Американский вариант английского языка
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Have you ever heard that American English is a separate language that stands apart from other varieties of English ? Do you know that some scientists treat it as an independent language ? It’s still argued if American English should be regarded as a “master” language completely segregated from the other varieties. Is that really true?
American TV series “ The office"
But still the fact is that native speakers from both America and Great Britain have no difficulty in understanding each other.
The objective and the theme. Our objective was to do a research and find out if American English and British English are different languages and spot certain peculiarities of American English as far as vocabulary, grammar and phonetics are concerned . The theme seems to be actual because American English appears to have become the principal variety of English in the whole world. Moreover, the growing speculations about its role arouse a lively interest both among linguists and language learners.
The Origin of American English The use of English in the United States is a result of English and British colonization of the Americas. The first wave of English-speaking settlers arrived in North America during the 17th century, followed by further migrations in the 18th and 19th centuries . Since then, American English has developed into new dialects . In some cases, under the influence of West African and native American languages : German, Dutch, Irish, Spanish and other languages of successive waves of immigrants to the USA . While written American English is standardized across the country, there are several recognizable variations in the spoken language, both in pronunciation and in vocabulary.
Compared with English as spoken in England, North American English is more homogeneous, and any North American accent that exhibits a majority of the most common phonological features is known as "General American Accent" , which is spoken by most announcers and broadcasters. It is easily comprehended by all Americans. " General American Accent "
There are certain phonological phenomena typical of American English, which makes it unique and different: merging of some vowels, palatalization , non- rhotic and rhotic peculiarities. You can see some examples in the chart. Word RP А.Е. Examples KIT ɪ ɪ ship, rip, dim, spirit DRESS e ɛ step, ebb, hem, terror BATH ɑː æ staff, clasp, dance SQUARE ɛə ɛr care, air, wear, Mary START ɑː ɑr far, sharp, farm, safari FORCE ɔː or floor, coarse, ore, oral FLEECE i ː i seed, key, seize
Spelling divergence dates back to Noah Webster’s reforms in 1828. The same year was the time when his dictionary came out.
As far as the vocabulary is concerned, three types of words can be singled out: the bulk of the vocabulary (coincides with British English) basic notions expressed by different lexical units words to denote things which have no equivalents in another variety of the language Together with pure Americanisms- fall ("autumn"), faucet ("tap"), diaper ("nappy"), candy ("sweets") and many others- a lot of words which American English has adopted from many colonizing nations function side by side.
Differences in grammar mostly concern verbs and tenses. Differences in grammar are relatively minor, and do not normally affect mutual intelligibility; these include: different use of some auxiliary verbs; formal agreement with collective nouns; different preferences for the past forms of a few verbs: «I’ve just arrived home.» / «I just arrived home.» «I’ve already eaten.» / «I already ate.» get — gotten, sneak — snuck, dive — dove
The conclusion Drawing the conclusion, I must admit that having done the research into the origin, peculiarities and functioning of American English we’ve come to the conclusion that American English is one of the national varieties of the English language. It is vivid and it continues to evolve, with some local accents disappearing, but several larger regional accents emerging. A language is the mirror of the culture. American English has its own special peculiarities, which distinguish It from other variants of the English language. It has its own historical and cultural background which is of certain interest for linguists and speakers of English in the whole world.
Here is the quotation of H enry Mencken, an A merican journalist, cultural critic and scholar of American English who wrote in his well-known book “The American Language”: “But The American Language has developed in a way that isn’t always dainty. It has a vigor and color of its own, and a rich vocabulary which has combined with the central advantages English already possessed. Apart from its flexible syntax and rudimentary grammar, it has long had, to a degree quite unmatched by other European languages, two vocabularies — formal and vernacular — which make it ideally suited to be the global lingua franca .”
Список литературы: Томахин Г . Д . Dictionary of USA. Русский язык . М, 1999 Crystal D. English as a Global Language. Camb . Univ. Press, 2000 – 150 c . Швейцер А.Д. Очерк современного английского языка в США. М., 1963 - 215 с.
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