Тест для 9 класса по теме " Литература и искусство"
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)
В тесте проверяется освоение обучающимися лексики по теме " Литература и искусство", производится контроль навыков аудирования, чтения, освоения употребления фразового глагола run, степеней сравнения прилагательных.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test 5.
- Listening.
You will hear a conversation between a reporter and Ruth Rolland, an artist. Choose whether the statements are true, false, not stated.
- Ruth became interested in art when she was a child.
- Ruth’s first attempt at art was painting.
- Ruth understood she was talented very quickly.
- In 1999, a collector bough all of Ruth’s paintings.
- Ruth’s first real exhibition was in her own city.
- Ruth doesn’t find it difficult to be a mother and an artist.
- Ruth thinks that she has the perfect job.
- Vocabulary.
Fill in: disagree, compositions, turn up, geniuses, artistic, leading.
8)……….your radio for the latest album by 9)……….rock group Radiohead! In Rainbows marks the band’s change to a more 10)………….style of music with many songs sounding more like classical 11)…………than rock tunes. After this album few would 12)………. That Radiohead are 13)……….of the music industry.
3. Vocabulary.
Choose the correct word for each sentence.
Totally rather
14. I was……..afraid when we went to that haunted castle.
15. Afraid? I was…………….terrified!
Absolutely fairly
16. Jason’s new song is……………boring………….don’t you think?
17. No, I find it …………………perfect.
Extremely completely
18. This puzzle is…………..impossible to solve.
19. Keep trying. It’s difficult, but you’ll manage it in the end.
Slightly absolutely
20. I think you should use……………darker colours in your painting.
21. You’re right, I’ll do it!
Rather completely
22. I’m tired, do you mind if we stay in tonight?
23. It’s fine; I’ve just got back from work and I’m……………….exhausted!
Fill in the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.
Rick: I can’t see why this is 24)………….(expensive) painting in the exhibition.
John: Really? I think it’s 25)…………(good) painting in here. It’s certainly much 26)……..
(interesting) than some of the other works we’ve seen.
Rick: Maybe, but I like paintings which have a 26)………….(original) subject and are painted in
27)……….(bright) colours than this one. Take Picasso’s Guernica, for example. Now,
that’s a fascinating work of art!
John: Are you kidding? It’s a painting about war! It’s one of 28)…………(sad) paintings I’ve ever
Rick: Perhaps you are right, but I think it makes a 29)………….(lasting) impression on people’s
5. Phrasal verb RUN.
Fill in: through, into, over, away, out.
30. –Have you seen Bill recently?
31. – Yes, I actually. I ran…….him yesterday at the library.
32. – I think we should run………….scene three one more time.
33. – I agree. We need to be ready for our first performance tomorrow evening.
34. - Is it true that you ran……….from home when you were young to join the circus?
35. – That’s not true. My parents actually worked in the circus.
36. – Did you finish that landscape you were painting?
37.- No, I ran….. of blue and green, and didn’t have time to go and get some.
38.- Why are you so late?
39.- I nearly ran………a dog on my way, so I stopped to check if it was all right.
Read the text and match the titles to the paragraphs. One title is extra.
40. Newspaper announcement.
41. Orchestra feedback
42. Producer’s address
43. Kid’s reaction
44. Musial journal review
45. Audience feedback
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