Открытый урок на тему "Религия в нашей жизни"
материал по английскому языку

Закожурникова Оксана Викторовна

Материалы к открытому уроку "Религия в нашей жизни"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Ход урока

1. Good morning class, take your seats. I’m very glad to see you.

The theme of our lesson is “Religion in Our Life”

2. Our task is to find out the role of religion in your life.

Beforehand, let’s read this Bible story and tell  if it is associated with our theme (Do you understand it?)

P1 reads.

So, what are your associations ? Is it associated with our theme, in what way? 

P1, P2… answers

Let’s go on.

3. Let’s check up your homework.

You have learned a lot about world’s religions, haven't you? What for? 

(Примерные ответы учеников)

P1: for better understanding of life

P2: for better relationship

P3: for being well educated

P4: to widen our horizons

P5: religion is the part of culture and we must know it

Is this information useful for you, in what way? What problems does it help you to solve ?

(Примерные ответы учеников)

P1: the problems of different habits and traditions

P2: the problems of behavior

P3: marriage problems

P4: family problems

Then, let’s see what you personally have learned on the problem. Prepare your projects. Work in pairs.

Mind the table, read it, fill it in while listening to the extracts from your projects.

You can find card 1 on the tables and do the task.  

And now represent the extracts from your projects. Let’s start.

Pupils represent their projects.

And now let’s sound your tables. (по горизонтали)


There are a lot of peoples and religions in our country. Peoples of different confessions live in Russia. Religion is the part of culture and it reflects the history, traditions, habits and way of life and each people takes smth  from its religion into his culture and we should know it just to understand and respect each other.

4. Now let’s relax a little (звучит песня про Бога) 

What was this song about?    


Второй этап урока

5. And now let’s read the text about values in different religions. One of them is family.

Take card number 2, read the text about family values in different religions.

Work in pairs.


- read the text

- make a list of family values

  • represent it to your classmates in your stories)

  • mind new words (слова с транскрипциями на доске) – (отчитать)

You have 5 or 6 minutes to do this task  

The task for everybody is to listen to your classmates’ answers and to make notes about family values in each religion.

Ответы учеников – stories (после каждой истории-контроль — перечислить ценности

(enumerate the values)


So, can we say that religions have much in common? The difference as you see, is little. And which  are the basic values in all the religions, to your mind?   -  ( love and understanding)

  1. Let’s discuss some family values in your future family life.

You may make a list of them again if you need, speak about them giving arguments. You have 2-3 minutes to think a problem you have. You should speak during one or 2 minutes.

(The situation “Family Values in my Future Life” is on the screen)

Ответы учеников

To sum up, religion doesn’t only widen our horizons but also influences our development,  our deeds,  our relationship with the surrounding world, and certainly our behavior, because the most important thing in our life is our deeds. Moral values of our life have much in common with religious moral values. That's why they help us to live if we know  and follow them.


Home task will be to make up the story “Religions in Noyabrsk”

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Religion in Our Life

Слайд 2

Bible story Once a boy came to a wise man and asked to accept him as his pupil. - Are you able to lie? - Certainly, not. - And to steal? - No, I can’t do it. - And to kill? - Of course, not. - So go and learn it, - the wise man exclaimed - and having learned it, never do it.

Слайд 3

The table Christianity Islam Buddhism Judaism Founders Holly books Places for worship Symbols Festivals The places where they are professed

Слайд 4

Situation “ Family values in your future life”

Предварительный просмотр:


                                       A Family in Islam

    Allah says: “I give you home”.

    Home in Islam isn't only the place where people eat, sleep and relax. They spent much time here to communicate or to pray together. Here they live in safety and are kind to each other.

They live in the family following the Koran Commandments, and their behaviour is based on Islamic principles.

    Although, each family is special, patience and ability to forgive and being merciful are typical for all of them.

    Parents support each other, bring up their children in love and give them a chance to express their anxieties when they face some problems and need parents to listen to them. In any case the children shouldn't feel rejected, alone, unwanted and miserable.

                                      A Family in Judaism

    God created the world with love and the man exists because of love. Love to the nearest is the main principle of life in Judaism.

    According to Judaism the basis of evaluation is love. The basis of the Torah is love, respect for the nearest and following all the moral commandments.

    Being helpful to everyone who needs it is their moral duty .

    Upbringing is one of the most important things in the family life. Respect for the parents and love for children are sacred. A member of a family is responsible for its name. A family in Judaism isn't only a social unit but a religious one. A friendly family is impossible without understanding each other, otherwise, you'll have to cope with a lot of problems.

Avoiding discussing family problems with strangers is a strict rule for this family.

                                      A Family in Christianity

    The family is the main value in Christianity. It is the basis of the society.

The Christian family lives in love, respect, humility, care, mutual aid and patience.

    The head of the family is responsible for all the members of the  family. The members of the family should follow all Christian  laws and live in love and belief.

The wife and the husband solve the problems together. Actually, the wife is responsible for relationships in the family. She is the patroness of the children and a partner for her husband.

    Love is the basis of the family. Children should feel comfortable in it. There should be a lot of help at hand for children, especially in extreme difficulty. All problems should be talked about and appropriate advice should be offered.

                                      A Family in Buddhism


     Life in a Buddhist family is full of love and joy. There is an old tradition in Buddhism to give presents or food to each other and being helpful and hospitable. According to Buddhism, doing it, you are pleased.

     The family is a close and spiritual unity for the people where being respectful for others means deeds, not only words.

     The order in the family is supported by confidence and mutual respect. Parents should take care of their children and parents and help any relative who needs their support.  They enter into a marriage not only for their own happiness, but for the sake of society.

     Children should show their love and respect to the parents. It's necessary that parents should be an example for their children to imitate.






Holly books

Places for worship



The places where they are professed



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