Школьная олимпиада по англ.яз для 9-11 классов
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку
Олимпиадные задания для 9-11 кл
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Школьный этап всероссийской олимпиады по английскому языку
2019-2020 учебный год
Задания для учащихся 9-11 классов
1.Listen to the interview and choose the correct variant.
1. What do we learn about Maggie’s musical education?
1) She didn’t have a special music talent.
2) She attended a musical school for 9 years.
3) She didn’t like playing the piano very much.
2. Why did Maggie want to become an actress?
1) This profession runs in her family.
2) She wanted to overcome the stage fright.
3) Acting on stage felt natural to her.
3. What does Maggie say about directors and directing?
1) She thinks David Lynch is the best director.
2) She feels she could herself direct a film one day.
3) She thinks she was fortunate to work with many talented directors.
4. What does Maggie say is the most important thing for her about a film?
1) The story.
2) The screenplay.
3) The partners.
5. Мaggie often plays mothers because …
1) such roles provide lots of opportunities to an actress.
2) people like her in such roles.
3) she is a future mother herself.
6. What does Maggie think of her appearance?
1) She thinks she should take care of the way she looks on screen.
2) She thinks her looks don’t interfere with her job.
3) She thinks she’s very beautiful.
7. What does Maggie love about being an actress?
1) Being able to play both men and women.
2) Being able to express complex characters.
3) Being able to look beautiful on screen.
Reading (30min)
2.Read the texts and find the best heading to each of them, one heading is extra.
- Perm’s industry
- City’s cultural life
- Natural resource as attraction
- The greatest achievement
- Traditionally liberal
- Beneficial location
- Where the name comes from
- Too important to be left alone
A. The word “Perm” first appeared in the 12th century in the Primary Chronicle, the main source describing the early history of the Russian people. The Perm were listed among the people who paid tribute to the Rus. The origin of the word “Perm” remains unclear. Most likely, the word came from the Finno-Ugric languages and meant “far land” or “flat, forested place”. But some local residents say it may have come from Per, a hero and the main character of many local legends.
B. Novgorodian traders were the first to show an interest in Perm. Starting from the 15th century, the Muscovite princes included the area in their plans to create a unified Russian state. During this time the first Russian villages appeared in the northern part of the region. The first industry to appear in the area was a salt factory, which developed on the Usolka river in the city of Solikamsk. Rich salt reserves generated great interest on the part of Russia’s wealthiest merchants, some of whom bought land there.
C. The history of the modern city of Perm starts with the development of the Ural region by Tsar Peter the Great. Perm became the capital of the region in 1781 when the territorial structure of the country was reformed. A special commission determined that the best place would be at the crossroads of the Trans-Siberian Railroad, which runs east-west and the Kazan line, which runs north-south. This choice resulted in Perm becoming a major trade and industrial centre. The city quickly grew to become one of the biggest in the region.
D. Perm is generally stable and peaceful, so the shocks of 1917 did not reach it right away. Neither did they have the same bloody results as in Petrograd. Perm tried to distance itself from the excesses and did not share the enthusiasm for change of its neighbours. Residents supported more moderate parties. They voted for the establishment of a west European style democracy in Russia. Unfortunately, the city could not stay completely unaffected, as both the White and the Red armies wanted its factories.
E. Perm’s desire for stability and self-control made the region seem like a “swamp” during the democratic reforms of the 1990s. Unlike other regions, there were no intense social conflicts or strikes. Nevertheless, Perm was always among the regions that supported the democratic movement. In the 1999 elections, the party that wanted to continue the reforms won a majority in the region. So the city got an unofficial status of “the capital of civil society” or even “the capital of Russian liberalism”.
F. During the Second World War many factories were moved to Perm Oblast and continued to work there after it ended. Chemicals, non-ferrous metallurgy, and oil refining were the key industries after the war. Other factories produced aircraft engines, equipment for telephones, ships, bicycles, and cable. Perm press produces about 70 percent of Russia’s currency and stamped envelopes. Nowadays several major business companies are located in Perm. The biggest players of Russian aircraft industry are among them.
G. Perm has at least a dozen theatres featuring productions that are attracting audiences from faraway cities, and even from abroad. The broad esplanade running from the city’s main square has become the site of almost continuous international art, theatre and music fairs during the summer. Even the former prison camp with grim walls outside town was converted into a theater last July for a production of “Fidelio”, Beethoven’s opera about political repression. The performance was well-reviewed.
3. Fill the missing gaps in the text choosing from the list A-F. There is one extra sentence.
The Man Who Loved the Sea
Jacques Cousteau was born in France in 1910. Although he was sickly as a child, he learned to swim at an early age and developed a love for the ocean. He joined the French navy in 1933, and it was there A________. Amazed at what he saw beneath the sea, he decided to build a device that would allow people to breathe underwater. In 1942, he finished the Aqua-Lung, a piece of early underwater breathing equipment B________.
After World War II, Cousteau began his life’s work onboard the research ship Calypso. He worked with divers and scientists to photograph and gather samples of underwater plants and animals. In doing so, he learned about many ocean creatures C________.
In 1960, he successfully worked to stop nuclear waste D________. He worked tirelessly E________ and won many awards for his efforts. His television show, The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau, ran from 1968 to 1976. The series helped raise awareness of the creatures who inhabit the world’s oceans. Cousteau died in 1997 at the age of 87 and is still celebrated F________ of the twentieth century.
- from being dumped into the Mediterranean Sea
- that would eventually lead to the SCUBA diving gear
- as one of the most important explorers and environmentalists
- even though he became interested in exploring the ocean
- that he first used a pair of underwater goggles
- to improve the ecological conditions of the world’s oceans
- that had never been studied before
4.Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the list.
no more very difficult grow maize sooner or later countless extended from before reaching desert area twice a year very dry by all means
animal life can support
For the past 100 years, the immense stretch of barren American desert has been growing smaller. Three generations ago, the wasteland 1___________the Mississippi Valley in the east almost to the Pacific Coast. But men learned that the prairies could 2__________and that the grass lands could feed cattle and sheep or yield wheat. As they continued to cultivate the desert, the size of 3_________descreased.
Today, there are still 60 to 70 thousand square miles of desert. In the 600 miles between Salt Lake City and Reno, Nevada, there is nothing but dead lakes, dry rivers, snakes and small 4_________, enormous mineral wealth, and the inhuman beauty of the desert. Parts of the region 5_______cattle, but most of it remains desert country. And though it is an empire in size, it is 6___________than town in population.
Here between the Sierra Nevada in the west and the Rockies in the east, the climate is 7__________and hot. Even fairly large rivers from the mountains dry up so rapidly that they die 8___________the end of the desert. But 9___________it rains, even here. In midsummer and midwinter.
In this land of little water, farming was 10__________. It would have been impossible if farmers had not planned and worked together. Fearing no task, they built more 100 towns and 11______gardens.
5. Match the sentences (1-5) with (a-e).Correct mistakes in (1-5) and (a-e), write the correct variant.
- He look a bit green.
- He has in a blue mood today.
- I thinking it’s a grey area.
- You like white knucle rides?
- Are you seeing the Greens over there?
- Yes, he’s failed in his exam.
- Yes, they’re fighting for the environment again.
- Maybe he is gone to be sick.
- No! I always feel sick , because of they.
- I am agree. It’s not clear what we can do.
WRITING (30 min)
You have found the following statement in the teen magazine .Comment this.
Some people claim that bodypositive is a propahanda of an unhealthy way of life.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 100-140 words
Remember to
-make an introduction;
-express your personal opinion
-make a conclusion.
Критерии оценивания
Listening, Reading, Use of English - максимальное количество баллов 51. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
Listening (7)
1.1 1
2 3
3 3
4 2
5 1
6 2
7 2
Reading (13)
2. A 7 3. A 5
B 3 B 2
C 6 C 7
D 8 D 1
E 5 E 6
F 1 F 3
G 2
Use of English (31)
4. 1.extended from; 2.grow maize; 3.desert area; 4.animal life; 5.can support; 6.no more; 7.very dry; 8.before reaching; 9.twice a year; 10.very difficult; 11.countless.
5. 1. c He looks a bit green.
2. a He is in a blue mood today.
3. e I think it’s a grey area.
- d Do you like white knucle rides?
- b Do you see the Greens over there?
a. Yes, he’s failed his exam.
b. Yes, they fight for the environment again.
c. Maybe he is going to be sick.
d. No! I always feel sick, because of them.
e. I agree. It’s not clear what we can do.
Шкала критериев оценивания «Writing»
Максимальное количество баллов: 10
БАЛЛЫ(за содержание) | СОДЕРЖАНИЕ (максимум 10 баллов) | ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ (максимум 10 баллов) | ||||
Композиция (максимум 2 балла) | Лексика(максимум 2 балла) | Грамматика (максимум 2 балла) | Стиль (максимум 2 балла) | Орфография и пунктуация (максимум 2 балла) | ||
9-10 | Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена с учетом цели высказывания и адресата. Тема раскрыта полностью. Участник демонстрирует оригинальный подход к раскрытию темы. | 2 балла Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения композиции. | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует богатый лексический запас, необходимый для раскрытия темы, точный выбор слов и адекватное владение лексической сочетаемостью.Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения лексического оформления. | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует грамотное и уместное употребление структур, необходимых для раскрытия темы. Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения грамматического оформления. | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует владение жанрами письменной речи. Текст оформлен в соответствии с требованиями, предъявляемыми к официальному и неофициальному письму. Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения стилевого оформления. | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует уверенное владение навыками орфографии и пунктуации. Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения орфографического и пунктуационного оформления. |
7-8 | Коммуникативная задача выполнена с учетом цели высказывания и адресата. Тема раскрыта полностью, однако в работе не хватает оригинальности в раскрытии темы. | 1 балл В целом текст имеет четкую структуру, соответствующую заданной теме. Текст разделен на абзацы. В тексте присутствуют связующие элементы. Допустимы незначительные нарушения структуры, логики или связности текста | 1 балл В целом лексический состав текста соответствует заданной теме, однако имеются неточности в выборе слов и лексической сочетаемости, которые не затрудняют понимания текста. Или: используется стандартная, однообразная лексика. | 1 балл В тексте присутствует ряд незначительных грамматических и/или синтаксических ошибок, не затрудняющих общего понимания текста. | 1 балл Участник в целом демонстрирует владение жанрами письменной речи, однако в тексте присутствуют незначительные нарушения стилевого единства. | 1 балл В тексте присутствуют орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки, которые не затрудняют общего понимания текста. |
5-6 | Коммуникативная задача в целом выполнена, однако имеются отдельные нарушения целостности содержания. Тема раскрыта не полностью: не приведены все необходимые аргументы и/или факты. | |||||
3-4 | Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично. Содержание текста не полностью отвечает заданной теме или объем работы менее 50% от заданного. | .0 баллов Текст не имеет четкой логической структуры. Имеются серьезные нарушения связности текста и/или многочисленные ошибки в употреблении логических средств связи. | 0 баллов Участник демонстрирует крайне ограниченный словарный запас. Или: имеются многочисленные ошибки в употреблении лексики, затрудняющие понимание текста. | 0 баллов В тексте присутствуют много численные ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание. | 0 баллов Текст не оформлен в соответствии с требованиями жанра. Или: в тексте присутствуют значительные нарушения стилевого единства. | 0 баллов В тексте присутствуют многочисленные орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание. |
0-2 | Коммуникативная задача не выполнена. Содержание текста не отвечает заданной теме. |
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