Spotlight 9 Test 1
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)

Суварова Кямаля Бедратдиновна


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Test 1 (Spotlight 9)

I Fill in: back, off, up, into, down.

1 She forgot to turn ... the lights and left the house.

2. If you don't take care of your garden, it will turn ... a jungle.

3. He turned ... when he remembered that he hadn't locked the door.

4. When John hadn't turn … at work, we all became worried.

5. Don't turn … that job. It's a good opportunity.

6. Turn the radio... . It's my favourite song.

7. Water turns ... ice at 0 degrees.

II Use: which, where, who, whose, when.

1. January 7th … Christmas takes place, is my birthday.

2. The place … we spent our holiday was great!

3. The boy ...lives next door is my classmate.

4. The book … you gave me is very interesting.

5. This is the man … car was stolen yesterday.

6. The hotel … we stayed was very expensive.

7. I remember the day … I met you for the first time.

8. That's the girl … mother works at the police station.

9. An astronaut is someone … travels in space.

III Put the verb in brackets into the correct present tense.

1. Your new dress (look) fantastic.

2. I (study) English for 7 years.

3. Hurry up! The train (leave) at 7 o'clock.

4. We (know) each other since childhod.

5. I ( think) of changing my car. - I (not think) it's a good idea.

6. I (not finish) my project yet.

7. We (not see) her since yesterday.

8. She (clean) the house since the morning and she (not finish) yet.

9. This flower (smell) nice and sweet.

10. I never (go) to bed early.

IV  Use Present Participle or Past Participle

1. Kate feels (exhaust) because she had a hard day in her office.

2. The film we watched yesterday was (bore). Nobody liked it.

3. Everybody was (excite) at the party.

4. What an (excite) news!

5. I don't like travelling by train. I find it (tire).

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