Quiz. Faces of London
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
1) In Trafalgar Square at the foot of the Nelson’s Column you can see four identical bronze lions. What do they symbolize? They symbolize the power of England on sea and shore.
2)London Eye has 32 cabins. What do they symbolize? They symbolize 32 districts of London.
3) The London Eye is also called the Millennium Wheel. Can you explain why? It was opened on the 31st of December in 1999.
4) How can you see that the Queen is in Buckingham Palace? The flag is above the central balcony.
5) How long was Sir Wren building St. Paul’s Cathedral? Sir Wren was building the Cathedral for 35 years and completed it in 1711.
6) What does the word «cab» mean? The word comes from a kind of horse-drawn carriage once used in London, called a «cabriolet».
7) How long do taxi cabs drivers have to study to get a taxi driving licence? Before drivers can get a taxi licence they have to study about two years.
8) Why are London telephone boxes red? Red colour was chosen for the telephone boxes so that people could find them easily.
9) What does the telephone box have on the top panel? Each of telephone boxes has a crown on the top panel.
10) The Queen's Guard is wearing a red coat and a black hat. What fur is the hat made of? It’s a bearskin hat.
11) What is Big Ben ? Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the Clock Tower. The tower is officially known as Elizabeth Tower.
12) How often does the bell chime ? The bell chimes every quarter of an hour.
The guards of the Tower are known as beefeaters 13) How are the guards of the Tower called?
14) Why do beefeaters cut the wings of ravens ? The legend says if ravens leave the Tower, London and Great Britain will fall. That’s why beefeaters cut the wing-feathers of ravens, so they can’t fly.
15) Where do the country’s leaders speak? The country’s leaders speak in the Houses of Parliament.
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Faces of London
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