материал по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
«Английский язык»
в рамках апробации автоматизированной системы сопровождения аттестации педагогических работников
Language Practice
Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
1 Whether this new pay deal will satisfy the unions to be seen.
- remains
- will remain
- is remaining
- am remaining
2 By the end of this month, I’llin my job for twenty years.
- be
- be being
- have been
- has been
3 I have thought the best thing to do is just ring them and explain the problem.
- could
- would
- must
- can
4 Sorry, I’m not really sure what you’re getting.
- at
- over
- on
- in
5 My friend held the spider, but I bring myself to do it.
- can
- don’t
- didn’t
- couldn’t
6 I’ve been getting terrible headaches__________
- so far
- for a while now
- up to now
- all the day
7 We are __________ no obligation to give you a refund.
- on
- with
- under
- at
8 Holly was about to accept the stranger’s offer when she ______________ her mother’s advice.
- remembered
- had remembered
- was remembering
- has remembered
9 This ______________ be north, because the sun’s in the wrong place.
- can’t
- shouldn’t
- won’t
- hadn’t
10 If you _________ ____ across any good stamps, please keep them for my collection.
- would come
- come
- should come
- have come
11 I’m sorry, but these regulations have to be _________________ with.
- obeyed
- complied
- kept
- command
12 Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer!
- can’t
- mustn’t
- wouldn’t
- has’t
13 __________ happens, I’ll always be there for you!
- However
- What
- Whatever
- Whatever else
14 By early evening most people had ______________ their vote. предложениезаменено
- cast
- administered
- selected
- chosen
15 A __________ debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.
- warm
- heated
- hot
- cold
16 I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!
- particular
- individual
- single
- one
17 The version of the film I saw had been __________ censored.
- deeply
- great
- heavily
- fruitful
18 He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as __________ as his word.
- true
- good
- honest
- very good
19 There has been so much media __________ of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.
- attention
- broadcasting
- coverage
- insurance
20 If I were you I would __________ clear of the area around the station late at night.
- stick
- steer
- stop
- lead
21 Turning back now is out of the __________ .
- matter
- question
- possibility
- answer
22 Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces __________ from a bad experience he had when he was a child.
- stems
- leads
- starts
- dreams
23 At the moment _______________ to play the guitar.
- I’m learning
- I learn
- I’ll learn
- I’d learned
24 My course finishes_____________.
- on next week
- next week
- at next week
- to next week
25 The train ________________ at 9.30.
- leaves
- it leaves
- leaving
- is leaving
26 Where ________________ those shoes?
- you buy
- did you buy
- does you buy
- do you buy
27 I’ve worked at this company ____________ two years.
- since
- for
- at
- on
28 Can you tell me what time _________________?
- does the train leave?
- the train leaves?
- the train will leave?
- the train will be leave?
29 England is not __________ big as Germany.
- so
- as
- as so as
- too
30 There was a terrible plane crash – it ________________ an hour ago.
- happened
- has happened
- has been happened
- is happening
31. Adrian is a very good friend of ____________.
- me
- my
- mine
- I
32. Helena’s not really a party animal, so I doubt whether she__________ .
- comes
- will come
- will have come
- come
33. I was wondering if you _________________ to go running with me.
- wanted
- had wanted
- would want
- will want
34. She _______ hate washing up, but now she likes it.
- was used to
- use to
- used to
- is used to
35. The noise stopped as soon as the Head Teacher ________ into the room.
- walks
- walked
- was walking
- will walk
36. How long ____________________ these pills?
- did you take
- are you taking
- have you been taking
- do you take
37. No, I ____________________ possibly do that to a friend.
- mustn’t
- shouldn’t
- couldn’t
- may not
38. Well I’m surprised it was John. I _____________ have expected better of him.
- would
- could
- should
- can
39. Don’t worry about my big brother; he ____________ be very childish at times.
- will
- can
- could
- must
40. I really ______________ eat another thing, thank you.
- wouldn’t
- couldn’t
- mightn’t
- may not
41. You ______________be serious! It’s far too dangerous!
- couldn’t
- can’t
- mustn’t
- may not
42. This little device ________________ be the answer to all your technical problems.
- need
- could
- shall
- must
43. What you’re saying ___________ well be true.
- must
- should
- may
- have to
44. Just in case you ____________ _____ it, I’ll give you my business card so you can contact me.
- would find
- will find
- find
- can find
45. Climbing in the Himalayas was a far ___________ from hill walking at home in Ireland.
- shout
- scream
- cry
- call
46. My bike isn’t what you would call fast or sporty, but it serves its ________.
- purpose
- aim
- reason
- intention
47. Rest assured that we have taken every possible safety ________________.
- protection
- preparation
- precaution
- action
48. They sell all sorts of household ______________: washing machines, dishwashers and so on.
- machines
- mechanisms
- appliances
- gadgets
49. After just ten minutes in the rain, I was______________ to the skin.
- damp
- wet
- soaked
- slopped
50. ‘Sorry Mrs. Atkins. I wasn’t _____________ attention,’ said Billy.
- giving
- paying
- keeping
- having
51. Every morning I see kids from the local school____________ football down by the river.
- taking
- enjoying
- playing
- running
52. John and Mary, come over here. Have you two met___________ before?
a) yourselves
b) each other
c) together
d) themselves
53. It’s quite expensive, but__________ the other hand it’s very good quality.
a) on
b) by
c) in
d) at
54. ____________ he is, he shouldn’t behave like that.
a) No matter
b) Whoever
c) At once
d) Who
55. You won’t tell anyone my secret,__________________
a) do you?
b) does you?
c) will you?
d) will be you?
56. It was a great holiday. We really enjoyed___________________
a) ourselves
b) us
c) themselves
d) herself
57. My car is easy to park. ___________ this, it doesn’t use much petrol.
a) As well
b) As well as
c) As soon as
d) At once
58. When I want to___________ I have a long, hot bath.
a) relax
b) relax me
c) relax her
d) relax him
59.______________ it’s getting late, let’s stop work now and come back tomorrow.
a) As
b) For
c) By
d) Twice
60. ___________, I’d like to thank you all for coming.
a) In conclusion
b) In contrast
c) In the end
d) At last
61. I bought ___________ some flowers.
a) myself
b) me
c) my
d) I
62. The tree ____________ was about two meters wide because it was so old.
a) twig
b) trunk
c) branch
d) hand
63. Flies were _____________ around the uncovered meat in the kitchen.
a) buzzing
b) barking
c) galloping
d) grunting
64. Mary is always so _____________ – you always see her smiling and happy.
a) fruitful
c) cheeky
d) cheerful
65. When I learned to ski, I practiced on a slope that was not too … .
a) tall
b) rising
c) steep
d) high
66. Chris uses an_______________ shaver when he goes on holiday.
a) electric
b) doctor
c) teacher
d) politician
67. Point the ____________ to the place on the screen where you want to type, and then click.
a) icon
b) cursor
c) mouse
d) picture
68. The _______________ made a lot of buildings collapse and thousands of people were made homeless.
a) cyclone
b) invasion
c) earthquake
d) devastation
69. International ______________ is being sent to help the victims survive the winter.
a) help
b) charity
c) organization
d) aid
70. I broke my _______________ when I was young – my brother punched it!
a) chin
b) nose
c) face
d) head
71 Anyone who has high stress___________ should read this book.
a) levels
b) layers
c) rates
d) points
72. I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
a) could not
b) don’t have to
c) are not allowed to
d) can’t be
73. Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
a) having
b) laughing
c) making
d) joking
74. Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
a) Of course!
b) Never mind.
c) If you don’t mind.
d) It doesn’t matter.
75. In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
a) under
b) against
c) over
d) beyond
76. Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
a) suppose
b) fancy
c) suspect
d) accuse
77. When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
a) remembers
b) recalls
c) rethinks
d) reminds
78. The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
a) crushed
b) smashed
c) ground
d) pressed
79. ‘I did this painting all __________ my own, Dad,’ said Milly.
a) by
b) with
c) for
d) on
80. You __________ better check all the details are correct before we send it off.
a) would
b) had
c) should
d) did
81. This game is __________ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!
a) expected
b) required
c) obliged
d) supposed
82. According to the Publications Department, it will be two years before the new Handbook __________
a) completes
b) is completed
c) has completed
d) will be completed
83. The President’s plane touched down in Mexico City on Wednesday, two days after he _________
a) arrived
b) would have arrived
c) had been to arrive
d) was due to arrive
84. By the end of this month, I’ll__________ a member of this club for ten years.
a) be
b) be being
c) have been
d) has been
85. I was going to ask her for a date, but I ____________bring myself to do it.
a) don’t
b) didn’t
c) can”t
d) couldn’t
86. I thought the exam would be really difficult but in fact it___________ have been easier.
a) mustn’t
b) couldn’t
c) shouldn’t
d) wouldn’t
- This __________ be the way – we’ve driven past that bus stop three times now!
a) can’t
b) shouldn’t
c) won’t
d) mustn’t
88. You _____________ have worked here longer than me, but that doesn’t mean you can treat me like dirt!
a) must
b) could
c) may
d) have to
89. Sorry, I __________ have told you about the change of plan earlier.
a) must
b) might
c) should
d) can
90. You ______________ have finished your homework already!
a) mustn’t
b) can’t
c) wouldn’t
d) needn’t
91. I’m really happy in my new job; I ____________ have found a nicer company.
a) couldn’t
b) shouldn’t
c) wouldn’t
d) needn’t
92. Well, thanks for the offer – I __________ just take you up on it.
a) might
b) could
c) would
d) have to
93. A _________ of elephants was resting near the water hole.
a) troop
b) herd
c) group
d) school
94. Water ____________ in the south-east of England led to a ban on garden hosepipes last summer.
a) insufficiencies
b) shortages
c) droughts
d) periods
95. Brian’s boss gave him three more days to try to ___________ the deal.
a) clinch
b) obtain
c) fasten
d) decide
96. When I applied for my job, I simply sent my CV with a covering ____________.
a) letter
b) attachment
c) enclosure
d) parcel
97. You can either pay everything upfront for this car, or you can pay us in monthly_________.
a) subscriptions
b) installments
c) contributions
d) payment
98. The train company did not refund the cost of my ticket, but sent me a £5 voucher as a goodwill __________.
a) statement
b) gesture
d) manner
99. Our relationship is going through a rather bad ___________ at the moment.
a) stretch
b) span
c) patch
d) hole
100. As a policeman it is your duty to ____________ the law.
a) upkeep
b) enforce
c) execute
d) improve
101. When the actor Christopher Reeve came on to collect his award, the entire audience gave him a____________ ovation.
a) rising
b) cheering
c) standing
d) opening
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