Презентация к сценарию викторины "Football match" 7 классы
материал по английскому языку (7 класс)

Вахненко Елена Николаевна

Презентация к сценарию викторины Football match 7 классы 


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The world of football

Слайд 2

Warming-up “Football rules” (game with football fans)

Слайд 3

How many players are there in the football team?

Слайд 4

A team consists of 11 players: a goalkeeper, backs, half-backs and …...

Слайд 5

How long does a game of football usually lasts?

Слайд 6

The idea of the rule was given by the traffic lights.

Слайд 8

It is made for each World Cup and it has its own name. The last one was named Brazuca. What is it?

Слайд 10

This great British writer was not only a good doctor but a good goalkeeper in youth and founded the football club in Portsmouth.

Слайд 12

In the 19 th century a referee had to use a small bell to communicate with football players, as he didn’t have this thing. What is it?

Слайд 14

In the 19 th century the English rule “plus four” about the uniform (not boots) said the following: Footballer must wear: Trousers placed inside 2. the high socks 3. a wide shirt and……… What is number 4?

Слайд 16

In the end of the 19th century English students asked policemen or doctors or bookkeepers to work like _____ during the matches as they were reliable.

Слайд 18

The first half “The history of football” (teams)

Слайд 19

The first games with the ball were played 1000 years ago 2000 years ago 3000 years ago

Слайд 20

The first balls were filled with hair and wool sand stones

Слайд 21

3. The first ball filled with air was used in Ancient Rome in the 2-d century 5-th century 7-th century

Слайд 22

4. Football was brought to the British Isles by the Roman culture Greek culture German culture

Слайд 23

5. In 1314 King Edward II’s decree prohibited "possession with big ball" because the militaries had preferred this game to this activity and hadn’t trained much. What activity was it? horse riding archery boxing

Слайд 24

6. In 1848 the first football association was founded in Scotland Wales England

Слайд 25

7. The first football rules were introduced in 1848 in Oxford Cambridge London

Слайд 26

8. On 26 October 1863 captains and team leaders of a number of colleges gathered in a London pub "Freeman taverns". At the meeting it was founded "the Football association of England“. But in half in hour some people in protest left the pub. Why? They didn’t want to play only with the hands. They didn’t want to play only with feet. They didn’t want to have rules at all.

Слайд 27

When was football included as an official sport in the Olympic Games? In 1908 In 1943 In 1959

Слайд 28

Half time “Surprise”

Слайд 29

The second half “Great football players” (teams)

Слайд 30

1. This Soviet Footballer had nicknames Black panther, Black spider, Black lightning. But in fact his name was translated like Lion. Write down his name and surname.

Слайд 32

2. A famous Soviet actor, composer and singer wrote a song about Lev Yashin “Goalkeeper”. Who is he?

Слайд 33

3. This best footballer of the world scored more than 1200 goals. His nickname translated in English as “Barefoot boy”. Who is he?

Слайд 35

4. Journalists had a joke about Pele’s style: It’s necessary to have three backs to stop Pele: the first will keep him in front, the second will keep him from behind, but the third………. What will the third do?

Слайд 36

5. He nickname “Atomic flee” he got for his incredible playing and his small height. Barcelona like this player from Argentina.

Слайд 38

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