сценарий спектакль Хоббит на английском языке
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
The HOBBIT by J.R.R.Tolkien
Хоббит сидит около входа в пещеру и курит трубку
Bilbo - Good morning!
Gandalf - What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning or you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not?
Bilbo – Both of them. If you have a pipe about you, sit down and have a full of mine. There is no hurry.
Gandalf -I have no time to blow smoke-rings this morning. I am looking for someone to share in an adventure. It is difficult to find anyone.
Bilbo - I think so. We are quiet people. Adventures are so dangerous. Make us late for dinner. You may try over the hill.
Gandalf - You want me to go away?
Bilbo - Not at all Not at all, my dear sir! I do not think I know your name?
Gandalf - I do know your name and you know mine. I am Gandalf.
Bilbo -Gandalf! Oh my god. You are the fellow who told such wonderful tales about dragons and goblins. I will give you what you asked for.
Gandalf -I do not need anything. I want to send you on adventure.
Bilbo – Sorry, I do not want any adventures, thank you. Not today. But please come to tea, any time. Bye. (уходит и прячется за дверью домика. Затем выглядывает опять.)
Why did I ask him for tea?
Стемнело. Дверь в домик хоббита закрыта. Гномы тихо подкрадываются по одному и стучатся в дверь.
Bilbo - I am sorry to keep you waiting!
Dwalin and Balin - Dwalin and Balin at your service.
Bilbo - Bilbo Baggins at yours!
Balin - Balin at your service.
Bilbo- Come along and have some tea.
Balin- A little bear would suit better.
Bilbo - What can I do for you my dwarves?
Kili and Fili - Kili and Fili at your service.
Bilbo - At yours and your family.
Dori, Nori - Ori and Gloin at your service.
Door bell is ringing. Bilbo is opening the door abruptly.
Gandalf - Carefully, carefully. It is not like you to keep the friends waiting on the mat. Let me introduce Bifur, Bofur, Bombur and Thorin.
Gnomes - At your service.
Все собираются вокруг стола у Бильбо в доме
Gandalf - Now we are all here. Quite a merry party.!What is that – tea! No thank you. A little red wine for me, please.
Thorin - and for me.
Bifur - and raspberry jam.
Bofur - and cheese.
Bombur -and salad.
Others - and more cakes, and ale, and coffee, if you do not mind.
Бильбо мечется и приносит все новые и новые припасы
Bilbo - they seem to know everything about my stores. Why do not they come and lend a hand?
Bilbo - I suppose you all stay to supper?
Thorin- Of course, and after. But let‘s have some music first.
Гномы танцует танец, и поют песню
Chip the glasses and crack the plates!
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
So, carefully! carefully with the plates!
Blunt the knives and bend the forks!
Smash the bottles and burn the corks!
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
So, carefully! carefully with the plates!
Cut the cloth and tread on the fat
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
So, carefully! carefully with the plates!
Pour the milk on the pantry floor
Splash the wine on every door
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
So, carefully! carefully with the plates!
(They cleaned all the dirty dishes).
Бильбо пытается уйти в другую комнату
Thorin - Where are you going Bilbo?
Bilbo - What about a little light?
THorin - We like the dark. Dark for the dark business.
(Бильбо сел на стул, но мимо от испуга)
Thorin -.Gandalf dwarves and Mr Baggins! We are here to discuss our plans, our ways, our policy. We shall soon start our journey. From which some of us will never return.
BILBO - Pardon me, I do not understand what you are talking about. Tell me what I must do. I’ll try it.
Thorin - There was a sign at the door. Burglar wants a good job.
Bilbo- Burglar?!
Gandalf- I have chosen Mr.Baggins. If I say he is a burglar, he is a burglar. Let us look at the map. Bring me some light. It is a plan of the mountain.
Один из гномов приносит карту и свет. Все склоняются над картой
Balin- There is a dragon in the cave. In addition, there is a secret passage. Things begin to look more hopeful. But we still do not know what to do. May be the burglar expert gives us some ideas?
Bilbo- First of all I’d like to know more about things, more about risks, expenses, time. Will I come back alive?
Thorin- It will be a dangerous trip! We want to get our stolen treasure.
Bilbo- All right. You must go East. But we have talked long. Let’s have an early start and you will have a good breakfast.
Thorin- We must go East and we will have a good breakfast.
Все начинают зевать и потягиваться и удаляются спать. Рано утром Бильбо просыпается один дома. Гномы тем временем уже ушли и ждут его под сценой, но Бильбо не подозревает об этом. Ему кажется, что это просто дурной сон
Сцена 3
BILBO - Don’t be a fool, Bilbo Baggins. Thinking about dragons at your age.
Готовится позавтракать.
GANDALF.-My dear fellow. What about an early start? It is half past ten! They are waiting for you. They have left the message.
BILBO-.What message?
GANDALF - That leaves you 10 minutes. You have to run.
Бильбо пытается собрать какие-то вещи
BILBO - But……
GANDALF- No time for it.
GANDALF- No time for that either! GO!
Бильбо быстро побежал и, запыхавшись, прибежал к гномам.
Balin - Bravo.
Thorin - Off we go.
Bilbo - I’m sorry, but I have come without any hat. I have not got any money.
Dwalin - Don’t worry. You will do without many things.
Roads go ever, ever on,
Over rock and under tree,
By caves where never sun has shown,
By streams that never find the sea.
Over snow by winter sown,
And through the merry flowers of June,
Over grass and over stone,
Under the mountains in the moon.
Roads go ever, ever on,
Under cloud and under star,
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Will turn at last to home afar.
Они все вместе отправляются в путь. Идут, озираясь, так как им очень страшно. Звучит зловещая музыка
Bifur -.These parts are unknown for us.
Bofur- We are too near the mountains.
Все путешественники увидели свет вдалеке.
Ori and Oin. -It is your turn. You must go on and find all about that light.
Three trolls were sitting round the fire. (Trolls – (GIANTS))
1 Troll - Mutton yesterday, mutton today.
2 Troll - I want some man flesh!
3 Troll- Shut your mouth.
Bilbo подкрался тихо и захотел вытащить из кармана кусок мяса.
1 Troll - Who are you?
BILBO - BILBO Baggins – a hobbit.
2 Troll -A baginsahobbit?
1 Troll - Why are you in my pocket?
3 Troll -Can we cook him?
2 Troll –We can try
3Troll- May be there are more like him around. And we can make a pie?
1Troll- How many of you are there?
BILBO - Lots, no not one.
2Troll - What do you mean?
BILBO - Do not cook me.
3 Troll - Let him go.
1Troll- No holds his toes in the fire, till he talks.
2Troll - You are the fat fool.
3Troll - And you are a lout
Завязалась драка. Тролли накинули на них мешки. Вышли на поляну другие гномы. Гоблины схватили всех гномов и Накинули на них сеть.
1 Troll -We have many of them now.
Все тролли пошли к костру,. Гномы кусались и пинались.
Раздался голос Гэндальфа. Его никто не видит
Voice-It is not good to roast them now. It will take a lot of time.
- Troll-Do not start the argument. It will take all night.
- Troll -Who is arguing?
- Troll- You are.
- Troll -You are a liar.
Voice - No good boiling them. There is no water.
2, 3.Trolls- Shut up
1 Troll- Shut up yourself.
- Troll- You are a booby. 3 TROLL Booby yourself
Появилось солнце и все тролли застыли при появлении первых лучей солнца
Gandalf - Excellent.
Освободил гномов
Gandalf - We are wasting the time. Trolls must have a cave or a hole
Now are ready to go to Rivendell
Bilbo - Hmmmm! It smells like elves.
Раздается песня эльфов
O! What are you doing,
And where are you going?
Your ponies need shoeing!
The river is flowing!
O! tra-la-la-lally
Here down in the valley!
ha! ha!
O! Where are you going
With beards all a-wagging?
No knowing, no knowing
What brings Mister Baggins,
And Balin and Dwalin
In June in the valley
ha! ha!
O! Will you be staying,
Or will you be flying?
Your ponies are straying!
The daylight is dying!
To fly would be folly,
To stay would be jolly
ha! ha!
Elf -1 -Well, well. Look! Bilbo the hobbit on a pony. Isn’t delicious.
Elf -2 - Welcome to the valley.
Thorin- Thank you!
Elf- 3 -Supper is preparing over there.
Сцена 6
Гномы остановились на короткий отдых, а два гнома отправились на сцену на разведку.
Два гнома стоят на сцене и машут руками остальным.
Fili -We have found a dry cave.
Kili -Not far round the corner .
Пришли в пещеру, только расположились, как на них накинулись гоблины и утащили их в пещеру.
Танец Гоблинов и их песня.
Crush, smack! Whip crack!
Smash, grab! Pinch, nab!
You go, my lad!
Ho, ho! my lad!
The black crack! the black crack!
The black crack! the black crack!
Down down to Goblin-town
Down down to Goblin-town
Down down to Goblin-town
You go, my lad!
Ho, ho! my lad!
Goblins quaff, and Goblins beat
Goblins laugh, and Goblins bleat
Batter, jabber, whip and hammer hoooooo!
You go, my lad!
Ho, ho! my lad!
Below, my lad!
Ho, ho! my lad!
The black crack! the black crack!
The black crack! the black crack!
Down, down to Goblin-town
Down, down to Goblin-town
Down, down to Goblin-town
You go, my lad!
Ho, ho! my lad!
Great Goblin - Who are these miserable persons?
Goblin 1 -Dwarves!
Great Goblin - Spying on the private business of my people. Thieves! Murderers and friends of Elves
Thorin- we only sheltered from a storm.
Great Goblin - Mmm. So you say! I should like to know all about you.
Thorin - We were on a journey to visit our relatives
Goblin 2 -He is a liar. Some of our people were stuck by lightening!
Great Goblin - Slash them. Beat them.
Неожиданно становится темно Начинается паника .Бильбо удается незаметно исчезнуть. Он отстает от остальных и теряет их из вида.
BILBO- why did I ever leave my hobbit hole?
Бильбо пытается найти выход и натыкается на кольцо. Появляется Голлум.
Bilbo -Who are you?
Goolum -What is he, my precioussss
Bilbo -I am Bilbo Baggins. I have lost my friends. I do not know where I am. I want to go away.
Goolum - What is in his hands?
Bilbo - A sword.
Gollum - SSSSSS Perhaps you sit here and chat with it a bit, my precioussss. Do you like riddles?
Bilbo -Very well. You ask first.
Goolum -What has roots as nobody sees. Is it taller than trees. Up, up it goes and never grows.
Bilbo - Easy ! Mountain.
Gollum -Let’s have a competition. If my precious asks, and it does not answer we eats it. If he asks us and we don’t answer we shows it the way out.
BILBO - All right. 30 white horses are on a hill. First they cham, then they stamp, then they stay still.
Gollum -Teeth.
Bilbo -You are right.
Gollum -A box without hinges, keys or lid, Yet golden treasure inside it hid
Bilbo -Eggs . What Have I got in my pocket?
Gollum -Not fair ,It is not faiessssss.
Bilbo -Guess away.
Gollum -Hands.
Bilbo -NO
Gollum -Knife.
Bilbo -Wrong.
Gollum - Nothing
Bilbo- Wrong! What about your promise! I want to go!
Gollum -Did we say so?All right, I’ll be back soon
Bilbo -Hurry up!
Goolum- My Birthday present. That is what I want. Where is it?
Bilbo -What is the matter?
Gollum -It mustn’t ask us
Bilbo -Come along
Gollum -Not yet. What is it in your pocket?
Bilbo -What have you lost
Бильбо надевает кольцо и исчезает. Голлум мечется, Бильбо повторяет его движения.
Gollum -Curse it, curse it! It’s gone. Oh, we guess. What he has in his pocket. My birthday present! Curse it! How did we lose it. It’sgone. The goblins will catch it! Let’s stop talking and make haste. The Baggins has gone that way. We must go quick and see. Go! One left, yes! One right, yes. Two right, yes,yes. Two left, yes,yes. This is it. This is the way to the back door.
Голлум следует по пятам за Голлумом и, когда Голлум наклоняется, перепрыгивает через него,
Gollum - Thief, thief Baggins. We hates it.
Бильбо выскакивает из пещеры еще невидимый и натыкается на гномов, которые ожидают его, но не видят
Bilbo -I will give them all a surprise. (надевает кольцо)
Gandalf -He is my friend! I wish you had not lost him.
Balin -He gave us more trouble, than use!
Gandalf- I brought him, I do not bring things that are of no use.
Dori- Goblins grabbed my leg and I dropped him. Then we ran and I din’t have time to count and here all we are without the burglar.
Bilbo - And there is the Burglar.
Все подпрыгивают от удивления
Dwarves - We all take off our hoods to you.
Gandalf -What did I tell you!
Bilbo- I am so hungry.
Gandalf- Can’t help you. May be you want to go back and ask the goblins to give your bags with food?
Bilbo- No, thank you.
Gandalf -Well, we must go on
Около секретного входа в пещеру
Thorin – Now it is time for Mr Baggins who is Hobbit full of courage.
Bilbo – You mean it is my job to go to the secret passage first?
OK I ill go. Who is coming with me? (Все отступают в испуге)
What a fool I was and I am!
DRAGON – Well, thief I smell you and I feel your air. I hear your breath. Help yourself. There are many things here.
Bilbo - No, thank you, O Smaug. I did not come for presents. I only wished to have a look at you.!
I want to see if you are as great as tales say. I did not believe them!
Dragon – Do you now?
Bilbo - You are greater than the tales!
Dragon – You know my name, but I do not know yours. Who are you?
BILBO - I am the web cutter. I was chosen for the lucky number.
Dragon – Very well. Let me give you some advice. You will come to a bad end, if you go with such friends – dwarves!
Bilbo – Dwarves?
Dragon – Do not talk to me like that!
I know the smell of dwarves! Your job is to do the dangerous work!
Bilbo – We came here for revenge!
Dragon – Revenge?
I kill where I wish!
I am strong. My armor is like shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, my breath is death! Look!
Дракон выдыхает огонь и Бильбо быстро убегает из пещеры, подхватывая какой-то предмет
Bilbo – Perfect mustn,t worry you any longer, as you need some rest.
Бильбо рассматривает это предмет
Появляются жители города
Bard - O Thorin son of Train. Smaug is dead!
Thorin – Who are you?
Bard – We are not your foes. We want some help.
Thorin – The treasure is ours! We will give you nothing!
Bard - Is this your answer? You may eat your gold!
Бильбо выходит из пещеры , где находится на посту один из гномов и подменяет его. Он хочет отдать драгоценность людям. (алмаз – сердце горы)
Bombur – It is cold.
Bilbo – It is warm inside. I’ll be happy to be here and you may go inside! I’ll wake you at midnight.
I am Bilbo Baggins, companion of Thorin. I want to see Bard. It is a very precious thing. It is the heart of the mountain. It is worth than a river of gold. Thorin will give you everything for it.
Бард приходит к гномам опять. У нег оалмаз.
Bard - Are you still of the same mind?
Thorin – my mind does not change with the rising of the sun. Did you come here to ask me idle questions?
Bard -Is there anything for which you can give us some of your gold?
Thorin – Nothing that you can offer!
Bard – What about this?
Thorin -that stone was my father’s. Why should I buy this?
Bard - We are not thieves.
Bilbo- I gave it to them.
Thorin –You! You! You miserable hobbit! You are a burglar!
Gandalf - Quiet! Alas! The goblins are upon you!
Bard - To the mountains!
Thorin – To me! To me! Let’s start the battle!
Начинается битва. Все хватаются за мечи. Со сцены наступают гоблины и тролли. Троллям приходится отступить. Торин падает. Бильбо лежит без сознания.
Gandalf - Baggins! Alive. I am glad. Let’s go!
Гэндальф подводит Бильбо к умирающему Торину
Thori - Fare well, good thief. I want to part with you in friendship.
Bilbo – Farewell, King under the mountain! I think it is the end of our adventure.
Бильбо прощается со всеми гномами
Farewell, Balin, May your beards never grow
Dwarves – Goodbye and good luck. If you visit us again the feast will be splendid!
Bilbo- If you pass my way, do not wait to knock.
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