презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Презентация разделена на несколько раундов-в первом ребята отгадывают континенты по фотографиям, второй посвящен собственно англоязычным странам, третий- конкурс капитанов, четвертый - для болельщиков,завершают викторину этап рефлексии и песня "What a wonderful world"
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Подписи к слайдам:
What continent is it?
What continent is it?
What continent is it?
What continent is it?
What continent is it?
Countries and capitals
The UK Washington The USA Wellington Australia London New Zealand Canberra Scotland Belfast Wales Edinburgh Ireland Dublin Northern Ireland Cardiff
The Quiz
What is the national flower of England? RoseWho is the current monarch?Queen Elizabeth IIHow many countries are there in the UK?4The British flag is called…..Union Jack
The Quiz
Mount Cook is situated in….New ZealandHow many states are there in Australia?6Who discovered Australia?Captain James CookWhat is the capital of Australia?Canberra
The Cannel Tunnel, linking the UK to the rest of Europe, runs between England and which country?FranceWhere is in London is Poet’s Corner?Westminster AbbeyWhen do children go “trick or treating”?Halloween
The Quiz
How many stars are there on the American flag? 50 Who gave the statue of Liberty as a present to the USA? People of France When was Washington chosen as a capital of the USA? In 1791
Who was the first to live in Canada? The Indians and the Eskimos What is the national symbol of New Zealand people? The bird Kiwi What is the national emblem of Canada? The maple leaf
The Quiz
What is the capital of New Zealand? Cardiff Wellington Auckland
Who is Australia’s head of state? the Queen of England Prime Minister Governor General
The Quiz
Which English-speaking country has never had an official national language ? New Zealand Canada the USA
The Quiz
Which English-speaking country doesn’t celebrate one particular national holiday? Australia Canada the UK
The Quiz
How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of? five four three
The Quiz
Which of these countries is a federal republic? the USA Canada New Zealand
The Quiz
Where is New South Wales located? in the UK in Canada in Australia
The Quiz
Which two countries celebrate ANZAC Day? Australia and New Zealand Canada and the USA the UK and the USA
The Quiz
Which country’s flag is this? New Zealand Canada Australia
The Quiz
Which country’s Coat of Arms is this? Canada the United Kingdom New Zealand
The Quiz
Choose the right variant 1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located on a)The Bahamas b) the British Isles c) the Hawaiian islands2 .The capital of Great Britain isa) New York b) Wellington c) London3. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of a) Sydney b) Northern Ireland c) Tasmania d) Wales e) Scotland f) Melbourne g) England England the shamrock4. The symbol of Scotland is the red rose Wales the thistle Northern Ireland the daffodil5.The country ‘s currency is а)dollar b)pound 6. The motto of the country is a) «In God We Trust» b) «God and My Right» c) «From Sea to Sea»
the British Isles.
Northern Ireland
«God and My Right»
Decide if the sentences are true or false1. The USA is one of the powerful and advanced countries in the world.2. The capital of the USA is New York.3. Uncle Sam is one of the symbols of America.4. The flag has 15 stripes and 51 stars.5. American people speak the same English as people in Britain do.6. The USA’s neighbour is Australia. 7. People of many nationalities live in the USA.8. The motto of the USA is “In God We Trust”.
Match the parts of the sentences.1. Australia is a) English.2. The capital of Australia is b)Australian dollar.3. Australia has c) located between the Indian and the Pacific Oceans.4. The seasons in the country are d) Canberra.5. The country’s currency is e) a unique wildlife.6. The official language of Australia is f) the other way round
NOW WE KNOW What new facts have we learned today?
Poet’s Corner in London is in ________________Westminster abbeyThere are states in Australia 6Captain James Cook discovered Australiathe first to live in Canada were the Indians and the EskimosWashington became the capital of the USA in 1791The USA has never had an official national language
Australia doesn’t celebrate one particular national holidayNew South Wales is located in AustraliaAustralia and New Zealand celebrate ANZAC DayThe symbol of Scotland is the thistle чертополохThe symbol of Wales is the daffodil нарциссThe symbol of Northern Ireland is the shamrock клеверThe symbol of England is the red rose The flag of the USA has____ stripes and_____ stars 15 50
LET’S SING TOGETHER What a wonderful world I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself What a wonderful world. I see skies of blue and clouds of white The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night And I think to myself What a wonderful world. The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky Are also on the faces of people going by I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do They're really saying I love you. I hear babies cry, I watch them grow They'll learn much more than I'll never know And I think to myself what a wonderful world Yes I think to myself What a wonderful world. Источники
http://english-study-cafe.ru/index.php/students/englishspeakingworld/118-anglogovoryashchij-mir-uchashchimsya-kratko-o/694 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddLd0QRf7Vg
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