презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Князева Елена Григорьевна


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Слайд 1

Kniazeva E.G. Vyazma, Smolensk region School № 2 HOW TO MAKE A GOOD PRESENTATION

Слайд 2

Nowadays presentation is not only a common feature of working life in many companies but also an effective method of teaching in many schools. And most of people are already acquainted with this new method. However, many people are still embarrassed when giving a presentation because they do not know exactly how to make a good presentation. If you follow these steps, I am sure that you can totally present more effectively.

Слайд 3

Be very clear about how much time you have. Think about the presentation beforehand . Do use PowerPoint.

Слайд 4

Ensure that the slides look good. This does not necessarily mean that they look flashy - although suitable pictures readable colours or illustrations are very effective.

Слайд 5

Make appropriate use of pictures. It's a good idea to break up text with illustrations and it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Слайд 6

The first slide should announce the title of your presentation, your name and position and contain basic information. Kniazeva E.G. Vyazma, Smolensk region School № 2

Слайд 7

You should try to make the title catchy, so that you immediately have the interest of your audience. Do not make your presentation very long in order to win the audience. Write a book instead.

Слайд 8

Each slide should normally contain around 25-35 words. Too many words and your audience will have trouble reading the material.

Слайд 9

Make a list of questions you expect to be asked at the end of the presentation…

Слайд 10

The last slide should set out all appropriate contact details.

Слайд 11

During the presentation, you should hold your body properly, keep your head up or keep hands by your side. You also should not scratch your hair or fiddle your jewellery. All of these actions are likely to distract the audience.

Слайд 12

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