Презентация к внеклассному мероприятию в форме соревнования по теме "Мое отечество"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
В презентации даны различные задания по теме в форме кроссвордов, викторин, таблиц. С помощью презентации можно проверить правильность ответов учащихся. В презентации даны портреты видных деятелей России, символы нашей страны.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Symbols of Russia An eagle A birch Matryoshka
Answer the questions What can the Russians be proud of? (people, culture, History, country) What words come to a person`s mind when he/she hears the word Russia? (Red Square, Moscow, a bear, cold winter, pancakes with caviar, matryoshka , a birch) What traits of character are common for Russian people? (hospitality, friendliness, communalism, toughness, patience, cautiousness, submission, not risk-taking, kindness)
Look at the map of the Russian Federation. Let’s discuss what countries Russia borders on.
DO YOU KNOW GEOGRAPHY? What is the highest mountain in Russia? (Elbrus) What mountain chain divides the European and Asian parts of Russia? (The Urals) How many vegetation zones are there in Russia? (6 zones) How many countries does Russia border on? (14 countries) What is the longest river in Russia? (The Volga) How many oceans is our country washed by? Name them. (two, The Arctic, Pacific oceans) What continent is Russia situated on? (Europe, Asia)
Try to do your best and speak about the geographical position of Russia. 1. Continue my sentences: • The official name of the country is … • The Russian Federation is the … in the world. • In the south Russia borders on … • In the west it borders on … • It has also a sea border with … • There is a hardly a country in the world where … 2. Say if it is true or false. If it is wrong, correct the sentence: • Russia has 12 time zones. • Russia stretches from the Baltic Sea in the East to the Atlantic Ocean in the West. • Russia has a wide range of scenery and climate. • Taiga is a thick forest with a lot of oaks. • Steppes cover the north of Russia.
3. Prove that: • the Russian Federation is the largest country of the world; • Russia is connected with the Atlantic Ocean; • our country is washed by 3 oceans; • there is a natural border between Europe and Asia; • there are various types of climate.
D O YOU KNOW? • Russia is on two continents – Europe and Asia. But only 20% of Russia is in Europe. • Russia has a population of 147 million people. 75% of the population live in the European part. • Almost four times as many people live in cities as in villages. The 12 biggest cities have a population of over 1 million people each. • Russian people are not always a Slavic type. They do not all have blue eyes and fair hair. Russian people may look like Spaniards, Greeks, Jews, Turks, Koreans or Mongolians. • Russian people are part of a big community of more than 100 nations and ethnic groups. There are Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Chuvash, Bashkir, Belarusians and Morldovins . • Everyone in Russia speaks Russian as the official language. Local languages are very important too. Children study them at school. • There are five main religions in Russia. Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists live side by side all over the country. • Russian people are all different, but together they are building a strong country – the Russian Federation.
China, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Norway, Finland, Belarus, the Baltic States (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania), the Ukraine, Europe, Asia, the Ural Mountains, the Caucasus, the Altai Name the countries . Bela baijan hstan Azer Kazak raine rus Uk Put together the two halves to form the name of a state and read it correctly.
Famous people of Russia
Names of famous people What is he/she? What is he/she famous for? V.V. Putin The president The second president of Russian Federation, he served in the Federal Security service for 15 years. He plays a very important role in the political life of our country. Y.Gagarin A spaceman The first man who flew into the space on the board of the spaceship “ Vostok ” A.S. Pushkin A poet, a writer He published his first poem ” Ruslan and Ludmila”in 1820 and became famous. P.I. Chyakovsky A composer He created the music for the ballets The Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, The Nut Cracker M.I. Kutuzov A general The Russian general, Suvorov`s pupil. He wun the battle against Napoleon`s Army near Borodino. I. Levitan A painter Chekhove called him” The best landscape painter of Russia”. Many people admire his pictures Deep Waters, The Last Snow, Autumn Day in Sokolniki , Golden Plyoss , Golden Autumn. I. Rodnina A figureskater The best Russian figure-skater .
Do you know political system of Russia? Test. Choose the answer. 1.The Russian Federation is … a)a parliamentary monarchy b). a presidential republic c) a monarchy 2 . … is the head of the state a)The King b) The Queen c) The President 3. ... represents the legislative branch of power . a)The Federal government b) The Congress c) The Federal Assembly 4. The Federal government represents … branch of power . a) the legislative b)the executive c) the judicial 5. … represents the judicial branch of power. a)The Duma b) The Federal Council c) The Supreme Court 6. The President is elected by … a)The Federal Government b) The Federal Assembly c) the people 7 . The Federal Assembly consists of … a) The Federal Council and The Duma b) The House of Lords and The House of Commons c) The Senate and The House of Representatives.
Find 13 words on the topic C L U B O Y C L I M A T E G Y M H E A R W A A P O W E R R O U K A S K I N R P E N C I K E V O W M O T H O P I L I W S H S U K E B O S M U L T I N A T I O N A L E C H I R A A H D O O R U I K E R V E W J I L G U W H O R I H S L K J O B N O U S O J U C E X S G O V E R N M E N T O N E E N J Y C D I U R A W R A M B S E A V N E W C N B C R Y S T A T E L Y S A M O U N T A I N Z K O V O N T N I K E M C O U N T R Y M E S
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