions are followed.
New Year's Day is the major family holiday for many Russians. The celebration begins on New Year’s Eve, that’ is, on the 31st of December. On the New Year night people see the old year off and the New Year in.
Before the celebration people make some preparations: decorate a New Year tree with colorful glass balls and toys.
New Year's dinner usually includes Russian salad, dressed herring, caviar, sparkling wine and other national food. Five minutes before the clock strikes midnight people watch the president's speech on TV and raise a toast to the chiming of the Kremlin clock. After that Russians congratulate each other and exchange presents and good wishes. People believe that miracle is a must on this day. Some people go outside to set off fireworks. Others watch TV concerts, relax and have a great time.
Celebrations for children include a decorated fir tree and Grandfather Frost, who is believed to bring presents. Grandfather Frost often comes with his granddaughter, Snegurochka (Snow Girl). January 1st is now a national holiday. I enjoy this holiday because it is time for family reunion, relax and happiness.
I prefer both to give presents and to get presents because it’s a pleasure to share positive emotions. Moreover, it is a part of Russian tradition of sharing and caring.
To sum up, I enjoy holidays. Holidays are important because they commemorate some important events in the history, connect people and give them an opportunity to have fun and enjoy themselves.
В8 The Internet
1. Why is using the Internet so popular?
2. How can the Internet help students in their studies?
3. Can the Internet be dangerous? Why?
I would like to tell you about the Internet.
The Internet is a unique invention, which has influenced all areas of our lives. The Internet has opened the world to modern teenagers. They spend a lot of time on the Internet. There are many reasons for it.
Firstly, the internet lets instant access to information: facts, figures, knowledge, news, documents, images /video and sounds and publish their ideas to a large audience.
Secondly, The Internet is Mass Media. It informs about international and local events and forms public opinion.
Thirdly, surfing the Net is a great pastime, because it is a source of leisure and entertainment. You can download music, films, play computer games and what not.
In addition, the Internet makes long-distance communication easier. It is now possible to connect to people from all over the world at the click of a mouse quickly and cheaply through e-mail, Skype and social networking.
What is more, people can travel around the world, learn other cultures , languages and broaden outlook without leaving the rooms and wasting money.
Also other services are available through the Internet such as booking tickets or buying things.
Moreover, the Internet allows a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements and makes it easier to find a job.
Besides, the Internet provides great opportunities to educate. Teachers can contact the entire class by sending one e-mail. They have webpages where students can get another copy of the class outline or assignments. Some classes even have blogs where students must post weekly and are graded on their contributions. People learn about new experiences, cultures, subjects and languages. There are educational websites, online encyclopedias, programs and dictionaries. Learning can be round-the-clock and can happen anywhere in the world. If schoolchildren need to find information for an essay or project, the Internet provides a variety of sources.
However, the Internet can have negative impacts on teenagers.
Firstly, the Internet is addictive. As a result, teenagers neglect their everyday duties, reading books, family and school homework.
Secondly, some teenagers find the virtual reality more attractive and become antisocial and shy.
Besides, teenagers don’t exercise much and face a higher risk of poor health and obesity.
What is more, the Internet has a risk of receiving spy programmes or viruses, which can damage your computer.
Moreover, the received information through the Internet can be unreliable, falsified or exaggerated.
Also, leaders of different terrorist or oppositional organizations can use the Internet to find new followers.
In addition, there are inappropriate websites for children which can spoil them.
Another worry is the activities of cybercriminals. For example, hackers can steal your money or even your property.
Finally, students don’t use their writing skills. For example, they just copy the information which is not always well-written.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that despite the criticisms by some and the fears of others, the Internet seems to have changed the world of teenagers for the better. It helps study, get informed, entertain and communicate. I think teenagers must try to make the best use of the Internet.
В 9 Travelling
1. Why do most people like travelling?
2. Which season is the best for travelling in your opinion?
3. What means of transport is the best? Why?
I would like to talk about travelling.
The role of vocations/holidays is important. They help to break the usual tedious routine of life and it’s nice to take time off school/work and rest doing whatever you like. The most popular way of spending holidays is travelling (going to different places). There are several reasons. People want:
1. to discover new places and new ways of life, to try foreign food, to listen to unusual musical rhythms, to see the world ( other countries and continents), to enjoy picturesque places, to see modern and ancient cities
2. to get education and study geography
3. to practice foreign languages
4. to meet different people
5. to go sightseeing
6. to relax
7. to change your routine (for a change of scene)
8. to refresh yourself
9. to learn about other cultures
To sum up, travelling broadens your mind, outlook and knowledge. Seeing is believing. It’s better to see something once with your own eyes than to read about it many times.
Every season is good for travelling. I think every season has its own beauty and charm. A new season comes and new activities begin. As for me, I prefer summer, because it’s the best season for walking tours. I try to go away from the city and spend more time in the air. I enjoy swimming and sunbathing. The Crimea is my favourite destination.
Of course, air travel is quicker than other means of transport. The time goes by more quickly when travelling by plane. However, flying often involves delays and cancellations. Turbulence can also spoil the flight. Besides, there are occasionally terrorist threats, which would definitely spoil any journey. Finally, air travel is more expensive than other forms of transport.
Travelling by train is one of the most popular means of travelling. First of all, it’s cheaper than travelling by air. Besides, modern trains are very comfortable.
Some people prefer travelling by sea, which is very exciting. But of course, if you are sea-sick, travelling by ship is not a good idea.
A lot of people travel by car because it’s rather convenient. They don’t have to buy tickets and carry heavy luggage. They can stop wherever they wish and spend as much time as they like at any place.
As for me, I like travelling and I travel quite a lot. I like all means of transport, but my favourite one is travelling by coach. In my opinion, it’s the best way to explore different towns, both in our country and abroad.
To sum up, travelling is very important in our life.
В 10 My career plans
1. What job do you want to do in the future?
2. What two subjects are the most important for your future job and why?
3. Does your family approve of your career choice or not?
I would like to talk about my career plans.
In today’s world of fierce competition it is important to choose such a career that will help you to meet challenges of the future. If you choose a career correctly/ properly, you will get on in life.
1. What aspects should you consider while choosing the career?
While choosing a career one should pay attention to some aspects. 1. While choosing the career you should consider your likes and dislikes, then look at your skills (your strengths and weaknesses), make the best of your abilities and personal qualities (traits of character) and find a job that suits you best. Your skills and interests should match the ones this job requires. Job satisfaction is very important because you should be satisfied with what you do. 2. Besides, you should take into account the financial side too. You should deserve to benefit from the social privileges provided by the profession. Material aspect indicates the level of the society’s values. Well-paid job will bring you a lot of money, independence, good living conditions and happiness. 3.Moreover, you should analyze job prospects. The profession should give job security and promotions.
4. To add to this, spiritual aspect is necessary to mention. This job should be socially important and useful. There should be a great demand for skilled specialists in our labor market to meet the requirements of modern society. 5. To add to this, there should be many job opportunities now available in this occupation. You should avoid unemployment or at least will be able to apply our knowledge and skills in other fields of human activity.
All in all, the profession should be important, useful, worthwhile, rewarding, challenging, prestigious and necessary. Also, it should give you pleasure, excitement and different experiences.
2. What job do you want to do in the future?
I’m pretty good at dealing with people. I’d like to be better at making things. (Abilities: communicating ideas/ information, designing things, dealing with people/ information/ money, doing calculations/ experiments/ sport, making money/ things, repairing things, using computers/ machines/ tools)
I’ve got a good/some/no idea about what I want to do in the future.
I think I’d enjoy a career in law.( Career areas: art/design, business, construction, education, engineering, farming, fashion, finance, ICT, industry, law and security, the media, medicine, politics, science, show business, sport, tourism) I (don’t) want to work in a/an bank/office/factory/ hospital.
In the future, I think I might like a job as a police officer. (jobs: businessman/woman, comedian, dealer, detective, farmer, fashion designer, journalist, lawyer, mechanic, police officer, psychotherapist, surgeon, technician)
I’ve done part-time work as a shop assistant/cleaner. I’d like to do a summer job as a tour guide/life guard.
3. What does the person of this job do?
4. Where does he work?
5. What are the advantages of this job?
6. What are the disadvantages of this job?
7. What traits of character do you need to have in this career?
8. What two subjects are the most important for your future job and why?
9. Does your family approve of your career choice or not?
My career plans
I would like to talk about my I would like to talk about my career plans.
What job would you like to do in the future?
I would like to become a translator.
Firstly, I like this career because it is interesting.
A translator renders books from English to Russian and vice versa.
Secondly, I’m pretty good at communicating ideas.
Thirdly, a translator must be hardworking and have a flexible memory.
So, my skills and traits of character match the ones the job requires.
Also, this job is well-paid and brings independence, good living conditions and happiness.
To add to this, it is socially important and useful.
Moreover, it gives promotion and has many opportunities to avoid unemployment.
But it has some disadvantages.
This job requires thoughtful, accurate work, long work, it comes with great responsibility.
What two subjects are the most important for your future job and why?
English and Maths are the most important for your future job because they make basis of this job.
Does your family approve of your career choice or not?
My parents approve of my career choice because it is prestigious, useful and rewarding.
To sum up, I hope that this job will bring satisfaction and is my cup of tea.
В11 My school
1. What is your typical school day like?
2. What is your favourite subject? Why?
3. What do you like most about your school?
I would like to talk about my school.
My typical school day is very busy. I get up at 6 o’clock in the morning. Then, I take a shower and have breakfast. Next, I get ready for school. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to school by bus. I usually have 6 lessons a day, six days a week. We study different subjects such as Math, Russian, Literature, English, PE, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography and others. The curriculum in the main subjects is very complicated. That’s why I should work hard to make progress. During the breaks we have lunch in the school canteen. After school I don’t go home straight away because I have to attend different extra-curricular activities such as sports competitions, Science circles, courses, concerts and others, because social life is very rich. I come home at 5 p.m. I help about the house, have supper with the family. After that I do my homework. It takes me much time to do it properly. If I have some spare time, I surf the Internet, play computer games or listen to music. I go to bed late. I am very tired on my typical school day.
My favourite subject is English. It is my cup of tea. I like reading, listening, speaking and writing in English. My favourite activity is doing projects about culture, customs and traditions of English speaking countries.
I like skillful, enthusiastic and experienced teachers and friendly atmosphere in our school. All pupils have a lot of opportunities to get profound knowledge and friends.
In conclusion, my school develops successful people.
В12 Books
1. Is reading still popular with teenagers? Why? Why not?
2. What kind of books do you like reading?
3. Why do many people prefer e-books to paper books?
I вариант
I would like to talk about books. I think it is a topical question of the present and is part and parcel of our life.
I am sure that reading is an essential part of our life. The book is a source of information and entertainment.
1. Only in books we can find answers to all your questions. Books give you a chance to ‘travel’ around the world. Books help us to explore new ideas and expand our outlook.
2. Books enrich our experience with that of the other people and understand ourselves and the people around us.
3. Reading fires imagination. Books transfer people to other countries, continents or even to other worlds, introduce to amazing people and make people laugh and cry.
4. Reading books is a great pastime. Reading helps relax and forget about problems. It often relieves stress and makes us feel happier. You will hardly feel lonely or bored with an interesting book in your hands.
5. Reading is one of the cheapest forms of entertainment and a healthy means of escapism.
6. Reading books helps me improve vocabulary and teaches to focus.
7. Books are valuable to us, as they develop our mind, critical/ analytical thinking and imagination. They make us think.
Why do people like reading books?
II вариант
People like reading books for many reasons. To begin with, it can help them improve their learning process. Also, most books simply grip you and do not allow you to put them down till the very end.
III вариант
People like reading books for many reasons. Firstly, it’s one of the best ways to relax and to distract your mind from everyday duties because reading absorbs you totally. Also, there are so many types of books that you can find all the necessary information in them. Finally, for some people reading is just a hobby.
2. What kind of books do you like to read? Why?
I вариант
People prefer to read different genres of literature. It depends on taste and character. There are different genres of literature: adventure, science fiction, biographies, prose, novels, thrillers, drama, detective stories, love and short stories, historical novels etc.
I enjoy reading very much. Most of all I like reading detective stories, because they have interesting story lines and unusual endings. They arouse the reader’s curiosity and keep them in suspense. Reading detective stories develops critical thinking and analytical skills and allows you to exercise your brain and to test your observation skills.
I wouldn’t mind reading adventure stories because they are exciting. Especially I like to read about characters who go through dangers to complete their mission. But I dislike modern poetry. I find it too complicated. Sometimes I fail to understand what poets mean.
II вариант
I mostly tend to fantasy books and novels. As for me, exactly these kinds of books cause the deepest emotions.
III вариант
As for me, I like reading fantasy novels because I find them thrilling. When I read this kind of books, I lose touch with reality and immerse into a magic world of dragons, witches and other mythical creatures.
3. Why do many people prefer e-books to paper books?
New technologies have influenced reading too. E-books have some advantages over traditional books
The main advantages of e-books are their conveniences and cost.
1. E-books are light and compact.
2. They enable people to carry a virtual library anywhere
3. People can buy more books for less money.
To sum up, reading should be essential in teenagers’ life.
4. What topic would you choose to write about if you were a writer?
I вариант
It is quite a difficult question for me, as everything depends on inspiration. However, “journey through time and space “ is the most interesting topic for me now.
II вариант
If I were a writer, I would write about ecological problems of modern world because I think it’s the most important topic in every person’s life. Without solving these problems we can’t live on Earth anymore.
All in all, I firmly believe that reading books makes our world more interesting and every time I have a chance I take my favourite book and explore wonderful world. ( That’s all for now/That’s all I can say about books, thank you for listening. That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.)
В13 My school homework
1. How long does it take you to do your homework?
2. What subject do you usually start with? Why?
3. Should schoolchildren be given more or less homework? Why?
I would like to talk about my school homework.
Our school gives profound education. Pupils should work much at school and at home. As far as school homework is concerned, it takes me about 4 hours to do it properly.
I usually start with the most difficult subject because studying it requires more time and effort.
In my opinion, schoolchildren should work hard both at school and at home. At school they have a great opportunity to listen to the teacher. At home they should work much individually. If they want to be successful, they should remember, that success is 1% of inspiration and 99% of perspiration.
On the other hand, pupils should have enough time for relaxing and pastime activities. As they say ” All work and no play makes John a dull person.”
In conclusion, school homework is very important for the development of personality but it shouldn’t stop you from your hobbies and communicating.
В14 Travelling
1. Why do most people enjoy travelling?
2. What do people like doing while travelling?
3. What place would you like to go? Why?
I would like to talk about travelling.
The role of vocations/holidays is important. They help to break the usual tedious routine of life and it’s nice to take time off school/work and rest doing whatever you like. The most popular way of spending holidays is travelling (going to different places). There are several reasons. People want:
1. to discover new places and new ways of life, to try foreign food, to listen to unusual musical rhythms, to see the world ( other countries and continents), to enjoy picturesque places, to see modern and ancient cities
2. to get education and study geography
3. to practice foreign languages
4. to meet different people
5. to go sightseeing
6. to relax
7. to change your routine (for a change of scene)
8. to refresh yourself
9. to learn about other cultures
To sum up, travelling broadens your mind, outlook and knowledge. Seeing is believing. It’s better to see something once with your own eyes than to read about it many times.
2. What do people like doing while travelling?
While travelling at holiday people like doing different activities which depend on season and place of destination.
At the seaside people enjoy swimming, sunbathing, diving, scuba diving, snorkeling, sailing, admire corals, multicolored fish and other exotic flora and fauna. They adore going on excursions.
In the city people like to go sightseeing, visiting museums, art galleries, theatres and cinemas. They enjoy picturesque places, architecture, breathtaking views, cultural melting pot and night life. They like walking along bustling streets, embankments and squares.
While hiking people climb mountains, admire the beauty of sunny valleys and vast forests. They are keen on living in tents, making a bonfire and singing songs.
At the camp people like doing camp activities like swimming and cooking out and making friends.
In the country people are crazy about walking in the wood, picking vegetables and fruits, gathering mushrooms and berries.
At the ski resort people are fond of skiing and relaxing.
All in all, while travelling people meet the locals, see famous landmarks, buy souvenirs, try the local cuisine, practice the language, visit museums , swim, sunbathe and get a nice tan, explore nature, visit local markets, go on guided tours and on excursions, learn about other cultures and traditions, take pictures and have a nice time.
3. What place would you like to go? Why?
If I had a chance to spend my summer holidays travelling I would travel to an English-speaking country-Great Britain. Firstly, it is my dream to travel there. I would travel to London. There I would visit go such sightseeings as the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar square, Piccadilly Circus, the National Gallery and famous parks. Secondly, I would like to improve my English. Thirdly, I’d like to learn about culture, customs and traditions of this country. London is a great place for a holiday!
To sum up, travelling is very important in our lives.
В15 Television
1. Is watching TV still a popular pastime with teenagers? Why? Why not?
2. How many hours a week do you watch TV?
3. What do you dislike most about TV?
I would like to talk about television.
In my opinion, watching TV is still popular with teenagers. There are several reasons.
Firstly, television is Mass media - a source of information. It informs viewers of the latest international and local events, brings real scenes of life and forms public opinion.
Secondly, TV’s a cheap and convenient form of entertainment and relaxation. There are a lot of programmes for entertainment such as sports programmes, reality shows, TV games and feature films.
Besides, television provides great opportunities to educate.
It gives us a chance to ‘travel’ all over the world without leaving our room. It helps us to enrich our experience, introduces us to new ideas and activities, spreads cultural values and gives us food for thought.
It is even possible to learn foreign languages and study different subjects.
Moreover, watching TV can bring families and friends together, stimulate conversations and provoke discussions.
As for me, I don’t often watch TV because I am busy with other useful activities. I watch TV selectively, only necessary programmes. I am interested to find out what is happening in the world or to relax.
In my opinion, if you spend a lot of time watching TV, it is harmful and useless.
Firstly, TV has the grip on many people. TV begins to dominate and shape our life and people become telly addicts.
Secondly, violence on television contributes to aggressive behavior and makes people fear the world around them.
Thirdly, television makes people lazy. The more time they watch TV, the less time they have for physical activity and social interaction.
Moreover, watching TV may lead to poor health. TV can ruin eye-sight, causes obesity and heart problems.
To add to this, people stop thinking. TV is called “chewing gum for men’s brains”. TV captures the attention of the viewers and then distracts it. It changes not only habits but our brain too. Deep thought, the ability to focus and analize gives way to skimming.
Besides, television distracts us from school homework, our family and everyday chores.
What’s more, commercials are often misleading and unhelpful. They encourage children to spend much money on clothes, fast food, electronic devices and entertainment.
Finally, the information provided on TV can be unreliable and may be even harmful to people.
To sum up, on the one hand, TV gives people a possibility to be well informed, educated, to entertain and enjoy ‘civilized pleasures’. TV broadens our horizons by bringing worldwide events and faraway places into our homes. On the other hand, watching TV can be bad for teenagers. It can result in risky behavior, poor grades, lack of communication, depression and obesity. I think, parents must pay attention to the programmes their children watch and limit the amount of time teenagers spend in front of the screen.
В 16 Free time
1. Do you have a lot of free time? Why, or why not?
2. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
3. What are your Sunday afternoons like?
I would like to talk about free time.
Nowadays teenagers don’t have enough leisure (free) time as they have to study hard at school. The curriculum is rather difficult and I need much time to do my lessons. More than that, this year I am especially busy because of my exams. Every day I have to do my homework, revise the material for exams on my own and what’s more, I attend some extra classes. In addition, I usually have to help my parents about the house. These are all sorts of cleaning, washing and going shopping.
After a hard work we should have a rest. As they say “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Today we have lots of possibilities to spend our free time with pleasure. First of all, I think we must do sports such as swimming, jogging, skateboarding, bike riding, BMX, playing football, hockey and so on. Sport helps us to keep fit. As for me, I am good at basketball. Then I prefer watching TV, listening to music and playing the quitar. My favourite singer is (Dima Bilan). Next I am fond of playing computer games, e-mail texting, chatting with my friends in the Internet and reading.
I think it’s the best time for me to spend my free time and not to be bored.
On Sundays I get up later than usual. Then my family and I have breakfast. I adore my mum’s pancakes, cookies and salads. After that I do my homework, watch TV, read a book or help my mum about the house. Next I meet my friends and we go to the cinema, sport club or just walk in the park. Sometimes I either visit my grandparents or relatives or they come to our place. We like to be together as we are a really friendly family.
To sum up, I like spending my free time.
В17 My favorite season
1. Which of the four seasons do you like most and why?
2. How has the Earth’s climate changed recently?
3. Do you trust the weather forecast and why?
I would like to talk about favorite season, climate changes and weather.
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every season has three months. Every season is beautiful in its own way.
My favourite season is late spring. To begin with spring is the season of hope, happiness and love. It’s the time when nature awakens from its winter sleep: the ice is broken, the grass is beginning to shoot and the trees are bursting into leaf. I like the smell of the air, spring rains and greenery after them, the atmosphere of hope and joy. Birds come back from warm countries, make nests and twitter in the trees. The people clean their yards, streets and parks. Everything looks neat, clean and ready to meet summer. I am sure that many people share this opinion with me.
I should say that our climate has been undergoing great changes nowadays. Winters are not so frosty and summers are boiling hot. Some lands suffer from droughts , others from rainfalls. There are other natural disasters as avalanches, earthquakes, floods, forest fires, landslides, volcanic eruptions, windstorms, cyclones, hurricanes, tsunami and others. Nowadays we can notice such main environmental problems as the global warming, ice melting, greenhouse effect, massive deforestation, acid rain, ozone depletion, upsetting of oxygen balance, water shortage, damage to wildlife( many animals are in danger of extinction) and exhausting of natural resources.
Technical progress improves people’s lives but at the same time it causes numerous problems in nature damaging. Through the daily activities people pollute water, land and air (by industrial byproducts, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and radioactive substances) and cut off the vast forests. All these problems cause destruction of ecological balance of the planet and natural disasters.
All these influence our climate in the wrong way. The war on nature is a kind of suicide. Environmental protection is of primary importance today.
Long time ago our ancestors forecasted the weather watching the nature, clouds, sunsets, animals, birds and insects. As for us these methods don’t work because the climate has changed. In spite of the modern technologies the weather forecast is not always true. I can trust it only 80-90 per cent.
To sum up, we should take care of nature.
В18 Public holidays in Russia
1. What public holidays are celebrated in Russia?
2. What is your favourite public holiday? Why do you like it?
3. How is your favourite public holiday celebrated in your city?
I would like to talk about public holidays in Russia.
Every country has its own national holidays. Holidays are important because they commemorate some important events in the history, connect people and give them an opportunity to have fun and enjoy themselves. In my opinion, it is important that traditions survived in our country. That’s why a lot people follow old traditions and celebrate Russian holidays.
State or public holidays in Russia include Constitution Day, New Year's Day, Motherland Defender’s Day, the International Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day and Independence Day. State organisations, banks and companies do not work on these days. People spend holiday time with their families and friends; they go to theatres or exhibitions, or go to city centre where there are usually folk festivals and concerts in the open air and celebrate with other people.
Personally I enjoy celebrating holidays. I think it’s a good way to bring the family together and meet all your friends and relatives.
The holiday that makes me especially proud is Victory day. It commemorates the victory of Russia over the fascist invaders in the Second World War. It is the day when we remember the heroic deeds of our grandfathers during the Great Patriotic War. The holiday is celebrated on the 9th of May all over the country. There are patriotic films on TV; you can see the demonstration of combat marches in Red square and the parade of the veterans and immortal regiment. On this day we give the veterans presents and flowers. You can hear patriotic songs and watch fireworks displays. People are proud and feel patriotic on this day. This holiday unites us and makes our country stronger.
To sum up, holidays are important for our identity.
В19 Photography
1. Why do people like taking photography?
2. Why is taking photos more popular today than it was in the past?
3. What is the best photo you have ever taken?
I would like to talk about photography.
Everybody has time to work and to rest. When people have free time they go in for hobbies. Hobbies differ according to taste and character. Some people like taking photos to remember the moments of life. Taking photography is relaxing and interesting.
Nowadays people travel more. While travelling they learn about culture and traditions of far-away places and want to take photos of them. Another reason is the development of technology. Contemporary cameras are easy to carry, they have different functions, they are high quality and affordable for common people.
You know taking photos is my hobby. I always take loads of photos wherever I go. I want to present this photo to you. I took this photo two years ago while travelling to Egypt. This photo shows my family on my summer holidays. In the foreground of the photo you can see my family: my dad, mummy and my sister. In the background of the photo you can see the Great Pyramids. My relatives are wearing T-shirts, shorts, caps and sunglasses because the weather is very hot. The atmosphere is exciting because this place is really magic. We are enjoying the culture, history and traditions of Egypt and having a great time. This photo will always remind me about the happiest holiday in my life.
To sum up, photography is a great pastime.
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