Презентация "Why do we travel to the USA?"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)

Презентация посвящена достопримечательностям США. В конце есть вопросы по содержанию презентации.


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Слайд 1

Why do we travel to the USA? to visit new places to make new friends to practice English to meet people to watch attractions to learn a new culture Reasons for going to the USA

Слайд 2

Tourist attractions Natural Man-made Event attractions attractions attractions Niagara waterfalls Parade on Independence Day Statue of Liberty

Слайд 3

The USA and its attractions

Слайд 4

Washington Washington is the capital of the USA. It isn’t the largest city, but it is very beautiful and has many attractions. There is the Capitol (where the Congress works) and the White House (where the President lives) there.

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Tourists come here to watch the “Pencil”, Jefferson Memorial and Lincoln Memorial or to visit the National Air and Space Museum. The White House is an attraction, too.

Слайд 6

N e w Y o r k New York is known as The City That Never Sleeps . There are thousands of things to do and places to visit for tourists. The most famous sights are The Statue of Liberty (a present from France) and the Empire State Building .

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Central park is the largest park of the USA. There are many attractions in this park. Sports fans can watch and play baseball. There is also Children’s Zoo there.

Слайд 8

B o s t o n Boston is the oldest city of the USA. It is famous for its role in the War for Independence. Tourists can see many interesting things there. In the Public Garden one can go boating on a boat which has a shape of a swan . Every year many people take part in Boston Marathon .

Слайд 9

L o s A n g e l e s Los Angeles is very big, noisy and famous all over the world because of Hollywood . Near Los Angeles there is a wonderful fairy land called Disneyland . In Disneyland you can see all the characters from Walt Disney’s cartoons and films.

Слайд 10

Natural attractions of the USA There are many natural wonders in the USA. The most widely known is Niagara Falls . It is an Indian word which means “roaring waters”. Other attractions are Yellowstone and Yosemite National Parks famous for grizzly bears , Grand Canyon, and the Mount Rushmore Memorial with the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt .

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Funny attractions ART CAR EVENTS The oldest and largest festival takes place in Houston. Every spring, it attracts curious people from all over the world. After the parade, judges give out all sorts of awards and prizes: Best Classic car, Best Political Statement, Best Art Bicyclist, and many others.

Слайд 12

Mount Rushmore In South Dakota, USA, there is an interesting place to visit. It's a granite mountain with four faces carved on it. They are the faces of four famous presidents GeorgeWashington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt. These gigantic heads are eighteen meters high and are visible for over eighty kilometers. The monument is visited by thousands of people every year.

Слайд 13

Mount Rushmore

Слайд 14

Children’s attractions There are many children’s attractions in the USA. The most famous are Disneyland in California and Disney World in Florida. There is also Island of Adventures in Orlando.

Слайд 15

Did you like our trip to the USA? Would you like to go there? What would you like to see in the USA? Why would you like to see it?

Слайд 16

TEST 1. Disneyland and Hollywood are situated in: A) Boston B) Washington C) Los Angeles

Слайд 17

TEST 2. The city that never sleeps: A) Boston B) Washington C) New York

Слайд 18

TEST 3. Niagara Falls are: A) Natural attraction B) Event attraction C) Man-made attraction

Слайд 19

TEST 4. The oldest city of the USA is: A) Washington B) New York C) Boston

Слайд 20

TEST 5. Mount Rushmore is famous: A) because it is in Dakota B) because it is very high C) for the sculpture of four American presidents

Слайд 21

TEST 6. The largest park of the USA is: A) Central Park B) Hyde Park C) High Park

Слайд 22

TEST 7. The Statue of Liberty is situated in: A) France B) New York C) Washington

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