Сценарий мероприятия по английскому языку на тему "Война 1812"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Данный сценарий, посвященный историческому событию, войне 1812, построен в форме сравнительного анализа изменений по разным тематическим направлениям во времени( с1812 по наши дни): манеры поведения, изменения в одежде, в характере людей, эволюция оружия. Мероприятие сопровождается песнями, стихами, диалогами на французском и английском. Показаны результаты исследовательских работ учащихся по обсуждаемым темам в форме презентаций. Учащиеся вовлечены в конкурсные задания по обсуждаемым темам.
Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий праздника на английском языке, посвященном войне 1812 года.
“Changing times, changing styles…”
- Grandson: Hi, Granny! How are you?
Granny: I’m not so bad. The weather is so nice today. And you?
Grandson: I’m tired very much at school. But I should do my homework.
Granny: Oh. I’m sorry. What should you do?
Grandson: I must learn a poem by heart.
Granny: What poem?
Grandson: “Borodino”
Granny: By Lermontov? I know… It’s a great poem about Russian history and Russian people.
There were many heroes and brave solders. They were so patriotic and different from modern Russian people. They were intelligent, clever and talented …
Grandson: But now.. We are clever, talented and brave too.
Granny: I don’t think so. Do you know Miss Manners?
(7-е классы)
- Miss Manners: There is a proverb “When in Rome, do as Romans do”. It’s means that when you are in a foreign country you have to behave as the people of that country do. But in different periods of history people behave differently. How did people behave in 19th, 20th century and now? What is different?
In the 19th century it was in fashion to speak French.
(Звучит стих на французском.)
Now you will hear 3 dialogues. Guess, please. What century are they from?
3 диалога (на французском, традиционном английском и современном).
Задание командам: восстановить диалог на слайде.
-It’s a beautiful day today.
-Right! But it’s a little bit stuffy. I don’t like summer because it’s too stuffy and too hot.
-But you feel well today! You look wonderful!
-Oh, no! Not really! It’s my new sweater that makes me look well.
-The sweater is beautiful. I like it very much. But I’m afraid it’s not the right weather for wearing a sweater.
-Yes, but it’s so nice that I can’t wait until the weather changes.
3. Granny: I remember, what a beautiful clothes was there when I was younger! We wore long dresses, hats…
Grandson: I and my friends usually wear very comfortable clothes for different occasions.
Показ презентации об изменении одежды во времени. (8-е классы)
- Granny: But people… They were more patriotic, more courageous. There were so many famous generals and commanders, who gave their lives for Motherland, during different wars.
Grandson: May be you are right. Today the most of teenagers don’t want to serve in the army.
Показ презентаций о великих полководцах, об изменении характера людей (9 классы)
Кроссворд на тему « характер» от 10 классов.
- Grandson: But you can’t argue with me about modern technical equipment. It changes in time and become better, more dangerous.
Показ презентаций об изменении оружия во времени.
- Granny: And you? Will you serve you country well? Are you a patriot of your country?
Let’s check.
Команды проходят тест «Патриот ли ты»
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Character of people of XIX century, first of all character hero, not spiteful, not cruel. “Russian long harness, but then quickly skip ”.
All attempts to win Russia came to an end equally: first Russia suffers defeat, and then in resolute battle wins the enemy.
In those days the motivation of acts differed from foreign – heroic, instead of individual. The basis of any people is made by strong-willed persons of friendliness and a unification. This role is connected with feeling "WE". This feeling is connected with Russian and other people.
The person of our century is very unfortunate. At it constant stresses and depressions. Lives now nobody is pleased how in XIX century.
Earlier we had society, cultural wealth and the public contract. We were more opened and did not think, that we shall live in four walls under a lamp. We breathed freedom and loved it.
At the moment there are many people who do not respect with veterans. Do not wish to go to army and to serve the Native land. Our country does not arrange the Most part of our society, they wish to leave abroad.
The modern person tramples down the Earth on which lives. Destroys the nature which feeds it. For the person of our time it is possible to throw everything, for the sake of achievement of top.
Thanks for attention
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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