Школьная олимпиада по англ.яз для 9-11 классов
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
1.Read the texts and find the best heading to each of them, one heading is extra.
1. Tourists from all over the world will enjoy their time in London if they plan a visit to one of the capital's famous musicals or plays as an inbuilt part of their holiday in England. The London stage scene has been a big success story for over a hundred years and visitors will appreciate the programme in London theatres which has not changed for years.
2. Robert Sims is the brilliant new author of the comedy play about student life in Scotland at the Round House Theatre in Glasgow. Robert, who is only twenty four, started to write the play immediately after leaving university. He told our reporter that he couldn't write the play while he was at university, because many of the characters in it were his fellow students or university lecturers. The play is also partly a musical with some very funny songs.
3. The new programme of plays at the Eastbourne Winter Garden Theatre contains a very varied and interesting variety of productions. The summer holiday programme starts with a French comedy, continues with the play "The Three Sisters" by Chekhov and ends with the "Rocky Horror Movie Show". I wonder how the conservative Eastbourne audiences will cope with this surprising mix.
4. The new winter season at the Hippodrome Theatre is a big break with tradition. There are no musicals, no comedies and no Agatha Chistie thrillers. The new management is staging three Shakespeare plays and two plays by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht, in addition to a very modern pantomime which doesn't have either a Prince Charming or two ugly sisters. We wish the Hippodrome every success in its efforts to bring culture to the masses.
5. Our winter programme of plays and musicals starts on the first of December. We offer special rates to all students and senior citizens and there are also very good reductions for all theatre goers, who join our theatre club and buy tickets for three or more performances in advance. Theatre programmes with details of each performance and the actors are also free for all members of the theatre club, which is another big saving. Support your local theatre again this season.
6. The long running soap opera "Green Wellies", set in the rural south east of England is scheduled to end in August. The directors of Channel 4 point to decreased enthusiasm for the programme over the last year as the major cause for this decision. Many viewers have complained about the weak story lines and the poor acting of some of the main characters. Also a lot of young people are not interested anymore in hearing about agricultural topics.
7. The new boys' pop group "No Chance" is scheduled to perform at the Liberty Theatre in Clacton. This is part of their journey of England from Bognor in the south to Grimsby in the north. The boys are in big demand after the successful launch of their new CD "Mind over Matter" and it is anticipated that the Clacton venue will be a complete sell out. Buy your tickets now to be sure of a seat.
2. Fill the missing gaps in the text choosing from the list A-G. There is one extra sentence.
A substance produced by disease-transmitting in sects could 1) _______ . Mosquitoes and blackflies transmit malaria and river blindness respec
tively, both of which 2) _______ .
However, scientists have discovered, in some of these insects, a substance called a peptide which can 3) _______ . Recently introduced techniques have allowed researchers to study these minute insects in order to 4) _______ . Professor John Wells said that his team had discovered that the peptides 5) _______ . He pointed out that if they could identify the genes responsible for producing the substance, they could introduce into the world genetically altered mosquitoes which 6) _______ .
In the wake of these exciting developments, it is hoped that science will be able to eradicate some major tropical diseases sooner rather than later.
A. were incapable of spreading the disease.
B. kill the viruses and parasites they carry.
C. provide the key to fighting these same diseases.
D. cause a large number of deaths every year.
E. find out more about the peptides.
F. were active against parasites.
G. were able to spread the disease.
3.Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the list.
no more very difficult grow maize sooner or later countless extended from
before reaching desert area twice a year very dry by all means
animal life can support
For the past 100 years, the immense stretch of barren American desert has been growing smaller. Three generations ago, the wasteland 1___________the Mississippi Valley in the east almost to the Pacific Coast. But men learned that the prairies could 2__________and that the grass lands could feed cattle and sheep or yield wheat. As they continued to cultivate the desert, the size of 3_________descreased.
Today, there are still 60 to 70 thousand square miles of desert. In the 600 miles between Salt Lake City and Reno, Nevada, there is nothing but dead lakes, dry rivers, snakes and small 4_________, enormous mineral wealth, and the inhuman beauty of the desert. Parts of the region 5_______cattle, but most of it remains desert country. And though it is an empire in size, it is 6___________than town in population.
Here between the Sierra Nevada in the west and the Rockies in the east, the climate is 7__________and hot. Even fairly large rivers from the mountains dry up so rapidly that they die 8___________the end of the desert. But 9___________it rains, even here. In midsummer and midwinter.
In this land of little water, farming was 10__________. It would have been impossible if farmers had not planned and worked together. Fearing no task, they built more 100 towns and 11______gardens.
4.Read the text and complete it with the correct forms of the words.
A New Park
The entrance to the Rother Valley Country Park is on the right (1)after you leave the tiny village of Wales.
For the local people this new park is a (2)area of open space, where a lot of leisure activities are provided, including canoeing, rowing, sailing, sail boarding, grass-skiing and riding.
For the motorized passer-by there are walks and picnic (3)
This area is becoming (4)popular. There is also a visitor centre at Bed Greave Mill, where there is working machinery and a cafe. But don't expect too much in the way of good scenery.
The area was for long a mess of old coal mines and an (5) railway line.
More recently an ambitious and continuing special programme has converted the former mines to lakes.
The displays in the (6)visitor centre explain how grass and wetland for wildlife are being established.
5.Express the meaning of each phrase in one word.
1.an opening from which liquid comes out, such as a tube or a pipe(s - - - t)
2.a person who loves his/her country(p - - - - - t)
3.a long narrow piece of material for binding round a wound(b - - - - - e)
4.a period of very cold weather(f - - - - e)
5.a group of people elected to govern a town(c - - - - - - - - - n)
6.the use of strength; trying hard(e - - - - - t)
7.a noble soldier on horseback(k - - - - t)
8.a long speech, part in play or film, spoken by a person only(m - - - - - - - e)
9.a very common reddish-yellow round fruit with a bitter-sweet taste and a thick skin
(o - - - - e)
10.a formal decision made by a group vote(r - - - - - - - - n)
6.Complete the sentences using the best answer.
We care about the environment so we have come 1) …. with some practical ways of protecting it:
-Always switch 2)… the lights and the electrical appliances when you don’t need them.
-Turn 3)…the heating and put 4)…warmer clothes if you cold.
-Think carefully how you can reuse old things before you throw them 5)… .
-Try to cut 6) … packaging and paper.
1.A on B up C to
2.A off B on C at
3.A on B up C down
4.A up B out C on
5.A away B into C about
6.A on B down C down on
7. Choose the right answer
1. The London Royal Opera House is called ... .
a) Covent Garden, b) the National Theatre, c) "Old Vic" Theatre, d) the Barbican.
2. The traditional English drink is ... .
a) coffee, b) tea, c) cocoa, d) milk.
3. The symbol of the US is ... .
a) Union Jack, b) Uncle Sam, c) Big Ben, d) Pall Mall.
4. The Colorado is ....
a) in Africa, b) in North America, c) in South America, d) in Brazil.
5. New England is ... .
a) a separate country, b) part of Great Britain, c) part of the US, d) an island.
6. What is Humpty Dumpty?
a) a toy, b) an egg, c) an animal, d) a bird.
7. What is Benjamin Britten?
a) an architect, b) a composer, c) a writer, d) a politician
You have found the following text in the Internet .Comment on this piece of information.
Books are dead! Long live books!
My friend Tommy predicts that children born now will grow up with the same attitude towards printed paper books that I, having been born in the 80s, have towards vinyl records.
This prediction invariably causes our bibliophile friends to clutch their dead trees close to their chest, ‘no that could never happen’ and retreat into the stacks of books. As though the digital book revolution might bring with it some sort of mass burning. But friends(Romans, countrymen), I’ve had my e-book reader for just over four months now. I have seen the future and I welcome our new e-paper overlords with open arms.
Jenny, an e-book lover
Write 100-120 words
Remember to
-make an introduction;
-express your personal opinion on paper books and e-books and give reasons for your opinion;
-make a conclusion.
Write in your own words. Do not quote from the given text.
1.1-D; 2-E; 3-C; 4-B/F; 5-H; 6-G; 7-A.
2.1-C; 2-D; 3-B; 4-E; 5-F; 6-A.
3. 1.extended from; 2.grow maize; 3.desert area; 4.animal life; 5.can support; 6.no more; 7.very dry; 8.before reaching; 9.twice a year; 10.very difficult; 11.countless.
4.1.shortage; 2.successful; 3.possibilities; 4.extrevely; 5.unused; 6.attractive.
5.1.spout; 2.patriot; 3.freeze; 4.bandage; 5.corporation; 6.effort; 7.knight; 8.monologue; 9.orange; 10.resolution.
6.1.B; 2.A; 3.A; 4.C; 5.A; 6.B.
7.1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - b, 4 - b, 5 - с. 6- b. 7- b
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