Reading minds through body language
видеоурок по английскому языку (11 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Reading minds through body language Reading minds through body language | Lynne Franklin | TEDxNapervill
1 How does a looker’s brain work ?
A looker’s brain works in pictures and _________
2 How can we spot a looker ?
- A looker has a ______ posture
is dressed ______
holds a little stress in their ______
has a wrinkled forehead
3 How can we build rapport with them ?
To build rapport with them we can
-give them a lot of _______contact
-give them words that have a ____component
4 How can we spot a listener ?
A listener is
not so _________dressed
has a tendency to look ________ and to the left
Has a tendency to _________ to themselves
Can be a pen clicker
How to appeal to listeners ?
To appeal to a listener we should
-look at them and look _______
- use words like “that sounds good”
5 How does a toucher’s brain think ?
A toucher’s brain thinks
-in ________and tactility
How do you recognize one ?
-They are ready to ___
they are dressed for ______
Have a tendency to lean ____
Have a tendency to touch your ______
Have a tendency to look _________
6 How to appeal to touchers ?
let them _______ you (appropriately)
use appropriate laqnguage
How does a looker’s brain work ?
in pictures and images
How can we spot a looker ?
-has a good posture
-is dressed well
-holds a little stress in their shoulder
-has a wrinkled forehead
-thin lips
How can we build rapport with them ?
-give them a lot of eyecontact
-give them words that have a visual component
How can we spot a listener ?
not so well dressed
has a tendency to look down and to the left
A telephone posture
Has a tendency to mumble to themselves
Can be a pen clicker
How to appeal to listeners ?
-look at them and look away
- use words like “that sounds good”
How does a toucher’s brain think ?
-in feelings and tactility
How do you recognize one ?
-they are ready to hug
they are dressed for comfort
have full lips
Have a tendency to lean in
Have a tendency to touch your arm
Have a tendency to look down
How to appeal to touchers ?
let them touch you (appropriately)
use appropriate laqnguage
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Body language
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