Answer Key to Test#1 (Module #1)- Spotlight-8
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Данильянц Елена Михайловна

Ответы к Тесту №1 (Модуль№1) вариант 1/2 УМК "Английский в фокусе -8 класс"


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Spotlight-8                                    Test-1 (Module-1)


I. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Translate the following phrases into English:

1) kiss on the cheek    2) affectionate names     3) respect social etiquette  4)sense of humour

5) make sure

II. IDIOMS. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom using the words: ice, mind, the pain, mad.

1. drive mad

2. break ice

3. speak mind

4. pain the neck

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1. over with

2. across / -

3. along

4. over

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1) of  2) about  3) with    4) on     5) to

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) starts     2)   are going   3) works      4) have never been to  England

5) have you been living / have you lived        6) has she known  7) have just come                        8) are playing       9) has never come / comes      10) is always telling

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. tastes  2. are you smelling   /   smell    3. look        4.thinks

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1) was cleaning  /  came   2) met / was doing  3) rarely left      4) were watching /was baking

5) was writing

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1. leaves      2) are going to fall       3) will open     4) will pass 5) is seeing


Spotlight-8                                    Test-1 (Module-1)


I. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Translate the following phrases into English:

1. social etiquette

2. marital status

3. give smb a hug

4. acceptable small topics/talks

5. offend smb

II. IDIOMS. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom using the words: tongue, nerves, crazy, mind

1) speak mind      2) drives crazy     3) hold tongue   4) gets nerves

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1) get along   2) get across   3) gets down   4) get over

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1) with     2) at    3) of      4) to      5) of

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) have been working    2) have ever met   3) does the train leave    4) does your mum cook 5) am seeing/ have seen    6) have you been studying  7) haven’t seen    8) is always throwing  9) am playing    10) have known

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) am thinking   2) do you think    3) are you looking  / looks  4) tastes

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1) was walking   / met     2) got up      3) were watching   /   knocked      4)was driving

5) was washing up  /  was ironing

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1) am flying    2)  will be    3) is going to    4) arrives    5)am going to visit

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