Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку в 8 классе.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)
Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку Учебник "Rainbow English" 8 класс.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку.(8 класс)
Вариант 1
- In modern stadiums we can ________ in for sport.
- do b) play c) go
- I thought the work of the boat ________ was very professional.
- Teem b) crew c) team
- There were a lot of bluebells _______ the field.
- on b) in c) with
- Sharon __________ home by the time it started raining.
- had driven b) drove c) was driving
- Quick thinking gives Alice an advantage _______ the other students.
- over b) in c) ---
- Your sixteenth birthday is an ______ day both for you and your parents.
- impossible b) impolite c) important
- Twins are always very ________.
- like b) alike c) don’t like
- I got a ticket ____ the performance as a present from a friend.
- for b) to c) at
- We told Sam we ________ soon.
- are leaving b) were leaving c) will leaving
- Everyone knows that she is greatly devoted _____ her family.
- with b) at c) to
- I’m sure Mr. Morgan is a _______. He understands what is going on.
- real b) unreal c) realist
- ______ British museum is one of the world’s largest museums.
- a b) the c) -----
- This is not the film ________ the public.
- to impress b) to screen c) to achieve
- A film about space travels or life in an imaginary future.
- A comedy b) a horror film c) a science fiction film
- The pupils agreed ______ their teacher.
- on b) with c) for
- The flat we have bought is not cheap, but it is not very ______ either.
- price b) pricey c) priceless
- Bottles are usually made _____ glass.
- with b) of c) from
- This famous person founded Moscow University.
- M. Lomonosov b) Catherine the Great c) I. Newton
- When did you _______ to play the piano?
- study b) learn
- Sarah ________two sweets.
- Give b) was given c) were gave
Предварительный просмотр:
Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку.(8 класс)
Вариант 2
- They all ______ athletics in the sports club.
- do b) go c) play
- Our basketball _________ became the champion of the year.
- teem b) crew c) team
- The football players met ______ the football field.
- in b) on c) with
- Rose ________ a letter by four o’clock yesterday.
- wrote b) was writing c) had written
- Ann’s good English gives her an advantage ______her classmate.
- over b) in c) ---
- A hotel must _______ its guests warmly.
- refuse b) receive c) repair
- You and your brother don’t look very much _____.
- like b) alike c) don’t like
- How much is a plane ticket ___ London?
- at b) for c) to
- Bob said he __________ French.
- was learning b) were learning c) is learning
- Mike devoted most of his life ____ painting.
- to b) with c) at
- I’m sure he doesn’t understand the _______ of the problem.
- Important b) unimportant c) importance
- ______ National Gallery has works by Rubens, El Greco and Van Dyck.
- a b) the c) -----
- _______ means to make a film of some a literary work.
- to impress b) to achieve c) to screen
- A film in which terrible and frightening things happen.
- A comedy b) a horror film c) a science fiction film
- Young people don’t often agree _____ grown-ups.
- with b) on c) for
- Mum says my new dress is too______, but I don’t think ten dollars is too much for it.
- priceless b) price c) pricey
- We have made this juice _______ fresh oranges.
- of b) from c) with
- This famous person first thought about the law of gravity.
- M. Lomonosov b) Catherine the Great c) I. Newton
- We _______ the map carefully.
- studied b) learned
- Bob _________ the new library.
- show b) was shown c) were show
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