Викторина по страноведению, для учащихся 8-9 классов.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
Викторина предназначена для обучающихся 8-9 классов, она поможет учащимся проверить свои знания, связанные с географическим положением, политической системой, историей США и Великобритании.
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Find eight English and American cities Liver mond Cam ton New don Bel castle Lon ston Bos fast Charle pool Rich bridge
Liver pool Cam bridge New castle Bel fast Lon don Bos ton Charle ston Rich mond
Quiz about the country : Who discovered America? A. Christopher Columbus B. George Washington С . The pilgrims
Who was the first president of the USA? A. Abraham Lincoln B. George Washington C. Franklin
3. What is the national symbol of America? A. The rose B. The bald eagle C. The shamrock
4. Which is the USA capital? A. New York city B. Los Angeles C. Washington
5. Where is the Statue of Liberty? A. New York B. Massachusetts С . California
6. The American flag has: A. 13 stripes B. 30 stripes C. 50 stripes 7. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day? A. July, 4 B. December, 25 C. February, 14
8. How many states are there in America? A. 50 B. 52 С . 25 9. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from: A. Italy B. England C. France
10. Which kind of sport is a typical American invention? A. Tennis. B. Baseball. C. Golf.
11. Where did Beatles come from? A. Bristol. B. Manchester. C. Liverpool.
12. What is the name of the present British Queen? A. Elizabeth I. B. Mary. C. Elizabeth II .
13. What is the “Union Jack” A. The national flag of the UK. B. Trade union organization. C. Monument. 14. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain at present? A. David Cameron B. Teresa May C. Prince Charles
15. What is the song the Scottish people sing at the parties? A. “Jingle Bells” B. “Should Auld Acquaintance be forgot” C. “Happy New Year”
16. Where is the national Shakespeare Theatre? A. In London. B. In Birmingham. C. In Stratford-upon-Avon.
17. What is the largest park in London? A. Hyde Park B. Regent`s Park C. Green Park 18. Choose the real governing body of Great Britain: A. the House of Lords B. the House of Commons C. a political party
19.The American state separated from the others geographically is : Florida California Alaska 20.The official residence of the American President is… The White House The Capitol Buckingham Palace
Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. In the centre of the square there is Nelson`s Column. It is guarded by 4 bronze lions. Nelson was killed in the Battle of Trafalgar, but the victory was won. The English consider Admiral Nelson to be a national hero for his victory in the war against Napoleon.
The Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty is situated in New York on Liberty Island and is a symbol of American freedom. It is a present from France to acknowledge their hundred-year friendship with America.
Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal family. When the Queen is at the residence the flag is flying on top of Buckingham Palace. In front of the Palace there is Victoria Memorial built in 1911.
The Capitol The Capitol is the place where the American Congress sits. It is the symbol of American power. On the top of the Capitol`s dome there is a bronze Statue of Freedom.
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