Сценарий мероприятия по английскому языку "Many countries- one world: Russia"
материал по английскому языку (8 класс)
Сценарий конкурсного мероприятия, посвященного традициям и культуре разных стран мира, в данном случае России. Дается краткий обзор географического положения, истории, национальных и культурных традиций нашей страны на английском языке
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Welcome to Russia березы
Good, morning, dear guests. Welcome to Russia. We are glad to see you in our country. Every year a lot of people visit Russia. Our country is fantastic. We are sure that you will enjoy every minute of our tour and it will be very useful for everybody.
Let’s begin the presentation of our guide – book “Welcome to Russia”.
2. The Russian Federation
RUSSIA is the biggest country in the world. It is situated in Europe and Asia. Its total area is over 17 mln. sq. kilometers. The population of Russia is about 150 million people. The capital of the country is Moscow.
3. Nature and landscapes
Russia has a great variety of landscapes. We can see plains and forests, highlands and deserts, tundra and taiga. Lots of mountains and over two million rivers are situated in the country. The main ones are the Volga, which is the longest river in Europe, the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena. Russia’s lakes contain one-quarter of the world’s fresh water. The deepest and the purest lake Baikal is located in Russia.
4. The national symbols
The symbol of Russia is a double- headed eagle. It was introduced in Russia in 1497 by Tsar Ivan III.
The national flag of Russia is made up of three stripes: white, blue and red. The white stripe symbolizes nobility (величие) and revelation (откровение).The blue stripe symbolizes courage (смелость), generosity (благородство) and love. The red stripe is loyalty (преданность) and honesty.
5. The Russian Culture.
Russia is a country of unique culture. Russians value the works of famous writers and poets such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky and Mayakovski. Their works are world-famous and many books have been translated into other languages.
6. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”
Look! They are performing a famous tale by Alexander Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”
Отрывок из сказки
7. The Russian National Costumes
Now welcome to the Russian National Costume Museum. This is an example of a men’s shirt with long sleeves Kosovorotka . Kosovorotka could be worn every day and on special occasions. It was made of white, blue and red cloth and decorated with contrast elements.
8. Girls and young women wore Sarafans. It is a long sleeveless dress covering feet. Kokoshnik is the most common type of festive headdress. Kokoshnik was tied at the back of the head with a ribbon in a large bow. Usually it was decorated with gold, silver, pearls and decorative stones.
9. Fairs and Festivals
Many fairs and festivals are held in our country and attract the attention of tourists. Bright holidays are accompanied by Russian songs, dances and games. Оne of the popular dances is Moscow Quadrille. It’s really wonderful and full of fun.
Музыка КАДРИЛЬ Танец
10. The Russian cinema
Now we invite you to the exhibition of the Soviet film Studio. There is interesting information about the history of the Russian cinema.
We see the poster of the film "Guest from the future". It became one of the most popular children's films in the history of Soviet and Russian cinema. It tells an incredible story about the adventures of a girl from the future - Alice Selezneva. The famous children's poet Yuri Entin and the legendary composer Evgeny Krylatov wrote a song "Beautiful Far away" that will be performed at the end of the film and immediately became a mega-hit for many years and was translated into English.
Видео отрывок из фильма Гостья из будущего c песней
11. The Russians
In the end of our tour we’d like to say that the Russians are very kind and hospitable people. They have always loved their country. People in Russia are sociable, cheerful and friendly!
12. Welcomed (hospitable) tradition
Russia attracts millions of tourists every year. According to the old tradition a guest should always be welcomed with the symbol of life – giving food – bread and salt. Look! It’s the Russian Karavai. Treat yourself! Welcome to Russia!
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