Text "William Shakespeare"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)

Лисьих Алена Сергеевна

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Предварительный просмотр:

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Who 1)______ was he?  
William Shakespeare was an English poet and 2)_______ during Elizabethan times (the time of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I). He was born in Stratford-3)____-Avon, a town in the centre of England. He is the greatest writer in the English language.
What did Shakespeare write?
Shakespeare wrote 4)_____ plays, all of which are still studied, performed and even made into films all over the world! Shakespeare also wrote many love 5)______.
What were his plays about?
Shakespeare wrote three kinds of plays: comedies (A 6)______ Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing), tragedies (Romeo and Juliet, 7)_____, Othello) and histories (Henry V). Common themes in his comedies were 8)_____, mistaking one person for another or women who disguise themselves as men - although the actors were all men anyway! In The 9)__________, a well-known comedy, a moneylender asks for a pound of flesh from a 10)_______ who can't pay him back some money! Life was hard during Elizabethan times and Shakespeare's tragedies reflect this, such as Hamlet which is very bloody and is about 11)______, deception and fate.
Where were his plays performed and who went to see them?
 Most of Shakespeare's plays were performed at the 12)_____ Theatre in London, which could hold about 3,000 people. Elizabethans of all social classes enjoyed going to the Globe, even though it was noisy and smelly and the common people had to watch the play standing up in front of the 13)_____. As there was no roof, people got very wet when it rained! There was hardly any 14)______, but there were fantastic costumes and even special effects such as fireworks, smoke and actors 'flying'. The original theatre burnt down in 1613, but a modern 15)_____ opened in 1997.  

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