"Body Language"
рабочая программа по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
The example of speaking and reading . Lesson "Body language" 11form. Textbook "Starlight".
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The example of speaking and reading lesson «Body language» for 11 form.
Textbook «Starlight», authors: V.Evans, J.Dooley, K.Baranova, V.Kopylova.
- Tongue training:
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes.
Knees and toes.
And eyes and nose,
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes.
Arms and legs
And feet and hands,
Arms and legs.
- Brain storm
Teacher: The title of the module is «Body language». What do you think we are going to talk about?
Look at the pictures in this unit. Who’s the main in the picture?
Which character does he portray?
What is special about the character?
Ss: possible answers:
Student 1: We’ll discuss how our body can talk. A person in the picture is an actor playing the character of Pinnochio from a popular children’s story. He was a puppet made of wood.
Every time he told a lie, his nose would grow longer.
Student 2: Body language, nonverbal communication.
3. Teacher: Let’s read the title of the text. But first of all predict the content before the actual reading. How do you think this character s related to the text?
Students began to develop reading skills:
- They begin to skim the text o get a general idea of what it is about and check their predictions about the content.
- Students scan the text concentrating on searching specific information connected with certain numbers in the text.
- Reading for full compression and doing «true/false» task
- Matching the words/phrases in bold from the text to their definitions.
reliable – likely to be correct
rushes – moves quickly
basics – simplest idea
interpret – understand the meaning
convince – make someone believe smth is true
scratch – rub fingernails against the skin
involuntary sign – unconscious, physical response
assume – suppose
convincing – believable
key – the deciding factor
- Then students are offered to fill in: build, improve, facial, business, non-verbal, powers, crossed, body language, space minor and make sentences based on the text, using the phrases.
- After that students answer the questions:
How does the writer feel about his job?
Would you ever choose to do this kind of job? Why?/ Why not?
Possible answers:
Student 1: The writer is generally very happy with his job. He dedicated his life to studying body language.
Student 2: We wouldn’t choose to do this kind of job because we’d like to believe that most people tell the truth.
- The compression of the text in order to prepare it for short retelling.
- Hometask: be ready with the project. Collect much information about gestures people use in your country to show: anger, joy, worry, regret, annoyance and other emotions/use photographs to illustrate your work.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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