Викторина по лингвострановедению английского языка.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
Презентация викторины по линвострановедению английского языка, построена в виде теста. Лингвострановедческий аспект в преподавании ангийского языка несет в себе мотивирующую функцию и влияет на познавательный интерес к английскому языку.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Part 1 1. What's the name of the most famous clock in Britain? a) Big Albert, b) Big Stephen, c) Big Wren, d) Big Ben. 2. What's tartan? a) a dish, b) a pattern of the kilt, c) a bird, d) a dance. 3. Where is Glasgow situated? a) in Scotland, b) in Wales, c) in England, d) in Northern Ireland. 4. What's the name of the London underground? a) Metro, b ) Tube, c) Subway, d) Underground, 5. What is the nickname of the Liberal Party? a) the Tories, b) the Whips, c) the Libs, d) the Whigs.
Part 2 1. What is the symbol of the Speaker's authority? a ) the mace, b) the woolsack, c) the ribbon, d) the bell. 2. Who presides over the House of Lords? a) Prime Minister, b) Lord Chancellor, c) Lord Protector, d)the Speaker. 3. What's the name of the British flag? a) Star-Spangled Banner, b) Stripes and Stars, c) Union Jack, d) John Bull. 4. What London street is famous for shops? a) Oxford Street, b) Fleet Street, c) Lombard Street, d) Charing Cross Road. 5. What was J. Constable? a) a musician, b) a politician, c) a poet, d) a painter.
Part 3 1. What is the Barbican? a) a river, b ) an art centre , c) a pop group, d) a cinema. 2. Where is Ben Nevis situated? a) in Scotland, b) in Wales, c) in England, d) in Northern Ireland. 3. Who is the head of the state in Britain? a) Mayor, b ) Prime Minister, c) Queen, d) Speaker. 4. What is standing in the middle of Piccadilly? a) the Statue of Eros, b) the Statue of Pan, c) the Statue of Cromwell, d) the Marble Arch. 5. What is soccer? a ) American football, b) hockey, c) squash, d) boat-racing.
Part 4 1. What is Humpty Dumpty ? a) a toy, b) an egg, c) an animal, d) a bird. 2. Where is the official residence of the Queen? a) Chatham House, b) Regent Palace, c) Westminster Palace, d) Buckingham Palace. 3. What is Benjamin Britten? a) an architect, b) a composer, c) a writer, d) a politician 4. What is the emblem of Wales? a) Rose, b) Leek, c) Thistle, d) Shamrock. 5. What's the name of the Queen's eldest son? a) Charles, b) Philip, c) Andrew, d) Edward.
Part 5 1. What is the nickname of the Conservative Party? a) the Tories, b) the Whigs, c) the Libs, d) the Whips. 2. What monument is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square? a) Cromwell's statue, b) Nelson's Column, c) Queen's statue, d) Edward Elgar's statue. 3. Which animal can look at the Queen? a) a dog, b ) a cat, c) a lion, d) a tiger. 4. What's the name of Sir Churchill? a) Winston, b) George, c) Christopher, d) Benjamin. 5. Who presides over the House of Commons? a) Lord Mayor, b) Lord Chancellor, c) Prime Minister, d ) Speaker.
Part 6 1. For Christmas dinner the English usually have ... . a) chicken, b) roast beef, c) fish, d ) turkey. 2. The Whispering Gallery is situated in ... . a) Westminster Abbey, b) St. Paul's Cathedral, c) Tower, d) Hyde Park. 3. What is Eisteddfod? a) a county, b) a dish, c) a festival, d) a dance. 4. Who wrote "Winnie-the-Pooh"? a) L. Carroll, b) O. Wilde, c) J.R. Tolkien, d) A. Milne. 5. What is custard? a) cream, b) a pudding, c) a pie, d) a tart.
Part 7 1. What is the most ancient monument in Great Britain? a) the Lower West Gate, b ) Stonehenge, c) Hadrian's Wall, d) the Tower Gate. 2. What is M. Thatcher by profession? a) an engineer, b) a doctor, c ) a chemist, d) a teacher. 3. Who is the head of the government in the UK? a ) Prime Minister, b) Queen, c) Speaker, d) Chancellor. 4. Where is the Bank of England situated? a) in the West End, b) in the East End, c) in the City, d) in the South. 5. What is English marmalade? a) apple jam, b) orange jam, c) sweets, d) a cake.
Part 8 1. The Romans first invaded Britain in ... . a) the 5th century AD, b) the 5th century ВС , с ) the 1st century ВС , d) the 1st century AD. 2. Guy Fawkes is ... . a) a national hero of Britain, b) a poet, c) a famous historian, d) the man that wanted to set fire to the House of Parliament. 3. The telephone was invented by ... . a) Isaac Newton, b) Alexander Bell, c) Michael Faraday, d) James Watt. 4. The midday meal in Britain is called ... . a) breakfast, b) lunch, c) dinner, d) snack. 5. Which party was Margaret Thatcher the leader of? a) Labour , b) Social-Democratic, c) Liberal, d) Conservative.
Part 9 1. The Irish Sea is ... . a) to the west of England, b) to the east of England, c) to the north of England, d) to the south of England. 2. The official language of Canada is ... . а ) English, b) French, c) English and French, d) English and Spanish. 3. The capital of the USA is .... a) New York, b) Washington, c) Boston, d) Philadelphia. 4. On the whole the climate of Great Britain is ... . a) dry, b) frosty, Xc ) mild, d) tropical. 5. Elisabeth II lives in ... . a) No 10, Downing Street, b) the Tower of London, c) Buckingham Palace, d) Westminster Palace.
Part 10 1. The London Royal Opera House is called ... . a) Covent Garden, b) the National Theatre, c) "Old Vic" Theatre, d) the Barbican. 2. The traditional English drink is ... . a) coffee, b) tea, c) cocoa, d) milk. 3. The symbol of the US is ... . a) Union Jack, b) Uncle Sam, c) Big Ben, d) Pall Mall. 4. The Colorado is .... a) in Africa, b ) in North America, c) in South America, d) in Brazil. 5. New England is ... . a) a separate country, b) part of Great Britain, c) part of the US, d) an island.
Part 11 1. The capital of Canada is ... . a ) Ottawa, b) Quebec, c) Toronto, d) Melbourne. 2. The British money is .... a) franks, b) dollars, c) crones, d ) pounds. 3. Robin Hood is.... a) a national hero of England, b) a British spy, c) a popular character of novels and tales, d) a famous writer. 4. Margaret Thatcher was ... . a) Queen of Britain, b ) British Prime Minister, c) leader of the Labour party, d) a film star. 5. In the United States "down town" means ... . a) away from the centre , b ) in the centre , c) in a suburb, d) a small town.
Part 12 . The Quakers are ... . a) a religious movement, b) a pop group, c) the title of a book, d) the title of a film. 2. What great historical event happened in 1066? a) the Roman invasion, b) a bourgeois revolution, c ) the battle of Hastings, d) the Danish invasion. 3. The printing press was invented by ... . a) Oliver Cromwell, b ) William Caxton, e) William the Conqueror, d) Alexander Bell. 4. Secondary education in Britain is ... . a) compulsive, b) compulsory, c) optional, d) voluntary. 5. The size of the house in Britain is determined by the number of.... a) sitting rooms, b) kitchens, c ) bedrooms, d) floors.
Part 13 1. The language spoken in Scotland is ... . a) Scot, b) Scottish, c) Scotch, d) Scotland's. 2. The oldest university in Britain is .... a) London, b) Cambridge, c) Oxford, d) Edinburgh. 3. The financial center of London is ... . a) the West End, b) the East End, c) Westminster, Xd ) the City. 4. Which party is in power in Great Britain now? a) the Labour , b) the Conservative, c) the Liberal, d) the Social-Democratic. 5. The telephone number to call for emergency services in Britain is ... . a) 03, b) 09, c) 911, d ) 999.
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