Тест для 9 класса по теме " Очевидное невероятное"
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)
В тесте проверяется освоение обучающимися 9 классов лексики по теме " Очевидное невероятное", контроль навыков аудирования с общим пониманием, чтения с полным пониманием, освоение употребления фразового глагола come, прошедших времен активного залога.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test 3.
- Listening.
Listen to 5 people talking about their dreams. Match the statements (A-F) to the speakers ( 1-5).
- The speaker created something out of his/her dream.
- The speaker felt scared after his/ her dream.
- The speaker shared a similar experience with a friend.
- The speaker doesn’t agree with the explanation of his/her dream.
- The speaker dreamt about something that happened in reality.
- Vocabulary.
Underline the correct item.
- The sailor only caught a quick glimpse/ glare of the beautiful mermaid before she dived back into the sea.
- The knight hid behind a rock and glanced/stared in wonder at the fire-breathing dragon.
- The child said he had spotted/looked a strange creature in the sky, with the head of an angle and the body of a lion.
- The child decided to go in search/approach of the Loch Ness Monster.
- The true reason why dinosaurs became instinct remains/continues a mystery.
- The plesiosaur is a dinosaur species that survived/existed millions of years ago.
- Investigators/witnesses are still trying to found out what type of animal the skeleton they discovered belongs to.
- Vocabulary.
Fill in: alike, illusion, imagination, same, scenes, sights, spectators, witnesses.
- The artist always paints …………….of the countryside.
- I keep having the ……….dream over and over again.
- One of the……..we enjoyed on our visit to Scotland was the haunted Aldourie Castle.
- Twenty thousand…….came to the football pitch to cheer their team.
- The police found no……who could identify the thief.
- Marissa and Nancy look very much…….and others often think that they are sisters.
- My brother has a vivid……..and always scares us with the stories he makes up.
- Of course the circles in the painting are not moving! It’s just a(n)…..
- Past tenses.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.
Sweet dreams!
Welcome to the Share Your Dreams page, where you can send in descriptions of any unusual dreams you’ve had, or you read about.
In my dream I 21)………..(walk) home from school, when I 22)………(realise) that a cute little dog 2 3)……..(follow) me all the time. I 24)………(turn) around to give the dog the sandwich I 25)…….(hold) at the time, and the puppy 26)……(start) meowing, just like a cat!
- Modals.
Write the correct item.
- –Do you think this painting is an original?
- –No, it can’t/must be. The original is in a museum in Paris.
- –Are you coming to the art museum with us?
- –I may/must come. I haven’t decided yet.
- -Is that an oil painting?
- -It can’t/must be. The artist only worked with oil.
- –Did the artists Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir ever meet?
- - They must/may have. Renoir painted a portrait of Monet in 1875.
- Compound words.
Match the words in the two columns. Then use them to complete the sentences.
Second- night
Well- long
Strange- known
Old- year
Hour- looking
Late- fashioned
Two- hand
- The boys watched a(n)…………..documentary on the mysterious Loch Ness Monster.
- What a…….picture! What is it supposed to be?
- This art school is so popular there is a(n) ……..waiting list to get in.
- This book shop has a lot of…………books that are hard to find.
- My parents don’t let my brother watch the ………….films on television.
- Ms Marple dresses in a(n) ………way and looks much older than she really is.
- Picasso is a(n)………….painter.
- Come
Fill in: over, across, out, up with.
Scare us to win!
Have you come 42)………any mysterious looking figures lately? Send us your pictures.
Can you write imaginative stories? Send in the scariest stories you can come 43)……….
Have you ever walked into a room or house and had a weird feeling come 44)……..you?
Share your experiences with us.
We are looking for articles, stories and pictures for our Scary and Mysterious issue that comes 45)…….next month.
- Reading
- Dr Jekyll is an outstanding……….
- Non-traditional healer
- Physicist
- physician
- Mr Utterson disliked Mr Hude because he thought the latter was……….
- Insincere
- Dangerous
- Nervous
- Too good
- The police couldn’t arrest Mr Hyde for murder because……….
- They couldn’t prove it
- Dr Jekyll hid him
- They couldn’t catch him
- He left the country.
- The servants called Mr Utterson because they were sure……….
- They had caught Mr Hude
- The thief was in the house
- The laboratory had been ruined
- Dr Jekill had been killed
- Dr Jekyll who believed in human duplicity had managed to…..
- Clone himself
- Turn his friend into Mr Hyde
- Divide himself into two persons
- Multiply a number of selves
- When Dr Jekyll turned into Mr Hyde he…..
- Started drinking
- Wanted to marry two ladies
- Cheated people
- Became a criminal
- Dr Jekyll got really frightened because………
- Hyde threatened to kill him
- The servants were ready to open his secret
- He couldn’t control Hyde any more
- Sir Danvers Carew wanted to send him to prison
- Dr Jekyll poisoned himself…………….
- Not to go to prison
- To destroy Hyde
- To escape Hyde’s control
- To prove his theory
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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