: "To jaw-jaw is better than to war-war."
проект по английскому языку (10 класс)
British Prime Minister during the Second World War, winner of the Nobel Prize in literature and, according to a BBC broadcasting company survey, the greatest Briton in history. W. Churchill in his speech said: "To jaw-jaw is better than to war-war." (It is better to talk than to fight.) After all, it is not easy to talk, but to convince, to cause interest, to captivate. Indeed, the fate of nations and states depends on many speeches. Public speaking is considered to be one of the most difficult forms of communication, as they require not only eloquence from speakers, but also the ability to keep themselves in public, the ability to quickly answer questions from the audience, and emotions management skills.
Each of us, without exception, sooner or later had to face public speaking and the need to show our oratorical skills in all its glory. But for some, it was limited to presentations on biology or geography in high school lessons in front of thirty classmates, and for some it is part of paid work and sometimes something more depends on this or that performance, such as the lives of people, entire states, and the whole world.
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Конкурсная работа
Английский язык
Тема работы:
учащиеся 10 А класса:
Фонарёва Виктория
Акопян Артём
Самборенко Евгений
Татарских Ирина Германовна
Учитель английского языка
Table of contents:
1. Introduction pages 3 - 4
2. Research of a manner of speech pages 4 - 5
3. The oratory of Winston Churchill pages 6 - 8
4. Paths in the speeches of Winston Churchill pages 8 - 10
5. Concept spheres pages 11 - 14
6. The grammatical features pages 14 -16
7. Conclusion pages 17
8. Appendix pages 18-28
9. References pages 29
British Prime Minister during the Second World War, winner of the Nobel Prize in literature and, according to a BBC broadcasting company survey, the greatest Briton in history. W. Churchill in his speech said: "To jaw-jaw is better than to war-war." (It is better to talk than to fight.) After all, it is not easy to talk, but to convince, to cause interest, to captivate. Indeed, the fate of nations and states depends on many speeches. Public speaking is considered to be one of the most difficult forms of communication, as they require not only eloquence from speakers, but also the ability to keep themselves in public, the ability to quickly answer questions from the audience, and emotions management skills.
Each of us, without exception, sooner or later had to face public speaking and the need to show our oratorical skills in all its glory. But for some, it was limited to presentations on biology or geography in high school lessons in front of thirty classmates, and for some it is part of paid work and sometimes something more depends on this or that performance, such as the lives of people, entire states, and the whole world.
In the 21st century, political activity is a highly demanded and important profession that requires high-quality training and a number of special skills from candidates. Public speeches and public speaking are one of those. Agree, when you see excerpts from speeches by leading political figures, some listen quite hard, they say it is not clear and in general it seems that this has nothing to do with us, and with others it turns out quite differently: sometimes even the topic of pollution of the mouth of the Amazon River in South America, touched upon by an orator politician, may interest us so that later we will quote it to our friends. Why? Is this burning topic so close to us? It is not that we question the relevance of this topic, but still for us - the inhabitants, watching the news on TV or reading articles in Google, it is more important how information was conveyed to us.
This is an indicator of the skill of the speaker, in this case, politics. We will forget the information in a second by switching the channel, or we will remember and discuss with someone in a week. After all, if a politician fails to get us to listen to his speech, he may not bring to us even more important and sometimes even vital information.
How to make people listen to you, how to lead them, how to make them interested in or believe in what you are trying to convey to them. We will try to answer all these questions with the help of research career one of the brightest representatives of politicians, speakers of the 20th century - W. Churchill. It is to him that the phrase says that the most valuable human talent is oratory. According to art historian Simon Sham, Churchill’s hallmark was his eloquence. Where his opponents made intrigues, the British Prime Minister used the word.
The information field on television and radio in news and information and analytical programs, according to the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, is presented as follows: speech of newsmakers - 55%, speech of the presenters - 30%, questions of television viewers and radio listeners - 10%, advertising messages - 5%. Thus, the speech of key newsmakers takes up half of the airtime on television and radio. Along with the public speech of other reference groups (journalists, cultural figures), the speech of politicians is in some way a guide for ordinary citizens in terms of observing the norms of the language. In addition, according to the speech of individual politicians, the audience judges the literacy level of representatives of government bodies in general. Today, the modern world is on the edge, so the ability of politicians to speak is very relevant.
The object of the study are:
trails based on metaphor and metonymy, speech and speech of W. Churchill
The subject
is a feature of using tropes on the example of Churchill's speeches. The goal is to analyze, from a linguistic point of view, the discursive practices of varying interpretation of reality, which are determined by the stable sets of linguistic means inherent in a given political subject, as well as the methods of their research.
The work consists in identifying the features of W. Churchill's oratory and examining the problems of translating metaphors and metonymy from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics and semantics, as well as identifying features of the influence of Churchill's speeches on the public.
1) to identify the features of the use of metaphors and metonymy in modern society,
2) to identify the main strategies for solving problems arising during the translation of the indicated paths and strategies for their solution,
3) to determine the features of the speech of W. Churchill.
The leading research methods are analysis, comparison, inference, comparative historical characteristic.
On this issue there is a significant historiography, the work of foreign, Soviet and Russian authors. We have read and developed 12 sources and different literature.
In the course of our work, we conducted a study. The essence of it was as follows several students were asked to speak to classmates with a speech. As a result of this research, revealed the most typical manners of speech. According to the results of the presentation, a survey was conducted, whether the performance was pleasant or not and why. The main negative positions and positive ones were identified.
How to make people listen to you, how to lead them, how to make them interested in or believe in what you are trying to convey to them. We will try to answer all these questions with the help of the research of the career of one of the brightest representatives of politicians and speakers of the 20th century - W. Churchill. It is to him that the phrase says that the most valuable human talent is oratory. According to art historian Simon Sham, Churchill’s hallmark was his eloquence. Where his opponents made intrigues, the British Prime Minister used the word.
At the same time, the politician argued that the ability to keep oneself in public and to conduct a dialogue with it is not at all a gift from God. This is a skill that can and should be developed. No doubt, he knew what it was about. From birth, Churchill was lisping. At the same time, he never treated his illness and was not a member of the elite discussion clubs. However, these factors did not prevent him from becoming one of the greatest speakers of his era.
Studying his political and social activities, identified several rules that should be taken on his oratorical weapons:
• prepare thoroughly,
• concentrate on ideas,
• “start well”,
• use metaphors,
• resort to humor,
• do not forget about gestures, facial expressions and diction.
One of the rules, namely, the use of metaphors, we consider in more detail. Our speech is not only a collection of words and sentences. They have emotional coloring, figurative expressiveness, which makes our speech bright, convincing, meaningful. Qualitative characteristics of speech are characterized by trails. In modern linguistic studies, about a dozen tropes of classical rhetoric were gradually reduced to two (metaphor, metonymy). The fact is that at the moment there is a tendency to expand the theory of metaphor and metonymy.
According to the traditional point of view, metaphor is usually defined as a hidden (or abbreviated) comparison, which is carried out by applying the name of one object to another and reveals some important feature of the second. But at the same time, for example, the linguist I.R. Halperin argues that the metaphor is a way of identifying two concepts with the help of separate signs that appear to be similar. Traditionally, the metaphor is divided into speech (original, author) and language (erased).
It should be remembered that the interpretation of metaphor is largely affected by the context. M. Black quite rightly notes that a metaphor does not exist outside the context. He cites as an example the famous phrase of W. Churchill, in which he called Mussolini “that utensil” - “this empty pot”. That intonation, the verbal environment, the historical background, writes M. Black, all contributed to the correct understanding of this metaphor. It is also worth noting that the metaphor acts as a filter that structures the system of associations and selects those that can be correlated with the main subject in a given situation or statement. But, as a rule, in political speeches of speakers, metaphors are needed more to enhance the effect of thought and to emphasize what the speaker wants to convey. According to J.Charteris-Black, as a rhetorical device, the metaphor aims to illustrate vividly that the more vivid the metaphor, the more convincing it is, draw attention to the problem, form contact with the audience.
It is noteworthy that over time, even understandable original metaphors become blurred. J.Charteris-Black cites as an example the iron curtain metaphor. This original metaphor used to be so solid that it is used all over the world. J. Charteris-Black also argues that in a political dispute the metaphor can be used for ideological purposes, as it activates the subconscious emotional associations and contributes to the creation of myth. Thus, the metaphor is an integral element of political discussion, in which its main role is to create a vivid, memorable and easily deciphering figurativeness that would contribute to the achievement of the desired pragmatic effect and reflect the speaker’s views in a concise and accessible manner.
The oratory of Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill (1874 -1965) is recognized not only by an outstanding politician of the 20th century, but also by one of the most eloquent speakers. In the most difficult time, when it seemed that everything was lost, he was able to provide his people with irreplaceable support, instilling faith and courage. It is speeches from the period of the Second World War that attract the particular attention of researchers, politicians, and those who are simply interested, because they represent an important part of the heritage of the last century, as well as an unsurpassed example of the power of speech and clarity of thought in an era of turmoil. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that he gained significant victories with a word that could have had a stunning effect in his mouth. Many still doubt that Churchill himself wrote his speeches, however, according to the testimony of relatives and secretaries, he never used the services of speechwriters, and he prepared all his famous speeches on his own.
Analysis of his speeches shows the gradual development and formation of Churchill as a speaker. He was truly a master of oratory, it was not by chance that many politicians subsequently sought to imitate him. Churchill firmly believed in the infinite power of the word, its ability to influence people, make them act, instill faith and perseverance.
His speech, as Charteris-Black writes, was at the same time a brush, with which he painted pictures of modernity, and a baton, with which he frightened off his enemies. Due to his amazing craftsmanship, he was able to influence the British and citizens of other countries of the world. It was often noted that, addressing the people, he allegedly spoke with specific people, with simple families. The effectiveness of his speeches is largely due to the fact that he knew how to find words that were clear to everyone and evoked an emotional response. He managed to achieve this, in particular, thanks to the wide use of vivid and memorable metaphors. Often in his speeches complex political relations between countries are presented as relations between people, countries are endowed with human properties, and the time of testing is portrayed as a long and difficult journey that will necessarily lead to the triumph of the ideals of freedom, nobility and justice.
The success of Churchill's speeches was not accidental. He meticulously composed and rehearsed speeches, not sparing time and effort. It is known that it took him about an hour to prepare a minute. Over the years, he honed his skills, studied the life and customs of his native country. There were many ups and downs in his life, they hardened their character and taught them to "never give up." On Churchill's unsurpassed work ability, said and the fact that the complete collection of his speeches has eight thousand pages. Most of Churchill's speeches were compiled by parliamentarian Robert Rhodes James and published in 8 volumes: Winston S. Churchill: The Complete Speeches (1897-1963). In 2003, Churchill's grandson published a monogamy "Never Give in!", Which included the most important speeches from 1897 to 1963, which gives a complete picture of Churchill's oratory as a whole. In 2014, a translation of this book into Russian was published. His language is aphoristic, and some statements are similar to sayings or idioms, as they use typical patterns, which provides the ease with which they are remembered. He knew how to talk with the people, and used his knowledge to the full. In addition to metaphors and metonymy, he widely used phraseology, repetition, inversion, hyperbole and other means of expression. It is not surprising that many of his sayings were included in the phraseological fund and are quoted both in Great Britain and in other countries. So, precisely because of Churchill, the expression “iron curtain” was included in the languages, although Churchill did not invent this metaphor at all. She is found in HG Wells in The Food of the Gods (1904), in Vasily Rozanov in the book The Apocalypse of Our Time (1917), there is a point of view according to which it was from him that Churchill borrowed this metaphor; There are some more examples of using this phrase to Churchill, and it goes back to the Talmud. However, it was Churchill who popularized it in the now widely known meaning. Churchill's style is diverse and rich. His speech is distinguished by deep thoughtfulness and consistency, there is not a single random word. Therefore, despite the fact that time goes on, his speeches do not cease to make an indelible impression on us.
Most of us know only about the Fulton speech of Winston Churchill, while the greatest Briton in history made several famous speeches that are an example of oratory and inspire thousands of people. It is possible that there will be even more such speeches in William Churchill than in other famous people. They are all different - some he read on the radio, others pronounced in front of college and school graduates, some half an hour, others for a couple of sentences. But there is something unifying, something that characterizes other famous performances, something that overshadows the artistic beauty. According to contemporaries in the war years, life in Britain during Churchill's radio addresses almost died. The receivers were going to children and adults, young and old. His speeches not only inspired hope, they became a kind of ritual. History does not know such examples, and this makes it obligatory to get acquainted at least with a part of the heritage of the British Prime Minister. (Appendix)
W. Churchill's Parliamentary Talks “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat” and “Their Finest Hour”
On May 13, 1940, taking the post of prime minister, Churchill, speaking of the upcoming trials of war, in a small appeal used all his eloquence. His famous speech "Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat" We are sure that this speech cannot leave anyone indifferent. Judge for yourself - this is part of what was said: I can offer nothing but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have a severe test. We have many long months of struggle and suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I will answer: to wage war at sea, land and in the air, with all our might and with all the power that God can bestow on us; to wage war against the monstrous tyranny, equal to which has never been in the gloomy and sorrowful list of human crimes. That is our policy. You ask, what is our goal? I can answer in one word: victory - victory at all costs, victory, despite all the horrors; a victory, no matter how long and thorny a path may be to it; without victory, we will not survive. It is necessary to understand: the British Empire will not be able to survive - all that for which it existed will perish, all that humanity has defended for centuries, which it has been striving for for centuries, and will strive for, will perish. However, I accept my responsibilities with energy and hope. I am sure that people will not let our cause perish. Now I feel entitled to demand help from everyone, and I say: "Let's go forward together, combining our forces."
From the point of view of rhetoric, the strengths of this speech are directness, honesty, and expressed confidence. But ,what is the recipe for success? It is no secret, that,Churchill was always preparing for his speeches, thinking through and competently building them. In addition to the general style of addressing, it is necessary to single out the use of individual oratorical methods, in particular, rhetorical questions, with the help of which the author shows his own position. In connection with the situation in which the speech was made, they look not only relevant, but also organic.
“The conditions in which the speaker communicates with the audience, bring to life a system of stylistic techniques, a system typical of oratory. First of all, the speaker is forced to resort to a variety of techniques designed to excite attention to the content of his speech. Therefore, the form of presentation becomes particularly important in this type of journalistic style. It should be noted that the reappraisal of the meaning of the form of presentation, as well as the tradition led the style of English oratory to excessive use of stylistic techniques.
In the course of the study from the standpoint of the theory of conceptual metaphor, and also taking into account developments in metonymy, we studied 18 speeches with 1938 to 1942, it is precisely this period that is related, as is customary take Churchill's best speech. In speeches, various sources and goals are interconnected and often together form a fairly bright imagery. There are several examples in which several concept spheres are involved - most of the majority of metaphors in Churchill's speeches have a source-sphere “man”, which is not surprising, because the listener is easiest to perceive what is close and clear to him. With the help of impersonation, it is convenient to appeal to the emotions of the audience and to present complex political issues in a form accessible to a wide audience. So, thanks to impersonation, Churchill builds a contrast between the warring parties and presents current events using the following conceptual metaphors:
1. The enemy country - the villain, 2. The ally country - the victim
<...> that other enemy who, without the slightest provocation, coldly and deliberately, for greed and gain, stabbed France in the back in the moment of her agony, and is now marching against us in Africa.
August 20, 1940
In this example, Germany acts as the enemy country, and Ally country - France. Similar examples are found a variety of human characteristics to create the most emotional picture of relations between countries: crime, foul, butcher, barbarism, fury, malice, fester, inflame, wound, blood-stained, indignation, noble, lie prostrate, etc. There are often cases where both of these conceptual metaphors are used together. A feature of many examples in this category is the presence of metonymy, as “a political leader instead of countries "or" people instead of the country "
Example 2
<...> Let Hitler bear his responsibilities to the full and let the peoples of Europe who groan beneath his yoke aid in every way the coming of the day when that yoke will be broken.
August 20, 1940
The speaker not only gives an assessment to the enemy, but also causes a sharp emotional reaction among the hearers who condemn the villain and sympathize with the victims. Among the images describing Hitler as the leader of enemy Germany, one can find the following: arch-criminal, aggressor, barbarian, master, etc. The fact that there are different metonymy for defining the enemy ("the leader instead of countries "," ideology instead of country ", etc.) in Churchill's speeches the metonymy" German people instead of enemy ideology "is not common, there are cases when he contrasts the people and the ideology triumphant in the country, avoiding insulting the people of Germany.
3.United Kingdom - Hero
Example 3
<...> And now it has come to us to stand alone in the breach, and face the worst that the tyrant’s might and enmity can do. . . here, girt about by the seas and oceans where the Navy reigns; shielded from above by the prowess and devotion of our airmen – we await undismayed the impending assault.
July 14, 1940
This example illustrates how impersonation can be used to create a positive image of a “hero”, here its use is intended to inspire the audience, to instill courage, to call for self-esteem. In addition to the examples presented, there were also those who depicted a friend country, a henchman country of Germany, and others.
Conceptual scope "Journey"
Almost all analyzed speeches are found metaphors with the original domain “journey”, which is applied to such goals as: “War” Using the source “journey” allows you to focus on faith in victory, which expects at the end of a difficult and long journey. All citizens seem to be "travelers", going together to the same goal.
Example 4
<...>Not so long as we expect. But we have no right to count upon this. Be it long or short, rough or smooth, we mean to reach our journey's end.
August 20, 1940
In this example, one can also trace the often observable metonymic chain in the use of the pronoun “we,” by which Churchill identifies himself with the people, and the people act as the country as a whole.
2. “The Historical Present of Great Britain”
The rhetorical function of this metaphor is not only to rally the population, but also to call courageously to take reality and stand firmly through the trials that hit the country.
Example 5
<...> we’ve been our way; they should know that we have passed an awful milestone in our history <...>.
March 24, 1938
3. "The general history of the Allied countries"
In this case, the simultaneous use of the metaphor with the conceptual sphere “journey” and personification (the State – human – traveler) often takes place, which represents countries not just as allies, but also as traveling companions, moving towards the same goal, to achieve which it is necessary to act together.
Example 6
<...> the resolute and sober acceptance of their duty by the English-speaking peoples and by all the nations, great and small, who wish
to walk with them. Their faithful and zealous comradeship would almost between night and morning clear the path of progress and banish from all our lives the fear which already darkens the sunlight to hundreds of millions of men.
October 16, 1940
This area is associated with the concepts of the path, landmarks, tests, natural conditions, weather, elements, cataclysms, landscape, day and night. The following images were observed in this category: milestones, toiling up the hill, crest-line, tides, avalanche, open plain, water springs, sunshine, etc.
With the help of these images it is possible to focus the attention of the listener on a specific side of the issue. It is interesting to note that most often when confronted with an enemy that appears in different images, Britain is spoken about in terms of its path to freedom and the triumph of universal human values. In general, the use of metaphors with the source "journey" is intended to inspire hope for a better outcome, to call for courage and fortitude in the face of adversity, and also to unite all those who are moving towards the same goal.
Conceptual areas "Light" and "Fire"
The category of metaphors with the source sphere "light", of course, often interacts with the metaphors with the source sphere "Darkness", thanks to which the function of building a contrast is performed. Such metaphors are also closely interconnected with other groups of metaphors and often perform auxiliary or Such metaphors are also closely interrelated with other groups of metaphors and often perform an auxiliary or connecting function. Most often, the sphere-source "light" is used for the purpose of "hope" and can be implemented in completely different ways:
Example 7
<...> the conviction of final victory burning unquenchable in our hearts.
August 20, 1940
Example 8
<...> will kindle again the spark of hope in the breasts of hundreds of millions of downtrodden or despairing men and women throughout Europe <...>
August 20, 1940
Example 9
But it’s because I’m looking at the light of the house of commons <...>
January 27, 1942
In examples (7) and (8), we observe interaction with the metonymy “hearts”, “breasts”, which can be classified as “object instead of object”. In these examples, they are intended, in particular, to strengthen the figurative metaphor. Example (9) demonstrates the harmonious interplay of conceptual spaces “light” and “journey”, where “light” is the name of the word “M” hope. ” In the analyzed speeches such interaction is observed quite often. The conceptual spheres of "light" and "fire" are closely interrelated. On the basis of the research material, it is difficult to draw a clear boundary between them, one can only note that the sphere of "fire" is also used to define negative entities (hate, war).Hope yours and yours for the day. suborned.
From the point of view of the language structure of the speeches, Churchill's style is distinguished by a rich and complex language. To the grammatical features of the analyzed speeches, we refer various syntactic constructions with different functional, stylistic and expressive coloring. These include amplifying, specifying, excretory structures, parallel structures, interrogative sentences, inversion and special use of the article. To the stylistic features of Churchill's language, we include a special construction of speech, the use of poetic elements, metaphors, epithets, comparisons, repetitions, and the speaker’s reference to ancient art, history and literature. All this together creates the unique style of the oratorical language of the politician, which General de Gaulle called the "divine, demonic gift of a political speaker."
As we know, Churchill wrote all his main speeches in advance and carefully worked out their form and content. The language of speeches is complex and rich in various grammatical structures: constructions with non-personal verb forms, sentences in the subjunctive and conditional moods, inversions, etc. He used all the richness of the English language, enclosing the content of the speeches in a brilliant literary and linguistic form.
In Churchill's speeches, one can often see complex grammatical constructions characteristic of official written English. This and sacrament passive turn over.
They had to expose themselves to being attacked piecemeal; and conditional sentence of the second type with inversion:
Of course, it wasn’t our pilots; and the subjunctive mood: But our peoples would rather know the truth, sombre though it be ...;It is clear that there is a road to travel. It is a mighty tide of it; and the subjunctive mood with a passive verb, together with the conditional mood and the modal verb in one sentence, complicated by gerundial circulation:
It is right that you can’t be so sorry to see if you have been drafted by Dictator Mussolini; it is true that it is the French national comrades it would be a good idea to get in touch with them.
and conditional sentence of the second type:
... If you were going to go on the losing side;
and a common sentence with a chain of subordinate definitive sentences and inversion:
Wonderful exertions have been made by our Navy and Air Force; For all the enemy cannons; our immense fleets of merchant ships; by the men who load and unload them; It is a need to make peace and comfort.
and turn over of Complex Subject:
General Wilson, who was the finest tactician?
“All stylistic techniques are in constant interaction, complement each other and are so closely intertwined that they form their system. The antithesis is often framed by parallel structures, which in turn may be accompanied by repetitions. Different types of repetitions can be elements of growth ”[3, p. 244]. As we see from the above examples, this is true in relation to the style of W. Churchill's speeches:
In the end of the day, it’s still a matter of course. If you’re losing your breath, you’re wondering about what is your love procuring the victory?
Above is an example of the usual sentence for Churchill's style: the opposition, expressed as how easy and how hard, is complemented by parallel constructions when you think and when you remember and is complicated by their repetition, ending with a question consisting of five subordinate sentences.
It is a Debate. It’s a little bit more than a little girl. It is not a question of what kind of government it can be.
The juxtaposition at the beginning of the sentence and the clarification of the thought have so widely distributed this sentence that its main basis, which is at the beginning, is repeated once again at the end of the sentence in order to preserve the clarity of the presentation, logic and coherence. A bright mind, a rich imagination, a great command of the language - all this made Winston Churchill a great orator of the 20th century, about whom books will be written and legends written for a long time.
Thus, the policy language acts as a system of communication, as well as the implementation of political actions and their management. A language not only represents politics, it is politics itself. The meaning of linguistic political symbols cannot be derived from the lexical content of words and sentences, it is given by a specific political situation. The goal of any political communication and the various speech genres, strategies and tactics used in this process is to carry out certain interests and intentions. Having studied the sources, we came to the conclusion that in order to effectively influence the audience a politician resorted to various means of argumentation. Among them are: lexical (pronouns, keywords, metaphors, comparisons, figurative statements), stylistic (strategies and tactics of argumentation). In general, the analysis of speeches allows you to determine the position of a politician, to establish ways of influencing the audience and to trace the structure of the construction of arguments in order to influence listeners' consciousness in a certain way. The success of speech influence is determined by how wide and flexible the arsenal of communicative strategies and tactics used.
Considering the above, we believe that the goal of our work has been achieved. Skillful construction of speech and its public speaking in order to achieve a certain result and the desired impact on listeners politician. is an art. But art, which can be learned.
The ability to speak is required everywhere. Our whole life is connected with communication - this is how human society works. Therefore, the one who knows how to speak well achieves the greatest success in his personal life, studies, work, business and politics. You understand that such a person is head and shoulders above the rest.
As a rule, a real politician is an erudite, highly intellectual person, freely oriented both in literature and art, and in science and technology, as well as in politics and the modern structure of society. And most importantly - To jaw-jaw is better than to war-war. This is what defines the meaning and role of a politician.
The problems of victory are more agreeable than those of defeat, but they are no less difficult.
Проблемы, вызванные одержанной победой, приятней проблем, вызванных поражением, но они не менее трудные.
History is written by the victors.
История пишется победителями.
Study History. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.
Изучайте историю. В истории есть все секреты искусства управления государством.
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
История будет добра ко мне, ибо я намерен её писать.
We have a lot of anxieties, and one cancels out another very often.
У нас много желаний, и очень часто одно исключает другое.
Politics is not a game. It is an earnest business.
Политика — не игра. Это серьезное занятие.
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
Успех — это способность идти от одной неудачи к другой без потери энтузиазма.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Успех не финал, неудача не смертельна: считается то, что есть мужество продолжать.
When the war of the giants is over the wars of the pygmies will begin.
Когда война гигантов закончится войны пигмеев начнутся.
Great and good are seldom the same man.
Великий и хороший — редко одно и то же лицо.
The price of greatness is responsibility.
Цена величия — ответственность.
All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Все великие вещи просты, и многие из них могут быть выражены в отдельных словах: свобода, справедливость, честь, долг, милосердие, надежда.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened.
Периодически люди спотыкаются о правду и падают, но большинство затем встают и спешат дальше, как будто ничего не случилось.
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Мужество заставляет встать и говорить и мужество же заставляет сеть и слушать.
Never, never, never give in!
Никогда, никогда, никогда не сдаваться!
The power of an air force is terrific when there is nothing to oppose it.
Сила военно-воздушного флота потрясающа, когда ему нечего противопоставить.
I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma: but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest.
Я не могу предсказать действий России. Это головоломка, завернутая в тайну, внутри загадки: но возможно, там есть ключ — русский национальный интерес.
The British nation is unique in this respect. They are the only people who like to be told how bad things are, who like to be told the worst.
Британцы — единственный народ на свете, который любит, когда им говорят, что дела обстоят хуже некуда.
I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.
Я ненавижу индейцев. Они ужасные люди со звериной религией.
It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.
Демократия — самый худший вид правления, не считая всех прочих, что человечество испробовало за свою историю.
Dictators ride to and fro on tigers from which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry.
Диктаторы ездят верхом на тиграх, боясь с них слезть. А тигры между тем начинают испытывать голод.
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
Миротворец — это тот, кто кормит крокодила в надежде, что тот съест его последним.
If you are going through hell, keep going.
Если вы проходите через ад, продолжайте идти.
If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.
Если бы Гитлер вторгся в ад, я бы по крайней мере замолвил за дьявола словечко в Палате общин.
I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like being taught.
Я всегда готов учиться, но мне не всегда нравится, когда меня учат.
The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.
Величайший урок в жизни — знать, что даже дураки иногда бывают правы.
Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking our potential.
Непрерывная работа — не сила или интеллект — это ключ к раскрытию нашего потенциала.
To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day.
Чтобы построить, возможно, понадобится медленная и трудоемкая задача долгих лет. Чтобы уничтожить, достаточно бездумного акта за один день.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.
Мне нечего предложить, кроме крови, тяжелого труда, слез и пота.
It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required.
Не достаточно того, что мы делаем все возможное; иногда мы должны делать то, что требуется.
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Пессимист видит трудности в каждой возможности; оптимист видит возможность в каждой трудности.
My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the best.
Мои вкусы просты: я легко удовлетворяюсь лучшим.
I am easily satisfied with the very best.
Я легко удовлетворяюсь самым лучшим.
We are stripped bare by the curse of plenty.
Мы раздеты догола проклятьем изобилия.
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
Улучшение есть изменение; быть совершенным это часто меняться.
However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.
Какой бы ни была красивой стратегия, вы должны время от времени смотреть на результаты.
An aphorism is not an aphorism unless you know what it means.
Афоризм не афоризм, если ты не знаешь, что он значит.
There is no time for ease and comfort. It is the time to dare and endure.
Не время удобств и комфорта. Время отваги и выдерживания.
A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.
Фанатик — это человек, который не может изменить взгляды и не может переменить тему.
A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril.
Любовь к традициям, никогда не ослабевающей нации, действительно усилило её в час опасности.
The first quality that is needed is audacity.
Первое необходимое качество — это смелость (дерзость, нахальность).
Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.
Здоровые граждане — это величайшее достояние любой страны.
Always remember, that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.
Всегда помни, что я взял от алкоголя больше, чем он забрал у меня.
When I was younger I made it a rule never to take strong drink before lunch. It is now my rule never to do so before breakfast.
В молодости я взял себе за правило не пить ни капли спиртного до обеда. Теперь, когда я уже немолод, я держусь правила не пить ни капли спиртного до завтрака.
Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed.
Хотя я готов к мученичеству, я предпочел бы, чтобы оно было отложено.
Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all.
Вообще говоря, короткие слова являются лучшими, а старые слова лучше всего.
Every morn brought forth a noble chance, and every chance brought forth a noble knight.
Каждое утро выпадает благородный шанс, и все шансы выпадают благородным рыцарям.
Много ужасной лжи собирается по всему миру, и хуже всего то, что половина из неё верна.
When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber.
Когда орлы молчат, то болтать начинают попугаи.
I never worry about action, but only inaction.
Я никогда не беспокоюсь насчет действия, только насчет бездействия.
Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.
Одиночные деревья, если они вырастают, они растут сильными.
If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law.
Если вы имеете десять тысяч ограничений, вы уничтожаете все уважение к закону.
Everyone has his day and some days last longer than others.
Каждый имеет свой день, и некоторые дни длиннее прочих.
No comment is a splendid expression. I am using it again and again.
Без комментариев — это великолепное выражение. Я использую его снова и снова.
A joke is a very serious thing.
Шутка — это очень серьезная вещь.
When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite.
Когда вы должны убить человека, ничего не стоит быть вежливым.
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Отношение (позиция) это мелочь, которая имеет большое значение.
All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Все великие вещи просты, и многие из них могут быть выражены в отдельных словах: свобода, справедливость, честь, долг, милосердие, надежда.
For myself I am an optimist – it does not seem to be much use being anything else.
Я оптимист – не вижу особого смысла в том, чтобы быть кем-то еще.
Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.
Постоянные усилия – а не сила или ум – вот ключ к раскрытию нашего потенциала.
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm
I never worry about action, but only inaction.
Я никогда не беспокоюсь насчет действия, только насчет бездействия.
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.
Правда неоспорима. Ее может очернить злоба, ее может высмеять невежество, но в конечном итоге правда всегда останется правдой.
If you’re going through hell, keep going.
Если вы идете сквозь ад – не останавливайтесь.
Never, never, never give up.
Никогда, никогда, никогда не сдавайтесь.
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
Совершенствоваться – значит меняться; быть совершенным – меняться часто.
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Пессимист видит трудности в каждой потенциальной возможности. Оптимист в каждой трудности видит потенциальную возможность.
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.
История будет благосклонна ко мне, так как я собственноручно собираюсь ее писать.
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
У вас есть враги? Хорошо. Значит, вы в своей жизни что-то когда-то отстаивали.
Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities… because it is the quality which guarantees all others.
Храбрость справедливо ценится как первое человеческое качество, ибо она есть гарантия всех остальных.
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Мужество – это то, что заставляет встать и высказать свое мнение; мужество также – это то, что заставляет сесть и выслушать.
Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge.
Сверхсложность порождает сверхпростоту.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Мы зарабатываем на жизнь тем, что у нас есть; но мы создаем жизнь тем, что отдаем.
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Отношение – это мелочь, которая, однако, существенно меняет картину.
It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required.
Недостаточно делать все возможное; иногда мы должны делать то, что требуется.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Успех – не окончателен, провал – не фатален: имеет значение лишь смелость продолжить путь.
The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.
Сверхсложность порождает сверхпростоту. From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.
От Штеттина на Балтике до Триеста на Адриатике железный занавес опустился на континент.
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Я люблю свиней. Собаки смотрят на нас снизу вверх. Кошки смотрят на нас сверху вниз. Свиньи смотрят на нас как на равных.
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
Теперь это не конец. Это даже не начало конца. Но это, возможно, конец начала.
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.
Присущая сила капитализма — несправедливое распределение благ. Присущая сила социализма — равное распределения бедствия.
There are a terrible lot of lies going around the world, and the worst of it is half of them are true.
List of sources used
1. Зверева Е. Н. Основы культуры речи: теоретический курс. – М.: Центр ЕАОИ, 2008.
2. Гойхман О.Я. Русский язык и культура речи: учебник. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2009.
3. Баева О.А. Ораторское искусство и деловое общение: учебное пособие. – 2-е изд., исправл. – Мн.: Новое знание, 2007.
4. Поль Л. Сопер. Основы искусства речи. – Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2007.
5. Русский язык и культура речи // (http://shpora07.narod.ru/ appearance/appearance.html). https://youtu.be/LtdtOL_6CJw
6 .Гальперин И.Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка: опыт систематизации выразительных средств. – М.: книжный дом «Либроком», 2012.
7. Русецкая О.Н., Ямов Н.В. Функционально-стилистические особенности публичной речи.// Вестник Амурского государственного университета. Серия: Гуманитарные науки. 2010. № 48.
8. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика. Современный английский язык. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2010.
9. The Speeches of Winston Churchill,London, Penguin Books, 1989. 10https://www.bibliofond.ru/view.aspx?id=808570
12. Петрова О.Г "Особенности языка У.Черчилля: использование сложных грамматических структур".
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