Reported Speech. Statements. Test
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Report the statements
1.Tom says “I am always late for classes”. 2. Father says “My watch is slow”.3. The weatherman said “It will be cold tomorrow”.4. The prime minister said “I promise everything will be all right soon”. 5. The son said to his parents “I have never been in the circus”.6. She said “I am having tea now”. 7. Sue and Liz said “We met two days ago”. 8.”Don’t worry,” he said “If someone calls, I’ll let you know”. 9.”Don’t make noise, children” said our teacher. 10.”Type this letter urgently” the chief said.11. The doctor said to his patient “Go to bed not later than 10 o’clock in the evening”. 12. My dentist said “Sweets are harmful for your teeth”. 13. “I can’t do it without your help” said Pam. 14. She said “I have to go”. 15. The boy said “I can ride a motor- bike”. 16. The detective said “There is something strange about this person”. 17. “Sit down, please” the teacher said. 18. The policeman said “Be careful, don’t walk alone in the night”. 19. The top- model said “There is nothing better than a good sleep”. 20. The sign says “There is no parking here”
Report the statements
1. Tom says “I am always late for classes”. 2. Father says “My watch is slow”.3. The weatherman said “It will be cold tomorrow”.4. The prime minister said “I promise everything will be all right soon”. 5. The son said to his parents “I have never been in the circus”.6. She said “I am having tea now”. 7. Sue and Liz said “We met two days ago”. 8.”Don’t worry,” he said “If someone calls, I’ll let you know”. 9.”Don’t make noise, children” said our teacher. 10.”Type this letter urgently” the chief said.11. The doctor said to his patient “Go to bed not later than 10 o’clock in the evening”. 12. My dentist said “Sweets are harmful for your teeth”. 13. “I can’t do it without your help” said Pam. 14. She said “I have to go”. 15. The boy said “I can ride a motor- bike”. 16. The detective said “There is something strange about this person”. 17. “Sit down, please” the teacher said. 18. The policeman said “Be careful, don’t walk alone in the night”. 19. The top- model said “There is nothing better than a good sleep”. 20. The sign says “There is no parking here”
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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