Continents and countries
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)
Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Страны и континенты" для 5 класса. Обобщение и систематизация лексико-грамматического материала и развитие навыков монологической речи.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
sea _____________________________________ ocean_____________________________________ earth_____________________________________ leaf_____________________________________ beauty____________________________________ area_____________________________________
lake, star, tree, planet, field, land, garden, space, plant, thank, sea, grass, leaf, rain.
Form the nouns from these adjectives deep - _________________________________ dead - __________________________________ warm - _________________________________ long - __________________________________ wide - __________________________________ strong - ________________________________
Choose the right variant 1. Mike is very strong/strength. 2. What is the long/length of this room? 3. This table is too wide/width for this room. 4. I like warm/warmth of the Sun. 5. How l ong/length is your new dress? 6. Tanya is from Russia/Russian 7. Michel is France/French. 8. We learn German/Germany language.
Make nouns from these verbs and translate them into Russian: explore- work- speak- run- use- sing- lose- swim- win- write-
Make the sentences complete This boy is very ….., he always asks a lot of questions. What’s his …..? He is Russian The river ….. the two parts of the city. Yuri Gagarin was the first to … space. The sun … earlier in winter than in summer. I’m … to know what happened to her. Why did the wind suddenly …? The rainfall …. for two weeks.
Fill in the gaps using the new words from unit 6: 1 . If you talk so much and ask so many questions I will think that you are too ________________ about this matter. 2. The expedition traveled to the far country and tried to _______________ every corner of it. 3. I always mix where the sun _____________ and where it ______________. 4. This high mountain has always _________________ the two villages so people have to travel to see each other.
5. The _________________ flag of Russia has three colours : red, white and blue. 6. – What is your ________________? – I am Japanese. 7. Now we can have a short break and then we will _______________ our studies. 8. They say that the British are a sea-loving _________________.
Fill in the preposition where necessary. Check yourself using the text “OLD LADIES TALKING” from unit 6: 1. Nice to meet … you, Kate. 2. Will you wait … me, please. I need to buy … bread. 3. I have explored … the book, I find it interesting. 4. All my friends are interested … history. We read a lot … books … different countries. 5. What is the length … this river? 6. What separates these two continents … each other? 7. My granny gets … early … the morning. 8. He didn’t go … bed … late … night that day.
Fill in the preposition where necessary . 1. We live … the planet Earth. If you look … it … space you will see its beauty. 2. America is a continent which consists … North America and South America. 3. Oceans wash … the continents and separate them … each other. 4. There are several countries … each continent. … example, there are about forty countries … Africa. 5. The largest country … the world is Russia. It is situated … Europe. 6. There are a lot …countries … Africa. People … different nationalities live there. They speak … different languages.
1. The planet we live on is _______________. It is _________________. 2. If one looks at the Earth from _______________ he will see blue seas and _______________, dark land and white ______________. 3. There are four _______________ and six ____________________ on the Earth. _______________ and seas wash ______________ and separate them from each other. 4. The continent of _________________ has only one large country in it. It has almost the same ______________ as the continent. 5. To the north of Europe there is a rather small country that is _______________. 6. Each country has its own national ________________, _____________ and traditions. 7. People of different _______________ speak different _______________. 8. The largest country in the world is ______________. The smallest country is __________________.
Preparation for exam Planet from the space Continents Countries Nationalities/languages/traditions/customs
Planet from the space Continents Countries Nationalities/languages/traditions/customs
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме “Countries and Continents” («Страны и Континенты»)
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