Контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 11 класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)

Контрольно-диагностическая работа для учащихся 11 класса составлена в соответствии с требованиями государственного стандарта начального общего образования.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольно-диагностическая работа по английскому языку для 11 класса

Вариант 1 Норматив времени: 40 минут


Задания 1

Прочитайте тексты 1 – 4 и установите их рубрикам А – Е, к которым они могут быть соотнесены. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте одну букву только один раз. В задании имеется одна лишняя рубрика.

1. Russia’s Alexei Yagudin is just one of the defending champions under pressure before this week’s world figure skating championships, which promise to be the most unpredictable in recent memory.

2. Those on the left don’t like it because they would prefer an increase in state spending. Those on the right don’t like it because they want more fiscal austerity. And it is with the liberals that Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov will have his toughest debates.

3. This time, exhibits arrived from the Kovalenko Krasnodar Regional Museum of Arts – a total of 42 color paintings and 12 drawings and sketches from artists such as Kazimir Malevich, Vasily Kandinsky and Mark Chagal.

4. The designer presented her new collection of fur coats with a symbolic name, “Warm Up Your Soul”, in the National Hotel on Sept. 7.








Задание 2.

Дополните вопросы к предложениям из приведенного выше текста.

1. _______ is just one of the defending champions?

2. _______ will Mikhail Fradkov have his toughest debates with?

3. _______ did exhibits arrive from?

4. _______ did the designer present?

Задания 3.

 Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров 1-6 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

1) Athens is being more and more __________________ ATTRACT

2) to tourists. Although the city is big and ____________ NOISE

3) ____________________________________________ TOUR

4) can still find a lot of quiet places with a ____________ ROMANCE

5) atmosphere to enjoy a __________________________ TASTE

6) Greek meal and listen to ________________________ TRADITION


4.Выберите верный вариант

1. T hey  have  never watched this film,  ________ they?

a) have not    b) have     c)  do not

2. She has 2 ______

  a) children    b) childrens    c) child

3. _______ Thames  is in  London

   a)  The   b)  a      c) an

4.  Ilike  those  CDs.    Please , give me _____ to me

    a) them      b)  those       c) these

5.   Mary ______ to run  in a few days

  a) will be  able   b0  can    c) could

6. Trains  are ______ than cars

a) fast    b) faster    c) the fastest

7. They  will fly  to London if  they ____ tickets

  a)   buy    b) have bought   c) will buy

8.  The   telephone  turned off  when  I _______ to my friend

 a) was talking      b)  talked      c)  am taking

Контрольно-диагностическая работа по английскому языку для 11 класса

Вариант 2 Норматив времени: 40 минут


Задания 1

Прочитайте тексты 1 – 4 и установите их рубрикам А – Е, к которым они могут быть соотнесены. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте одну букву только один раз. В задании имеется одна лишняя рубрика.

1. “To cure cellulite and edema and to recover elasticity for your skin there is Perfecta Total Body pneumatic massager.”

2. The chairman of the State Duma lower house of parliament budget committee, Alexander Zhukov, and Duma deputy and well-known economist Mikhail Zadornov are convinced that high oil prices will bring more money into state coffers next year than has been accounted for in the current budget.

3. After seeing “Romeo Must Die”, you’ll be kicking yourself for quitting karate classes after the first week. Romeo Must Die doesn’t have a deep plot and it doesn’t try to make you think. This movie is about raw entertainment.

4. The place has a sort of Seattle feel to it. The tasty milkshakes and fruit smoothies are a real plus. So arc the wraps, or “torpedoes,” as they call them. The grilled pizza is good too, and there are some tasty appetizers. Plenty of vegetarian dishes.








Задание 2

Дополните вопросы к предложениям из приведенного выше текста.

1. ______ is Perfecta Total Body pneumatic massager for?

2. ______ will high oil prices bring more money into?

3. ______ is the film “Romeo Must Die”?

4. ______ are there in that place?

Задания 3.

Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров 1-6 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

After the first day she complained that the weather was cold and the people were

1) _____________________________________________________ FRIEND.

2) She wondered why it always seemed to be ___________________ DARKNESS

3) and if the ______________________________________________ BRITAIN

ever saw the sunshine. In her letter she says that she is enjoying studying at the

4) university but she finds ___________________________________ SOCIETY

life a bit boring. She wrote that she had made some friends with someone from Russia.

5) We were _______________________________________________ PLEASE

6) to hear this and wrote her that it was the ______________________ GOOD

way if not feeling lonely and overcoming culture shock.

Задание 4.и Выберите верный вариант

1.  This book is ________  than  that one

    a) gooder   b) best    c) better

2.  They have got ________ money

     a) much    b) many    c) a few

3. There is ______ about  a meeting

     a) some information     b) any  information   c) an information

4. You _____ use your phone  in the theatre

     a) can not    b) must    c) must not

5.  My  classmates  asked  me  what _______ at the weekends

     a)  would do     b) will do   c) do

6. She usually  ________ dinner  in the  evening

   a) had cooked    b) will cook     c ) cooks

7. Tom ________ for  the test yesterday

    a) prepared      b) had prepared    c)  will prepare

8. She _______ her friend  since  2000

   a) knows        b)   knew       c)  has known

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